even in Canada, the 2nd is winning

Canada MP s vote to repeal the long gun registry. (like it had been working anyway)….

It isn’t a done deal, but it is a start.

If the semi socialist countries are failing in their control, then why do we have a socialist portion of government that keeps trying to assert even more control? It would seem that “our” supposed “Intellectuals”(spit) can’t even learn from their brethren about what works and what doesn’t.

But they will keep trying, with YOUR money of course. It is the way of the socialist.


Pravda has the right of it. Read this article (it’s long and windy, but indeed, it is correct) about the EU, and the fact that it is moving farther and farther towards the state that was behind the Iron Curtain. It is, of course, Pravda, with all that that implies, but being Pravda does not make the message any less correct…..

Seems that the socialists have won, they just had to wait for the effects to occur. All that posturing, all the military hardware they had in order to bring socialism to the masses of Europe, and yet, the Europeans have gone and brought their own socialism to themselves. Either this is a really, really well crafted long, long, long, range plan coming to fruition, or they were just lucky…

Either way, the socialists seem to have won. And even Pravda notices.

And we, as Americans, have elected a socialist “Great Leader” who wants to emulate the EU in its drive towards a more socialist state.

He is bankrupting the country, socializing our industries, and controlling our banks.

What is next? There is already an attempt at the curtailing of free speech……..

Hey, this Kool-Aid tastes bad!!!!!

Seems that those who jumped on the Obama Bandwagon are unhappy. Not too many people like him nearly as much as they thought they would after they voted for him.

Many of those who drank the Kool Aid seem to have become disenchanted with the flavor of the drink, now that they have had a chance to reflect on the taste for a while……It seems to be leaving a bad taste in even his most ardent supporters mouths.


Did you really think that Mr.Obama, the poster child for DNC Liberalism, was going to be able to make everyone happy at the same time? Srsly folks, who among us really thought that he would? Seems that reality has smacked the nice Obama in the face, and he is realizing that doing the job is harder than campaigning for it….

Seems that they can’t even sell Obama memorabilia in D.C. anymore….

The cracks continue to widen…… This statement is priceless….(HT: the Blogfather)

Things look good for the GOP in 2010 and 2012, if they just get their heads removed from their anal orifice.

What Copenhagen is really all about:

Socialism. Plain and simple. Evening out all of the world’s population in order that there is an even amount of misery. Everyone (except,of course the self appointed ruling class) will share in the lack of things. This is a tax upon the developed countries of the world, for the (supposed) benefit of the less developed countries. (go HERE for more info) THIS IS ABOUT CONTROL.

(It might well be that the Global Conspiracy Theorists have been right all along?) I know that this sounds like I am a crackpot (and maybe I am), but the actual reality is WORSE! Take the time to read the links, then decide…..IF you don’t get angry, then you aren’t paying attention. Read what they admit they want to do.

Let us not forget the fact that the US, much of Europe, and many other countries have both taken (and paid for) and used the resources from those poorer countries that Copenhagen wishes to help by damaging those more successful countries, but that we have spent billions of dollars trying to help those same poor countries elevate their standard of living, to no avail.

Were it not for the World Health Organization, those same poorer countries would have fewer people in them (due to disease) and were it not for the food that was given to those countries by the US and Europe in aid, many of their citizens would have died from starvation. Now we have to tax the “richer” countries in order to make things “fairer”. And much like contributions to the UN, most of the value given to the organizations will be used internally, for the benefit of the organization, and little actually flowing to the intended recipients.

It’s not like they didn’t have the chance to drag themselves out of the mud with all the help that was given….What happened was that the best and the boldest left their third world shitholes for better opportunities and the socialist weenies want to give the rest of them that stayed behind the same benefits without the effort.

Expect to pay big carbon taxes soon so that the poorer countries can reap big rewards for their failure to become something (it probably won’t help, but they will try, and at our expense.)

(Of course, my first thought about shooting anyone (including government officials) who wants to tax this country for it’s success is probably over the top, so we’ll have to come up with a better, more nuanced version idea).

If this treaty is passed, I see big discussion fodder in the next election cycle, and big changes, even bigger that what might occur due to health care. The thought that any official of this government would undermine the sovereignty of this nation is utterly abhorrent to me. The thought that they think that they can get away with is is even more shocking. The thing is, we, the people, by voting such folk into power, HAVE GIVEN THEM THE RIGHT TO TRY!

Me, I am a neanderthal, and would advocate for torches and lampposts and rope and such (some assembly required) for those that would ratify such actions against the interests of the US and it’s citizens.