Let that be a lesson:

So Bill Cosby was found guilty today…of sexual assault. 

Now, I don’t know if he did it, or not.

I do know that these allegations all surfaced AFTER he became an outspoken critic of the liberal “Hip-Hop” black lifestyle.

Odd timing that.

Lots of people lined up to get him for daring to speak out in criticism. The liberals (and especially BLACK liberals), sharpened their knives.

And when the State couldn’t prove their case the first trial, they tried him again until they could find a jury that WOULD find him guilty……especially after they prevented his defense from presenting evidence. Even liberal attorneys seem to think that his case will be reversed on appeal.

One might think that the liberal establishment was simply out to get him for his comments….and if they can’t get him into jail, they were happy to trash the reputation of an elderly man and cost him large money in his trial. 

The beast that is Socialism:

See Charlie Gard for one example.

See Alfie Evans for another.

Are these children not deserving of any attempt to save their life?

If they were animals, then we’d put them down out of humaneness…

But they aren’t animals.

But the beast that is Socialism, exemplified by the courts representing the State, would not let the parents pursue even last chance, likely useless, attempts to save their children.

No, they must dies in the arms of the State Medical Care.

So decrees the State.

Now, on the one hand, it is likely that Alfie Evans will not survive, no matter what treatment is given.

On the other, the State has decreed that its chosen representatives have the right to decide how, and in what manner, and when these children are treated.

If ever there is an example of why we should dismantle ObamaCare, this is one. Creeping Statism. It is my belief that this was the end game of ObamaCare’s adherents…….the furtherance of Statism….

And if ever there is a reason for the Second Amendment the case of Alfie Evans (and Charlie Gard) is an example.

My child would be taken from those who declare he must die…and he would be taken to where I, as a parent, chose to take him for care. …..The number of the Minions of the State who would take damage be damned.

Say a prayer for Little Alfie and his parents. 

Next time they want a cake….

Point ’em to this:

New York judge rules bar didn’t overstep bounds in bouncing Trump backer

So, at one end of the country, businesses have to respect the beliefs of the customers, even when they find it offensive….Like baking a cake for a gay couple….

But in New York, political beliefs are not protected…at least then it comes to Trump supporters.

When will liberals realize that what is good for the goose is sauce for the gander?

I mean, next election cycle (or the one after that) they will likely have a candidate that is reviled by a great number of people….and in the Midwest, they will likely (now) be discriminated against. When the next bunch of liberals can;t get a meal in some small town, or some dude can’t get a drink or a room in West Virginia wearing an Obama hat because the coal mines were shut down by Barry….will they sue? Will justice be the same for them that is was for this dude?

Or is only SOME speech and/or beliefs protected?

Gee what a surprise:…..

“There is a fear that with basic income they would just stay at home and play computer games,”

At least they are smart enough to stop when it becomes apparent that it isn’t working….unlike OUR liberals….

Finland to stop program of Universal Basic Income because it simply doesn’t work….. “and is actively taking measures to cut benefits to those who do not seek employment”.

(seems that they would have to raise taxes by OVER 30% ….

At the end of it all, I believe the proponents of UBI simply want runaway inflation to devalue the savings of those of us who work and save and to devalue to holdings of the “rich”.
Or, it could be that they are simply stupid people who believe in socialism because they never studied anything useful and never read a history book or were exposed to anything resembling Econ 101…..

I hate

The Garmin G-1000 instrument system.

Much prefer the “Six-Pack” instruments.

Sadly, that plane is down with major structural damage from a tail strike.

So I get a choice….G-1000 or G-1000….or change flight schools.

Other than not having to set the HSI, I fail to see the advantage…..at least for VFR


The “memorial” doesn’t mention that a THIRD of the Lynchings were of WHITES. 

It simply portrays the terrible injustices that were perpetrated on blacks….

New lynching memorial evokes terror of victims

It also fails to mention that that was then, this is now….And that black people have gotten MORE than their share of freebies in the past 55 years. No one gets away with lynchings anymore.

Isn’t it odd that every other group of people that were considered subhuman for a while in this country’s history has risen above? The Chinese, the Japanese….the Irish, even the Jews…Yet the blacks fail to do so, and remain victims. Even the Hspanics while still being a part of the problem, are greatly successful in the US…..

Yeah, some folks will call me a racist. Don’t care, done wore that label out.
Go look at the 3 maps I posted about  a while back…..

If you are reading this

Then the End of The World promised for sometime on the 23rd of April failed to materialize (as most prophecied doomsdays do) and is now at least 24 hours overdue……

Carry on then.  

If you want an expensive cooler

But don’t want to buy a YETI because of their stance with the NRA:

You can always buy a Pelican Cooler…Still expensive, but not nearly as much as a YETI….Plus, made in the USA.

They claim that they will donate $10 to the NRA if you use the Promo Code “PelicanProud”.

I still think these sorts of coolers are massively overpriced for the performance they give, but hey, it’s your money.

ETA: YETI claims this is all a misunderstanding and they are just getting rid of an old discount program.


But their main customer demographic is “Outdoorsey” liberal millenials…and the timing is very suspicious.

If it looks like a duck…..