Big physics experiment anniversary.

78 years ago, the folks working at Los Alamos on the “Manhattan Project” lit the big fuze….

Big bright flash and lots of heat. But they succeeded in making the first Atomic Bomb.

For some real insight into how it happened, read The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes

Of course, this year the Media is making a big deal about it because there is a movie just released , so they gotta gin up interest…..


So it’s a record because the previous record was bogus

Death Valley is hot (Really Hot) in the summer. Strange. Who would have thought?


So today, Friday July 13th 14th the area around Death Valley will likely hit 131 F.

Not a terribly surprising event, really. Hotter than “normal” but not by much.

Of course, it isn’t a real record heat either. The record is 134…back in 1913.

Since the Climate Change/Global Warming folks need to tell us (yet again) how mankind is destroying the planet and we need to stop burning fossil fuels and buy Solar panels and windmills because (reasons) (that, oddly, often enrich those who tell us that), they need to keep the Climate Change catastrophe fears going.

So they tell us that today is gonna be a record at 131F….because the OLD record of 134f from 1913 must be a bogus reading. Because they have said so.

Even if it is off by a degree or two……so what? Death Valley has historically been hot in the summer. 130F is not unprecedented. They call it Death Valley for a reason.

But if we can’t trust the readings from long ago, then is the entire temperature record not suspect? Do we really know if the planet has actually warmed by 1 degree in the past hundred plus years? If we can’t trust historical data (we know we can’t trust the data for the past 40 years because that data has been …manipulated) then what records CAN we use for the determination?


I (yet again) cannot help but think that someone is lying to us.


We have always been at war with EastAsia.


If I paint my face black, , then I will be excoriated in the press as being “racist”. I would never dare to be seen in Blackface for fear of being excoriated by my fellow citizens…


But if I dress up as a woman, wear makeup and a wig, with prosthetic boobs, then I am supposed to be accepted.

Pretending to be black, bad, pretending to be woman, good….

Why the difference?


(BTW, I am white and male)

The Secret Service is either lying or incompetent?

I mean, really….Pick one.

They were somehow unable to get fingerprint data off of the baggie of cocaine found…(well, as to exactly where, that depends on where in the timeline of the story given to us by the White House)…in the Presidential Residence…..

Zero Fingerprints. No partials, nothing. Strange, that. They can usually find a partial that, if not proof, gives them something…

Then the surveillance footage…somehow they can’t use that to even narrow it down as to who used what cubbyhole/locker.

So either their investigators are liars, are completely incompetent, or they are covering for someone….

And now they tell us “Nothing to see here, Move along” (thanks for the link, Aaron)

If only the DOJ would bother to use as much diligence as they did on the folks who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th.….Of course they WANTED to find those people.

I’ll bet $100 bucks that Congress will let them get away with this (ahem) whitewash, too, just like they let the DOJ let Hunter (and Joe) slide on the dealings detailed in the Laptop.

How can we have a decent government when the folks at the top can get away with anything and the DOJ won’t bother?


So I had an appointment to do some twin-engine refresher training Wed. evening.

The weather was crap all day, but at 3 PM it cleared, so we decided to try for the 5 PM scheduled time.

Overcast 11,000 and vis of 7 miles, so doable.

Pulled the plane out, did the preflight, spent about 15 minutes in the cockpit doing some familiarization, going over the emergency procedures, etc.

Started the left engine, all good, started the right engine, all good.

Went to cycle the flaps and had zero hydraulics. As in none. Apparently the engine driven hydraulic system was not working. We were able to move them with the hand pump, but that is a hard failure on the MEL, so we shut it down and rescheduled for Friday. Such is the quality of the rental airplane market in NW Indiana.

That is now 3 times I have not been able to fly in the Apache…first the Canadian wildfire smoke (twice!) then thunderstorms, and now this.

It may be that I do the first flight in the 340 (which should, hopefully, be next week) could happen without any refresher training.

So it’s been a week….

and since they haven’t said yet who put the Cocaine in the White House….


I have to assume that it is either Hunter’s, or one of Joe’s close advisors. Since they haven’t yet blamed anyone else, we must assume that it belonged to someone close to Joe that he and his administration really don’t want us to know.

Either that, or we must assume that the Secret Service is totally incompetent as a reason why they are unable to find partial fingerprints and cannot use surveillance footage to find the culprits…Or that they are deliberately not telling us that they know who it is while the damage control folks brainstorm a way to make it go away. (Or they are hoping that they can just wait it out and people will forget).


If yer surprised, you haven’t been paying attention

Or, you have the cognitive ability of a single carrot. .

Scientists at center of Covid lab leak ‘cover-up’ admit decision to downplay theory was ‘political’ because they feared a ‘s***show from China’

” ‘Although I hate when politics is injected into science –but its impossible not to, especially given the circumstances. We should be sensitive to that.’”

and: (bold mine)

“The notorious proximal origin paper was partly commissioned by Dr Anthony Fauci, who was the then-head of the US’ national research agency that had been funding risky virus research at the lab in Wuhan.”

Trust. The. Science.