
It goes something like this:….

There once was a man walking through the woods in the winter.
During his walk, he chanced upon a snake frozen in the snow.

Being a kind soul, he picked up the frozen snake along with the snow and ice that encased it, and carried said snake back to the cabin, where he warmed the snake, freed it from the snow and ice, and held it against his body, sharing warmth with the snake that it might thaw and live again.

After a time, the snake stirred, raised it’s head, and promptly bit the man, injecting venom.

“I am dead!”, cried the man. “You have killed me with your bite!”

“How could you do this? I brought you into my house, warmed you, and nurtured you back to life!”

The snake replied, as the man lay dying….”You knew what I was when you picked me up.”

Compare this to Ft. Hood and other terrorist actions in our country.

Draw your own conclusions.


For all the effort involved in the Kelo decision (for those that don’t know, this was the theft of a private residence using Eminent Domain, but the property ended up in the hands of a corporation), the Pfizer corporation abandoned the plan to build it’s new R&D plant, leaving New London, Conn holding the bag. And after all that the city did for the corporation, in the hope that they would stay and bring new jobs with them.

And, Of course, Susan Kelo is forever without her family’s home.

Yeah, she got paid for it under Eminent Domain, but she lost the house her parents left to her, and the site is now just a field, with all the houses torn down.

For nothing. No new R&D plant, no development. Nothing.


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Og and RobertaX are having a (sorta) discussion (or argument) regarding Islam. Her side starts HERE, his is HERE.

While I enjoy talking with them both, and can see both sides, I must say that Roberta is being soft hearted and PollyannaIsh in her viewpoint.

Og has the right of it. Read back a few of his posts for some history. Same with Roberta….

While there are many nice, decent, law abiding citizens who are of the Muslim faith, the fact remains that the religion does have the Koran as it’s word. These are (supposedly) the words of Muhammad. And they must be followed. Or you aren’t a good Muslim. Period. If you haven’t read the Koran (I have), it is full of hate for infidels, and it’s rules for society make women no better than cattle. My thanks to CAIR for providing me with the book that opened my eyes to Islam. If you haven’t read it, then you should, especially before making such judgements.

Sadly, Islam does not allow it’s followers to pick and choose. It is not an alacarte sort of religion. You cannot be a devout Muslim and be a good citizen of the US. Period. Nor can you be a devout muslim and be a member of the US military. The society mandated by Islam is at odds with the society of the US.

(You cannot be a practicing Catholic and work at an abortion clinic, either, and for the same reasons.)

While not all Muslims are terrorists, the fact remains that most terrorists are Muslims.
And the major Muslim organizations do nothing to purge the radicals from their religion. They are supported by someone…..

Not all spree shooters are Muslims. But not all spree shooters cry “Allah Akbar!” before shooting people. Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc have been murderers in this country. But few others do the deed in the name of their god or their faith. And they are condemned by their church immediately.

Sadly, not so with Islam.

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Interesting read at Ferfal’s blog…..

It could happen here. In fact, as he pints out, it IS happening here.

We elected the politician he talked about (more than one, actually) and his experiences in Argentina demonstrate that the US is following a similar path.

Will we end up in the same place? Who knows? But we are firmly on the same path, and we are now electing the same types of leaders that the Argentines already have.

Some places in large cities in the US already have the conditions of which he speaks.


Why elections matter….

It isn’t always about what judges they will allow a president to appoint…

Here is another reason to get out the vote, and to campaign for the politician you want, (or at least against the one you don’t).

Sometimes it matters more than you realize.

Today is one of those days.

Pelosi should be hung for violating her oath.

Do you ever get

the impression that the news media hopes and prays for tragedies like the FT Hood Massacre just so that they have something to bloviate upon for days and days afterwards?

One wonders.