Come, come to the Dark Side!

So my brother, who if not a liberal, does hang with that type of crowd, and repeats their mantra of the day…..which is often anti gun. It isn’t unusual to hear the words “Gun Nut” in conversation at their house….

Now, last summer, his son, (my nephew, for those that are slow) who is a Boy Scout, wanted to get his Rifle Marksmanship Merit badge… they live in the People’s Republic of Illinois, they found this difficult.  Remembering that his uncle was an NRA instructor, they called and asked if I could find the time to teach…..(duh! Of course).

So we spent an ENTIRE Saturday at the range. Nephew, Dad and Uncle B.  We did the entire NRA first steps Rifle course (and the Pistol course just for fun).

My brother and Nephew spend 4 hours on the range killing assorted paper targets at ranges from 7 yards to 50 yards. After we got basic marksmanship down, then we spent some time killing clay pigeons and bowling pins at 50 yards, and killing assorted silhouettes at 50 yards.

They each fired, through various and sundry rifles and pistols, in excess of 1000 rounds, mostly .22LR. They had if you’ll pardon the pun, a blast.

SO My brother asks if we can do a range trip again. Of course, I reply. He asks what kind of .22 to buy…..”any you can find” I suggest.

He can’t find any in any sort of bulk ammo locally (He does, finally, have his FOID card, so calls and says that we will have to postpone the range day…..

“Not an issue, little bro….I got plenty!”

“Really?” he says

“Yep, I got in excess of 5000 rounds on the shelf. More in storage.  No big deal”

“cool!” he says.

“Remember, I have been a “gun nut” for a long time….this isn’t my first Rodeo when it comes to ammo. I “Buy it cheap and stack it deep” so that when I want some, it is there.” You mentioned a year or so ago about the guy in your subdivision that made the papers when the cops searched his house and he had several thousand rounds of ammo? Made the local paper and all that “


“He’s a piker……Your local cops would SHIT A BRICK if they came to my house….” (and I feel that I am understocked, but am willing to part with ammo for a good cause)

“Remember, you two shot nearly 2K rounds last year….I shoot, so I stock accordingly….like most “Gun Nuts”.

So yeah, I have enough ammo for them to come next weekend.  He and Nephew are happy…..and he’s slowly coming to the good side…. And finding that all that his friends tell him isn’t always true….

Should be on every ballot

“None of the above” wins inNevada Democratic primary. 

Now, this was a primary where the chances of the winner actually winning the election for governor were, at best, slim. I got that. The candidates weren’t the cream of the crop…I get that too.

But still. What a slap in the face when you lose to “none of the above”.

I do think that the choice should be in every contest, from president to dogcatcher and everything in between. And if “none of the above” wins, then the candidates on that ballot should be ineligible until the next election cycle and there should be a special election to fill the slot.

It’d make for a better class of lowlife politicians.

SO just FYI

Friday is a full moon.


Friday is also the 13th .

Now, make of it what you will.

There are those who say that the full moon makes no difference in how people behave.

And you might believe that, unless you are a cop, an ambulance driver, a bartender, or work in an emergency room. Then you know that is bullshit.

People get WEIRD in the light of the full moon, at least a subset of them, anyway…A full moon Friday night (or Saturday) makes things fun for the above folks.

Add in a Friday 13th…..

Won’t happen again ’til 2049, I am told. 

You probably heard

That the FDA was gonna ban the aging of cheese on wooden boards (which help with the flavor of the cheese, unlike plastic) despite the fact that cheese has been aged using this method for hundreds of years (the method, not the cheese). After a great deal of crying, likely from influential people who buy and consume artinsanal cheeses, they have backed down...for now

Thing is, aged cheese is not something that makes the FDA happy. Like raw milk, they can see many ways that this could possibly, under JUST the right conditions cause you some small bit of harm….maybe.

Is it really their mandate to make all food perfectly healthy for you to eat all of the time…..and are they really just trying to make all our food bland and tasteless?

Cheese contains a fair amount of bacteria, if it is made and aged the “old world” way. Much like southeren Barbecue, if you are doing it right, you are probably violating some health law. THat doesn’t make it dangerous.

But how many people die(d) from eating cheese that was aged on a wooden shelf? Seriously.

Feel safe flying?

I am sure that you believe that the person controlling your plane’s path, making sure you don’t fly into other airplanes or rock filled clouds is the best person we can hire for the job….Right?

How about if you knew that the FAA was giving preferential treatment to minorities and women, even to the exclusion of the most highly qualified candidates in order to meet gender and racial profiles/quotas?

It is true. ..They are, in the interest of Diversity, excluding the most qualified candidates if they are white, and lowering the standards for women, blacks and Hispanics.

One would almost think that the standards were a joke. Seems that having a college degree is a “barrier” to black folks. And to Women. But not to white men. All to promote diversity.

Makes me feel safe to fly…

Diversity. And racism. Blatant racism.


The conditions can’t be too severe nor can they be too hungry….

Seems that they are not enamored of the food being served, so they are throwing most of it in the trash.

Could be that it is because the food meets Michelle Obama’s food guidlines, but it might be because they just aren’t that hungry.

These “Kids” (no one knows how old they actually are, do we? 12? 15? 17? ) know where their parents are,  and could be returned there, but the Obama Administration would rather use them as a demonstration of how we need “Immigration Reform”

I still think Obama is using this in order to break the country via the Cloward-Piven strategy. Overload the government and break it.