SO the Pensacola shooter did legally obtain his firearm

Seems he got hisself a Hunting License and was, therefore, legally able to purchase a pistol, even though he was not a US citizen….

See, this is the two edged sword of regulation.
A loophole that allows foreign nationals to purchase a firearm, Ostensibly for “hunting”….
Why even have any regulations at all?

Of course, one could restrict such rules to long arms, but in the end, it really doesn’t matter.
He did indeed go “hunting”. With a Glock 9mm pistol. Because he had a Hunting License. Also because he was a “Representative of a Foreign Government”.

And the FBI was concerned about this “Loophole” …a real one, not a made up loophole like the “Gun Show Loophole”.
A question though: If the FBI was concerned that some foreign nationals were enough of a threat to warrant a memo, why were these folks here in the US at all?

And, of course, the real question: Since he was a representative of the Saudi Air Force, will they (the Saudis) pay for the care of the wounded and for the support of the families of the deceased?

Home automation

I hangar my plane in an unheated hangar. Since it is now winter in NW Indiana, that means the plane is cold when I go to use it.

So, on the advice of my airplane mechanic, I installed an oil pan heater. That way the engine is somewhat warm at the time I go to start it.
Except he advised me not to leave it plugged in 24/7, but only for a few hours before starting.

Dilemma: I live 20 minutes or more away from the hangar. It takes a MINIMUM of one hour for the heater to work it’s magic.

Solution: Since there is WI-FI available in the hangar (or at least nearby) I use a Smart Plug, a wi-fi enabled plug to switch on the Smart Plug in the morning an hour or two before I plan to use the plane….

This is kinda handy, actually. So handy that I also have a (single) smart plug in my home to turn on a light when I am gonna be returning at nigh, obviating the need to keep a light on so I can see when I enter after dark.

I use an app for my Iphone to turn these two devices on and off.

I’d LOVE to use one of the Home Assistant devices (like Alexa) to do this, or even use Siri (which I have (hopefully) disabled) as this would be very handy….In fact, if i COULD use them, my home would likely be even more heavily automated. (“Siri: Warm up the plane”)…

But I cannot trust any of the vendors of voice activated Home Assistant devices to ensure my privacy…..Not from the companies themselves, nor from them giving that data to a government nor even a third party. I can’t even trust them not to record the sounds in my home (or picked up by my smart phone, for that matter)…

I simply don’t trust them to keep my privacy. Not one bit. Not from their own “analysts”, nor to keep my voice or other sounds in my home from being sent to (sold) to third party vendors without my knowledge, much less my government (who I definitely DO Not Trust).

For the same reason, I don’t have any “internet of things” devices. no Ring doorbell, no Nest Thermostat, no connected TV. I simply don’t want to have my privacy invaded. It’s not like I have anything to hide, I’m not doing anything illegal or immoral, or anything that could get me into trouble….I simply like my privacy. And since the vendors of these devices can choose to do whatever they wish with the data these devices collect WITHOUT MY CONSENT, I simply don’t own any. Don’t purchase any, and won’t own any.

Hell, I am not even sure my conversations in the vicinity of my cell phone or my cars are private anymore (but I have carefully labeled the correct fuses for the data collection devices in my vehicles in order that, should I choose to, I can easily disable them)…I can choose to leave my phone at home.

But if I put a listening device in my home, one where I have no control over the usage or monitoring of, then how can I expect to have any privacy? 


Yeah, it’s becoming the new code word for “Inner City Yoots”.

Another word: “Kids”.

Zoolights Chaos: Video shows kids mob store near National Zoo, attack employees

Mobs of “Kids” are trouble, every time.

My Grandfather always told me that if the crowd becomes more than 50% “Yoots” 
“Juveniles” then one should leave the area ’cause there was gonna be trouble….So far, I have found him to be correct every time.

Odd that this doesn’t happen in Amish neighborhoods,

Amazing: Our Government actually CAN govern

Despite the acrimony and the just plain childish behavior on both sides, our government has actually done a replacement for NAFTA:

The USMCA agreement addresses (some of) the issues with NAFTA, and provides for a much better balance of trade between Mexico, Canada, and the US.

Is it perfect? No. But compared to NAFTA it is a great deal. And the House actually dealt with the President fairly enough for this deal to be agreed upon.
And, oddly enough, it appears that our Government, both the Congress and the House, as well as the White House, are willing to put the Country first, at least long enough to make this happen.

Frankly, I am shocked.
Happy, but surprised.  

Well, at least they have finally done it

Now, perhaps we can move forward to end this farce.

I mean, all these months of Political Theater can begin to move towards an ending.

Sadly, I don’t think the Dems realize how farcial this whole debacle appears to most of us.

At least it is now coming to a head.

What a biased, self serving, innuendo filled (yet wrapped in the mantle of the Constitution!!) set of statements the announcement was. 

Other people’s money

“Education is a human right”

“Of course, we should give illegal immigrants free tuition”

“No, I’m not willing to donate any money to that cause”

That is pretty much every Democrat’s socialist’s attitude towards the causes that they think someone else should fund.

All those folks who think we should allow “undocumented immigrants” into our country are, of course, not willing to fund, nor house at their own expense, or in their own home, any of those undocumented immigrants.

Nor are they willing to fund someone else’s Health Care.
Nor share their home with someone less fortunate than they are.

Never yet seen a Democrat who was willing to use their personal fortune to do any “Good Works” that they agitate for or “Support”.

Instead, they want Someone Else to pay for it. They don’t mind using someone else’s money.

I am reminded of a young woman who worked for me when I ran a motel. She wanted me to give unused/unsold rooms to the homeless. A noble goal. (of course, these folks had been working the system of government assistance and church donations for several months already, but she didn’t know that..she simply saw them as needy and felt that I should help them….

“Tell you what, Jen…..Instead of one room for one night, how about you split the cost with me….I’ll donate half the cost of the room as long as YOU pay the other half…..that way they can stay for a few days or a week…..”

She, of course, demurred and the “homeless” family moved on and did not stay at the hotel. In fact, since they had used up all the goodwill in the area they moved on to other areas where they could find other compassionate folks.

Odd, that. 

Pearl Harbor Day

“Infamy”, and all that. (if it was “Infamy), may have been simply bureaucratic incompetence in that the Japanese may well have delivered a Declaration of War prior to the attack)

Also incompetence of the Navy leadership (but that is easily seen from the rearview mirror),,,,

Lots of Heroes that day. Many unrecognized.

And a turning point for the Navy, as the Battleships were destroyed or damaged, and the newfangled Carriers (which were not in harbor and therefore not sitting ducks) were undamaged.

But remember those who Served that day as well. They did their job, thinking it was peacetime, even if they were unaware that they were about to go to War.

I am amazed

That the Media is admitting that the Pensacola shooter was a Saudi citizen.
(and that he was aided and abetted by other saudis)

I expected silence as to the identities and origins of the shooter and a statement that it is “Not Terrorism Related”. …In other words, SOP.

And, apparently, there were two heroes, men who charged, literally, into the gun. Ryan Blackwell and Charles Hogue.

Question that the Media isn’t asking: Where (and how) did a Saudi citizen, a guest in this country, get a pistol?