You need to decide if you want to be

like these people: Refugees.

“We feel like we are in a concentration camp”

Look: even if you are prepared, you might end up being a refugee….Helpless and at the mercy of people who see you as cattle.


I can guarantee that if you fail to prepare you will be at the mercy of someone (or someones) who will determine where you live, where you sleep, when (or if) you eat, when you shower, and how you spend your days. Someone who may see you (and treat you) as cattle. Someone who may not care about your comfort, your dignity, nor your security. Someone who may choose to set rules that you may not care for. And who may, once you enter their care, choose when (and if) you can leave.

Decide if you will prepare, or if you will willingly place yourself at the mercy of others, under their control.

There are no guarantees, but preparation increases your chances of having choices.

Does anyone else

wonder what is going on in the military??

Seems that the shakeups at the top are many…..

General Ham was relieved of duty:
Rear Admiral Gauette was relieved

Marine General John Allen
General William Ward.

All connected to Benghazi either shortly before or during the 9/11/12 incident. What did they know? What could they tell us if they were allowed to?

And former General and CIA director David Petraeus:

Petraeus failed to fall on his sword over the Benghazi incident. The administration could have simply let him resign, but instead punished him further by publicizing the details of his affair (the Chicago (political) Way is, after all, to screw your opponent into the ground, then shit on him.). And the Mainstream Media is helping by publicizing the issue..

I find the possible connections disturbing. I just don’t know what to do about it. Perhaps this needs Congressional investigation (if they’d actually do it).

So will Holder investigate?

I don’t doubt that Obama won the Presidential election. He won even over the “Margin of Frud” (didn’t he???) that we all expected. The sad part is that we even use the term “Margin of Fraud”.

But the sad part is that we expected it. The sad part is that we all, every citizen of this country, KNEW that voter fraud was going to happen, and that 99% of it would be done by Democrats.

KNEW it. Knew that it would happen. Knew that it would occur (mostly) in “blue” areas.

Yet we choose to let it slide. We choose to look the other way and accept that this fraud happens. We CHOOSE to allow the courts to stop Voter ID which would prevent the fraud. We do not demand better controls, and we fail to demand prosecution when fraud happens.

We allow things like THIS to happen. And we allow and accept that people like Al Franken will be elected in ways like THIS. Where hundreds of ballots “accidentally” are “found” a day later in an election supervisors car, with a statistically improbable proportion for the DNC candidate (which, incidentally elected Mr Franklin the elected candidate which likely made the majority needed to put Obamacare over the top).

We, the populace, allow this to happen. We, in fact, expect it. But we allow it. We feel that it is OK, and that democratic fraud is a part of the process. We make jokes about Chicago, “where the dead rise and vote” and the statement from Chicago Mayor Richard J Daley about “vote early and often”. We expect that this sort of fraud will happen in DNC strongholds. We ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN. And in doing so, we disenfranchise many voters whose votes are offset by the fraudulent votes.

How do we stop it? I have ideas, but not on a public forum. I’m not advocating (yet) the cartridge box over the ballot box. And I am open to ideas.

But we have to do something. The press is in the pocket of the DNC. The “Fourth Estate”, which has so much power and special Constitutional protection, isn’t doing it’s job. It is not bringing this to light for the citizens to see.It is, in effect, encouraging it by ignoring it.

And so are we. We allow this to happen, and accept it as a part of the process. 108% of the registered voters in one district had their votes count….. 99% of any district voting for one candidate? (where the election inspectors were (mistakenly) illegally removed. It’s not the fraud that bothers me, because I expect it too. It is the blatant disregard for the law and the fact that it is so (smugly) obvious, and yet it happens with the full (smug) knowledge that there will be no repercussions. With the thought that you and I are stupid enough to believe it and that they can get away with such obvious fraud. Get away with it because we will either believe that the results are accurate and true, or because we (you and I and all the rest of the opposition) will be ineffective (or impotent) enough to let them get away with it. And we are.

And we allow it. Over and Over and Over…Election cycle after election cycle.


Info Bleg:

Anyone have any alternatives to Sitemeter? It has been nearly constantly offline for over a week.

Yeah, I know it is a free service and I shouldn’t bitch (at least, I’m not paying for anything). And yes, I am getting exactly the service I am paying for.  But still.

Any suggestions? Any comments on other statistics collectors? Any good or bad comments about any of them?

‘Cause while the service may be free, it lately hasn’t even been worth that.

In which I show that I am a heartless bastard:

Not to make light of the individual tragedies that have happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy….But I’d feel more sorry for these folks if it weren’t for the fact that every few years people in the Midwest have to deal with power outages at least twice this long (in serious winter cold) and it never makes the mainstream news..In fact the media doesn’t care.

Ice storms happen, and the people of the Midwest just prepare for and deal with the aftermath of the outages.They don’t protest nor do they expect the feds to come and fix it. Floods happen, and the Feds don’t care at all.

I am growing tired of the coverage of (and the whining by) the people who were “victimized” by Hurricane Sandy. The folks who seem to feel that the “government” should fix their uninsured homes (or homes that were less than 6 feet above sea level that flooded and aren’t covered because their owners chose not to purchase flood insurance). Folks who seem to have the attitude that “it shouldn’t happen here” because they are the chosen people of New York or something. Folks who made few (if any) preparations for a storm that they KNEW was coming days in advance and would bring HUGE tidal/storm surges, power outages and infrastructure damage. Folks who live on a barrier island where it was inevitable that this sort of storm damage would happen sometime. Yet they are somehow more victims than the rest of the people who have tragedies throughout the country. Folks who made choices and expect someone else to fix the consequences.

We only get coverage of them because they are close to the newsmakers homes. When tragedies like floods happen in Kentucky or Tennessee or Iowa, or ice storms in Oklahoma or Missouri, or wildfires  “somewhere out West” then the media ignores that news ’cause it isn’t close to home, and likely they aren’t even sure where, exactly, those places are.

And had Bush been in office (or, no doubt, any Republican) the cries would be loud and long that he/she wasn’t doing enough to help New Yawk/New Joisey recover.  But the current White House occupant gets a pass to go golfing.

Strange, that. 

Ya know…

If Christmas was on a Sunday, we would’t move it to the next closest Monday.

If the 4th of July fell on a Sunday, we’d not celebrate it on the 5th either.

So WHY IN THE HELL do government offices and Banks move their holiday to the next Monday?

It dilutes what the holiday is for…

I realize that it makes for an extra paid day off for a lot of people, but so what?

It’s not like they are going to bother (or care) to remember WHY they got the damned day off.

ok, rant off