Which is it?

You can’t pick and choose here, folks:

Either the Tenth Amendment is valid, or it isn’t.

Pick one or the other.

If y’all get Sanctuary Cities and legal marijuana in your state, in violation of Federal laws, then Alabama gets to ban abortion in their state. Those laws were voted on and passed by the legally elected representatives of the citizens of Alabama.

Since in other states the Tenth is in force, then it is in force with this law too….like it or not. Just because Roe V Wade and abortion is a court ruling that is near and dear to the hearts of Democrats and Liberals doesn’t make it any more special or sacred than any other law.

You can’t Cherry Pick which federal laws are subject to the Tenth and which aren’t. Either the Federal laws trump the States or they don’t.

If Marijuana is legal in Colorado despite Federal Law saying it isn’t….then Roe V Wade can’t be enforced in Alabama either. If Democrat run cities can be Sanctuaries for Illegal Immigrants, then Alabama can ban abortions in that state. 

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

I’m a big Tenth Amendment kid of guy. The Feds have limits on the laws they can have and enforce. While I am not a fan of abortion, I believe that  Roe V Wade should have been passed back to the States and the Supremes should not have ruled upon it or even heard the case.

The Democrats, however, wish to pick and choose where the Tenth is applied. Can’t have that.

Pick one or the other.

Not quite what we have been led to believe….

Seems that there is another viewpoint of the way the NRA operates:

According to Colonel West, the vote for officers didn’t go exactly the way that it was portrayed.

Nor is the Board unanimous in it’s support of Wayne LaPierre.

I, for one, will not give the NRA a dime until he is removed….and further, until there is fiscal (and other) reform within the NRA.

I’ve been unhappy with the NRA for a long time….their performance, their finances, and their failures. They may well be the loudest voice that we, as gun owners have, but the board has hijacked the organization…..and the Board has failed the members.

And I voted, but I wonder if they even count them. This is the second year that I had to call the NRA to get my ballot….it wasn’t in my monthly magazine. That, in itself, was a hassle.

Holds and ILS

Did some holds today. Harder than I thought they’d be. Flying the intersections was easy compared to the last time.  The Hold was somewhat difficult. It’ll be easier next time.

But the ILS approach and the actual landing were fun.

It was kinda neat to take off the Foggles at the Decision Height and be right where I should have been
There was, effectively, no wind to correct for, and so all I had to do was fly my needles and pay attention to airspeed and my landing checklist. Did a nearly perfect touchdown on 27.

But I am tired. Lots of stress today.

1.5 and 2.

Tim Conway:

Has passed.

I think his best ever sketch was the Elephant Story.

It is one of the funniest sketches of all time:

One wonders how they could actually do anything, what with that bunch of excellent comedians….They must have hurt from laughing so hard.

He will be missed. 

Intersections…..and getting lost

So I flew an IFR lesson on Saturday. Flew VOR bearings and then intersections. It was going pretty well….for a while.

Then I made my mistake and tuned the wrong VOR…# 1 instead of #2 nav radio……….followed the bearings on the needles toward the wrong VOR radial and thus an incorrect heading.

Since I was paying attention to the time, I realized (eventually) that I had flown past the point in space and time where I should have found my intersection. 15 miles should have taken 10 minutes at a speed of 90 knots…I had been flying the bearing for 16.

Took a minute to figure out that I was flying the needles towards a bearing that WASN’T my intersection.

My instructor smiled. She knew what I had done, and let me do it so I’d learn.

Then, she told me to figure out where I was using only the two VOR’s.
Which I did right the first time,  only took me about 3 minutes to figure out.
Then I had to figure out how to fly to the original intersection that I should have been going to before my fuckup.

‘Twas an interesting lesson in navigation. And an interesting lesson in what not to do to prevent the very predicament that I was in.

Apparently, it is a mistake everyone makes…at least once.

Hopefully, this is my one time.

1.8 and 2, as Aaron puts it

Was supposed to take my Dad somewhere today, but the ceilings were too low. I decided that since conditions were WAAAY below my personal minimums, he’d have to wait. I didn’t want to disappoint him, but wasn’t gonna fly into rain with a 900 foot ceiling and hope that things improved before I got there.

Another IFR lesson tomorrow so I can be less dependent on clear and sunny skies…..eventually.

My goal is Instrument pilot by August and a twin rating shortly after….maybe then a faster and bigger airplane.

I gotta hit the books a bit more though.

Congratulations Dr. Niece!

There is a Doctor in the family…another one, actually, as this is the second niece that I have that has earned her Doctorate…..

And, again, like the first niece Doctor, not a useless Doctorate in French underwater basketweaving literature history,  but one which will allow her to have a profession, earn a great living (she will start at a salary that, adjusted for inflation, is TWICE what I started at as an engineer many years ago). Little to no debt, and real, in demand, productive job skills.

I am proud of her and her accomplishment. It didn’t come easy, but she succeeded.

This is the American dream.  Both of my Grandfathers were hard working, but not extremely well educated. Working class. Now we have 2 Doctors in the family, and another niece to graduate with a degree in Nursing in a week or so….and another one graduating as a Doctor 3 years out.
Hard work and intelligence, combined with a society that fosters upward mobility for those that are willing to earn it can lead to great things.

I am very proud today. 

Awesome(r) deal:

An entire AR for $260

(I have found that most “blemishes” are hard to notice on PSA items. I can guarantee they will not affect the functionality of the piece)

PSA must really be overstocked.

But hey, a decent AR kit for less than three hunnerd bucks?

Ain’t America Great?