Jesus…they’ve tossed all appearances of credibility and impartiality aside

 The Media (NBC, ABC, and CBS) have spent the last 15 minutes telling me that Trump is wrong about all of his claims, that the ballots take time to count, that the “Found” ballots in PA and AZ and NC are all valid (Because REASONS) and that the fact that some were delivered without postmarks was just a mistake on the part of the USPS but they still need to be counted….Plus the unverified “Provisional” ballots that are counting an improbably high percentage for Slow Joe…And it is taking so long because there are lots of votes……Despite the fact that in Red areas, ALL the votes have been counted long ago. 

And the message that “We need to all just accept the results without issues”….and that the President has “Falsely Claimed” that he won…and “Incorrectly” claimed FRAUD. 

They are blatantly in the Tank for Biden, and are trying to convince the rest of us…and their delivery shows that even they don’t believe it.

It’s like watching “Bagdad Bob” tell us how the “Shock and Awe” and the invasion was going badly for the US and allies even as American tanks appeared behind him in his broadcasts. 

I think they are preparing the battlefield so there will be doubt when they announce that Biden has won…..hook or crook. I would expect that they will make their announcements on a Sunday afternoon….

I think they are counting on election news exhaustion to keep people’s reaction down. 

I know there has been no malfeasance because the Media has told me so. 

Democracy will die this week because we allow it. 

We are out of Boxes (I can’t agree with his verbage, but I can agree with his conclusion)

I’m hating the thought that the above article brings….but I don’t see what else we have. 

I gotta say I am unsure what to think or do here. If we do nothing, we fail not only our fellow citizens, but the folks who created this country and gave us what we have (or had until last Tuesday). If we do Do Something, then we destroy our country. I never thought I would even have to consider what I am now thinking. I always thought the enemies would be “foreign”, not domestic. 

No good options here. 

I thought he was joking

 But he wasn’t.

So there I am at the hotel where I was staying, having gotten dressed and imbibing a cup of generic hotel coffee and standing outside having the first smoke of the day.

(I was in because I had to advise an attorney on a deposition in a lawsuit, and the deposition was like 2.5 hours from home, and I didn’t wanna leave home at 5 AM… to be ready at 8 AM)

Anyway, some other dude wanders up and I say “Good morning”

He looks me straight in the eye and says “you need to calm the fuck down there, partner“. He was serious, I think. 

I just shut up. Didn’t wanna start the day with an issue. I had too much on my plate. 

I mean, I’m not generally a morning person, but damn. 


 One could not find a novel or other fictional story wherein the author could sell the idea that the populace (or half of it, anyway) would accept an election such as we have seen in the last few days.

Not in the United States, anyway.

This is something one would expect of a Banana Republic, where General Odious gets 99.47% of the vote to be reelected as Premier…and the population has no choice to accept it. 

One wonders

 If the delay in counting votes (and the subsequent delay in calling a state (or the election) for Biden) is just to give folks like me time to cool off and relax enough that we won’t revolt when the election is called. 

Isn’t it ODD?

 The only states where (significant numbers of) Absentee/Early votes are being “found” are those where the race hangs in the balance




and AZ.

(There are rumors of GA, but nothing substantiated…yet)

Funny how that works, innit?

I am not wanting a revolution-like war….people DIE in a war….but this is looking more and more like a reason to have one. 

I’m not so sure I can stand by this time.


The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything

Joseph Stalin

Watch the Stock Markets

 If they go up then they expect the Presidential race to go to Trump.

If they go DOWN, then they expect the race to go to Biden.

And there is a LOT of money being spent to predict this outcome, as there is a LOT of wampum to be found in profit or losses. 

“The Counts Continue to Change

 As Absentee ballots and late arriving Mail In Ballots are counted”.

I wonder how many additional votes will be “found” or “Arrive Late” as the counts show one side or the other is winning? 

Not even pretending

 To be unbiased nor impartial.

I’m watching CBS for election coverage (Not that there is much else on anyway).

Norah Odonnel and Gail King are the anchors…and they and their other commentators are unabashedly Pro-Biden….It’s almost like they are electioneering  for the DNC types…

ETA: They keep bringing up the “Power of Women” and especially “College educated Women” and “White Women” and how they influence the vote….(and they claim that these women even influence the  vote of their men) and how they have changed the election….I dunno.

ETA II: Jesus Christ…Valerie Jarett is a hag. One might think that she would have tried to look better. She looks like a SNL caricature.

Seen on a car bumper in the Precinct parking lot:

 “Vote Blue/No matter who“.

(She drove out before I could get a photo with my phone)

And that, folks, is why we have people vote for folks like Biden.

I remember a woman who worked for me, may years ago. A lady who had lived and grown up in the South Side of Chicago…where nearly everyone votes Democrat.

She was a product of her generation…..and when the DNC pushed this young black man as their candidate, she hesitated….and her upbringing and life experiences had made her ….untrustful…of black people.

Yet her she was, presented with a BLUE candidate….for President…..who was black….but he had a “D” after his name….She was conflicted. 

I explained to her that I felt that there were many reasons not to vote for Barry Obama…..but the color of his skin didn’t even enter the equations….and it shouldn’t be a part of her decisionmaking process. 

I think she ended up voting for him, not because she believed in his message, but because he was a “Blue” candidate. 

Likewise if you voted for Donald Trump just because he had an R after his name…

A large turnout so far:

 So I can see the entrance to the polling place from my home, if I use a decent telescope.

There was a line out the door at 6 AM when the polls opened.

There was still a line at 7 AM.

The line wasn’t out the door at 8 AM, so I went down to do my Civic Duty and exercise my Right to Vote.

The line to vote INSIDE the building was over 75 people. The line did move fairly quickly, and there were adequate voting stations set up….the system was well organized and the flow was steady.

I entered the door at 8:12 and exited, having voted, at 8:31. 

The election workers said that this was the busiest that they had seen, surpassing the turnout 4 years ago. It remains to be seen as to whether the rest of the day looks the same.

(I may have been wrong about the turnout for early voting)

If you haven’t voted, PLEASE, go vote. (even if you vote for the “wrong” folks. Just vote. Help decide the fate of, and the direction of, our country for the next 4 years. I would ask that you choose wisely, and with forethought….But vote. It does make a difference.