
So it is 2140 local.

“I think I’m gonna stop drinking coffee”

She looks up in alarm “Do you REALLY think that’s a good idea? Someone might die.”

“I mean for the evening”

Visibly relaxing “Oh, good”. 

Funny how that works, Ain’t it?

If it is a WHITE girl going with a Black man, then they seem to be OK with it.
So why not this way?  Malia is a Big Girl, she gets to make her own decisions.

(Hint: I really don’t see the issue either way, if she’s happy with her boyfriend, then what’s the big deal????)

Seems that Racism is raising it’s ugly head….only it isn’t WHITE racists.

Read the comments in the article

So how many folks are gonna go to jail?

It seems that the NSA had a court order to preserve the data.

And didn’t do it.

“NSA senior management is fully aware of this failure, and the Agency is committed to taking swift action to respond to the loss of this data.”

It was a mistake…and oversight.

I don’t care.

Every person involved, every single one, should get jail time. Starting at Michael S Rodgers, and every deputy of his, manager, employee and any other person who was involved in the decision to cull the data. Each and every one gets criminal felony penalties for destruction of evidence and conspiracy to hide or destroy evidence. Loss of pension and position. Be barred from ever working for the Federal Government again, or holding a position where they might handle sensitive data. But jail time, and not in “Club Fed”.

If I were doing the sentencing, I’d add in a good horsewhippin’ as well. 


How did the Illegal Immigrant movement somehow gain such power over the Democratic Party that they are, in effect, saying”Fuck YOU” to the rest of their constituents over illegal immigration?

What hold do these folks have? They can’t vote (yet, anyway, at least not legally)….so why does the DNC pander to their wishes? It is, really a significant part of why Trump got to the position he did. He was the only one who called it on Illegals.

So why does the DNC-type folks cling to this as their cause? Why do they say “fuck you” to to their rest of their constituents?

Inquiring minds and all that….

Just in case you don’t know

Who your Congressmen and representatives are, you can find them here:

Who is my Representative?

I urge you to call and let ’em know what you think about this government shutdown. I am told that a call carries more weight than an email.

And, oddly, most Senate and Congressional Representative offices are still open during this shutdown.

(It ain’t over, only pushed down the road a few weeks, so Make Those Calls!)

Looks like things are kicking off “Hot” in Sweden:

Seems that the Muslim “youths” have formed gangs and are now actively taking on the police in Malmo and other cities. (Up ’til now they’ve been fighting each other, mostly). Seems that the public transport folks won’t stop at certain train stations anymore, and there are something like 55 areas where even the police find to be “No Go” zones.

Apparently, the Swedes are considering bringing in their Army to deal with the issue……which is not good. The army is going to use a hatchet, not a scalpel. Likely to get really ugly.

The Swedes have taken nearly twice as many migrants per unit of native population as anyone else. Apparently they are starting to regret that.

I think that they, along with France, Germany, and Norway will soon learn the negatives of such actions.

Odd that you aren’t hearing any of this from CNN or any of the other media, innit?

Poor misunderstood Muslim Children refugees……

One wonders:

Just how long the “government Shutdown” would last if, since there is no funding for parts of the Government, we included the salaries of the Congressional and Senatorial aides and the Congressmen and Senators themselves. I’d bet that they’d get their shit together fairly quickly when their staff started whining

I mean, if we simply stopped paying the bar tab for the legislators they’d likely see it in a different light…..And I don’t mean just the DNC folks.