
So I went to a seminar today.

We were gonna fly to the seminar, but the forecast on called for clear skies at our departure time (which they were), but ceilings getting very low, down to 1100 feet at our return time and winds 220 7 gusting 22, with a high probability of showers.

So we drove. Met at the airport and carpooled.

One of the topics was on aviation weather and the much improved forecasting for weather …..increased reliability for said forecasts. Hah.

As we departed our home airport, after getting back to our cars, the ASOS said “skies clear and winds calm”.  Not even close to the forecast.

Sadly,we drove an extra hour each way when the weather was excellent for flying. Pretty much perfect, in fact.

It’s still perfect an hour later. Broken at 6000…170 at 8. No, 3 pilots didn’t misread the forecast. We are getting the weather they promised…..8 hours late.

So much for forecasts.

And we are supposed to believe that these folks can predict the climate 50 and 100 years into the future when they can’t predict weather 8 hours into the future?

38 new hunters

Did a Hunter Ed class today

38 young men and women. Hopefully, some of what we taught them sticks with them, and they will be safe hunters, considerate of their game, considerate of property owners, and help conserve our animals for future harvest.

A pretty nice bunch of youngsters, really. Respectful, but eager to learn.

Some people

Just need to be beaten daily for the rest of their lives for the pain they cause others

it’s not him!

So some cheesball shows up and claims to be a kid from the greater Chicago area who was kidnapped (or who disappeared) 7 years earlier.

Turns out it isn’t him, but some asshole who, for some reason, claimed to be Timothy Pitzen.

Imagine the joy his family must have felt, upon learning that Timothy had surfaced.

Now imagine the pain they must feel, having the old would reopened when they are informed that this asshole isn’t Timothy.

This asshole (I won’t use his name) should be beaten daily for the rest of his life for this. With barbed wire. Dipped in vinegar. And salt.

Well, that was challenging

So yesterday was my first Instrument Flight lesson.

Took off at 15Z runway 18 headed south ish to the “practice” area.

put on the foggles and did a slow climb to 3500ft at a heading of 240. Not a big deal.

2 minute turn at that altitude. Easy Peasy.

Climbed at 500FPM from 3500 to 4000 at a steady 90 knots. Not a an issue.

Turning while climbing at a steady airspeed and a standard rate turn.
Yeah, that’s an issue.

integrating it all was tough. like juggleing cats while standing on a beachball.

2 out of three? Ok, three out of three? Gonna take some practice.

Plus, I never realized how much those small visual cues….the sight of the ground in my peripheral vision…..were a part of my flying.

And we won’t even talk about my scan. It broke down when I had to do turns AND climbs AND at a constant speed. Really easy to fixate.

1.2 hours simulated instrument time.  and it was WORK.

Gonna take some more practice and some more time. Lots more work.

One landing with a nearly perfect 45 crosswind. 12 gusting 22. ‘Twasn’t bad, but could have been better.  Saved the brakes and rolled out to the end.

Put it back in the barn.

Hopefully, more on Friday.

Depends, of course, on your viewpoint:

Was talking with an acquaintance (not a friend) about some stuff, and one of the subjects was the FBI and the fact that they haven’t been trustworthy for MANY years, not just the recent debacle with Trump and the “Collusion” farce.

“Since I graduated High school (likely before, but I wasn’t paying attention before that), The FBI has been a joke as far as the Fidelity and Integrity part of their motto. See also: the debacle with Randy Weaver”

“Weaver was a racist” (nice diversion there)

“No, Weaver was a “Separatist” big difference. Still, the FBI was pretty bad, even back then.”

“He chose to live away from black people. That makes him a racist” (doesn’t wanna talk about the FBI)

“Oh, so YOU are a racist, then, also?”

“How can you say that?”

“You too are a separatist…..You live in a VERY “white” area. What, 3% “African American”? Yet not 15 miles away is an area with much higher black and latino population. Like 25%. Go another 10 miles and you are in an area that is 80+% black. And it is closer to where you work. Cheaper property values there too…. Yet you choose to live in an area that is, essentially, all white , a longer commute and cost more to live…..Why is that?…Don’t wanna live with the crime, the rudeness, or deal with the cultural issues? Or is it some other reason that you don’t live near many black people?…Are YOU racist?”

So the subject was changed…sharply. But made him think.

Odd, innit, how people cry “racist” and such, yet separate themselves if only by the simple method of cost of housing…and then claim they are “holier that thou”.

SJW types really irritate me.