Independence Day

The date on the “Declaration of Independence” is today. The day that a group of people declared themselves separate and no longer subservient to a King. In some respects, the day that a Nation was conceived.

One wonders what those men, some who truly gave up their “Lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” would think of the current events that are happening in our country today.

Personally, I think they’d weep at the crap that the Media is pushing and that the governments and corporations are kowtowing to.

Having said that, until the liberals and Free Shit Army totally fucks us all, this is still the best place in the world to live. A little less the best nearly every day, for sure every time another standard is worn away or a rule of society is discarded, but the US stood so far above every other country on this earth that despite 40+ years of ever increasing erosion of our society it is still better than anywhere else.

If it weren’t for the prosperity our Constitution allows even the “poor” and the productivity of most of our citizens, the ability to protest, to have the TIME to protest, the energy to protest would not exist for these childish people that want to change the society that gives them their luxury to protest without fear of death or incarceration. They would be working and struggling so hard simply to survive that they would have neither the time nor the energy to protest.

Our forefathers would have dealt with them in a harsher manner.

Happy Independence Day, everyone. Please remember why it is a holiday. Thank all those men who made the declaration of Independence go from a simple piece of paper to reality.
But above all, thank those men who had the courage to put their name to that document and defy the King of England.

No go and stay home under government orders to celebrate you independence from tyranny.

So cases are climbing

Coronavirus cases, I mean.

So then, what exactly did the last three months do to help the “Pandemic”? Was the plan all along for us to fort up and never come out? To stay home and give up on our way of life until sometime next year (maybe) when a vaccine is (possibly) developed? To destroy our economy?

Remember, the original plan to “flatten the curve” was for just two weeks. Just to “Flatten the Curve”. That was what? 3 months ago? Did those three months really gain us anything? Doesn’t appear so.

The way I figure it, the Coronavirus episode will be over 12 hours after November 3, 2020….one way or another. 

Odd that:

So it seems that in the CHOP/CHAZ? whatever the current name is for the (now disbanded) “autonomous zone” the first two deaths of “residents” were two young black men.

Odd, isn’t it,  that in a no-police/no regular government zone organized  because “Black Lives Matter” that two young black men (children, really, but nonetheless) are the first two killed.

And it ain’t the police that did it.


Just to get this out front:

Ghislaine Maxwell didn’t kill herself.

Seems that she is in the custody of the FBI and is being questioned.

I fully expect a 737 MAX to “accidentally” fall out of the sky and strike directly where she ins currently incarcerated….Or some other, equally unlikely form of Arkancide Maybe a falling iciccle or something.
We should start a pool. Date (maybe week?) and method of “accidental suicide”….
$50 a square and all the other rules would apply.

As an aside:
I have a question…where were the parents of these young girls who were supposedly taken to the island and plied for their sexual favors? What parent in their right mind allows their 16 year old(ish) daughter to go off on an hours long flight for a long weekend party on a private island with an older man? 

And if this was so traumatic for these girls, why did so many of them go again and again? 

Wouldn’t the parents also be responsible criminally for allowing their daughter to travel to the “Island” with a man as old as Epstein? Surely they didn’t think their nubile young daughters were going just to play board games…..

Enquiring minds want to know, and all that.

Interesting Coronavirus data

Was talking with a person with a great deal of knowledge of health statistics yesterday. Interesting information from this person: (note: I haven’t verified all the statements here, but they ring true)

The renewed “outbreaks” are nearly all happening in cities that allowed the riots protests following the media hype of the George Floyd death while resisting arrest. Most other areas (especially rural) are not experiencing the “upsurge”.

The media is telling us that the hospitals in those cities Intensive Care units are “at 90% capacity”…thing is, on a NORMAL day, those same hospitals are generally at over 85% capacity level, as this is where the hospital is profitable. If they are at 50%, the facility is losing money. There isn’t a lot of spare capacity just waiting around for someone.

She pointed out that the “Upsurge” in cases oddly didn’t happen (or at least wasn’t REPORTED by the media) until shortly after the stock market began a record level of increase, moving quickly back towards economic recovery, with the market moving rapidly (V-Shaped Recovery?)  Then the Media began telling us about the increase in cases….when the increase had begun a week before. And in most places, the upswing, while worrying, is not anywhere near the infection or hospitalizaton levels of a month or 6 weeks ago.

Finally, Masks: (ETA: It was pointed out to me that the linked article no longer says what it did when I posted this…apparently the videos and the article have been memory-holed)

Cloth masks don’t help the wearer. Even most medical masks don’t really help the wearer that much. Medical masks are designed to prevent the wearer from spreading droplets of spittle that may contain virii or bacteria onto a compromised patient.
Studies show that a bandanna or a two-layer cloth mask pretty much does nothing to stop the aerosolized droplets from a human mouth or nose carried in their breath….in other words, they are useless. It takes more than 4 layers to do much good. Also the same simulation shows that an unprotected sneeze or cough can let the droplets travel as far as 12 feet, making the current spacing..IE “Social Distancing” of 6 feet….pretty much bullshit. And in air that is moving, say in an air-conditioned building, it may travel 17-20 feet or more.
So in other words, unless we are all wearing cone style medical or industrial masks or 4 or more layers of cloth, the current masks and distancing are simply a waste of time. Most cloth masks are only slightly more useful than nothing at all.
Which is why the medical folks (and Dr (clueless) Fauci) originally stated that “Masks are useless”.

So why should We listen to him?

I’m talking about Dr Anthony Fauci.

He’s now claiming that there is a “Possibility of 100,000 new cases a day” (of coronavirus).

Thing is, he’s been wrong more than he’s been right about this whole health crisis.

His advice on chinese travel? Wrong.
His advice on screening travelers? Wrong
His advice on masks? Yeah, it’s hard to tell if it was wrong because he changed it so many times. Masks-Yes…No….sometimes….They help…they don’t…they help spread, but they don’t.

We were gonna shut down for 2 weeks to “flatten the curve” so our hospitals would not be overwhelmed. 2 Weeks…. extended to 3 months. By now the curve should be as flat as Kansas.
All the lockdown did was damage our economy…we are no better off now, covid-wise, than we were in March.

I am beginning to think the good Doctor doesn’t really know much more than I do.