They just figured it out?

Seems that the liberal side is “concerned” and “alarmed” that the Russians tried to influence our election..

No shit.

The Russians have been trying to do so since before I was born. They had great success in the 70’s, Using the press and the Vietnam war to influence US policy and destroy politicians. They influenced the world that I grew up in using that self same press to change public opinion.

The left greatly benefitted from THAT influence….and no one said anything.

Now, because uncomfortable truths about their candidate (and Party) came out, they are upset because it “may” have been the Russians (I want to see the proof though)?

Izzit me?

Or do any of the rest of you notice that the folks that lean to the left seem to have absolutely zero knowledge of the Constitution, and no understanding as to why said Constitution is written with the words that it was.

This, of course,  in addition to the fact that they can’t seem to lose with any semblance of grace of class…


Remember those who died 75 years ago.

Remember also those arrogant admirals (and other leaders) who failed to listen to intelligence and failed in their one task….to protect the US. The ships were, effectively sitting ducks, the base at Pearl Harbor was, at best, a target. 
The failure was not the soldiers and sailors, but the leaders under whom they served. 
There are those who believe that the entire war in general, and the attack on Pearl Harbor in specific, were part of a greater conspiracy.  I think the attack was just plain incompetence.

One wonders

How much did the DNC pay Jill Stein to whore herself out regarding the election recounts?

And what leverage did they have on the judge that just ordered a HAND RECOUNT of the votes in Wisconsin?

(Seems to me that whoever wants the recount should pay for the expenses incurred in the recount, not the taxpayers)

And what, exactly, is the end game here?

Hillary isn’t gonna win any more electoral votes.  Trump is still gonna be president. Jill Stein isn’t ever gonna be anything more than a footnote in the history books.

The only folks this stunt impresses are the ones that will ALWAYS vote for the DNC candidate…..


So….will the Rockefeller Children stop their Carbon Intensive lifestyle?

Live in a 1 room apartment? Walk to work? Stop jetting about the country?

Will they push their friends to do the same? ??
Stop living in well lighted homes with lots of space that requires heating and cooling? Stop driving (or being driven) around in large cars, taking unnecessary trips to and from? Stop going on weekends to their other homes (which are heated and lighted even when they aren’t in residence)?

Are they gonna preach to their friends to stop jetting to exotic locations for vacations?

Nope, they instead go after the company that makes it all possible….That provides the fuel to make their lifestyle happen….

Rockefeller descendants speak out against company to which they owe their prosperity.

(One wonders….did those clothes they were wearing in that interview come from locally sourced fibers? …didn’t look like it…..And how did they get from home to the interview??? Did they walk?)

I’ll stat thinking Global Warming might be an issue when the folks who say it is start ACTING like it is…

One might think there was a book deal in the works, for all the media attention in the Right Circles….

Their vote counted

And one of theirs cancelled one of yours…

Have you ever noticed that these Hillary voters are afraid?

Afraid of…..Something?

Racism……Klansmen (even though that was Democrats)…..Discrimination by race or sexuality (perceived or otherwise)….Something bad to be Done in  The Future by those terrible Trump Voters….

No one knows where they get their information, really. It spreads via rumor, and facebook, and twitter. Passed down from one uninformed person to another uninformed person….no one ever questions anything…either the source or the veracity of the rumor itself….

They, apparently, have no knowledge about how our country works…how laws are made, how limits on politicians keep ’em from becoming despots (Although the Republican House and Senate DID let barry run sorta wild there)

Nor do they have the guts or ability nor the internal strength to DO something to protect themselves from these perceived future terrible things….

Those who didn’t vote for Obama quietly waited and armed and prepared ourselves for the worst….we hoped it wouldn’t happen, and waited patiently for the end of those 8 years….

These SJW Ex Hillary voters are gathering in groups to perpetrate the lies being spread about TheDonald and his racist homophobic gun toting, bible thumping deporting monsters supporters that will ship every islamic homosexual Democrat voting vegetarian off to a camp in eastern Slobovia or something…..

No one is willing to DO anything about it, besides sit together and tremble in fear while comforting each other.

And that, my friends, is why I have hope for the future of this country….