pretty clear

Read this if you need a pretty clear (and concise) explanation of what is happening in Oregon that has sparked the (illegal) occupation by a bunch of so called Militia…

For the record: I think the BLM has done everything they could to destroy the Hammonds, and their staff members conduct is inexcusable and contemptible….and possibly criminal if it comes to that. But that is no excuse for perpetrating a felony.

I think the fools that are protesting by occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters  are doing no one any favors, least of all themselves. I also think that they are being led by a government agitator. Sadly, this can only end in bloodshed or jail time for these men. Nothing good will come of their actions. The media will portray them as armed, aggressive fools. They will not get the support that happened at the Bundy Ranch. The Hammonds and the people of Harney County don’t support them, and they are closest to the area and the issue.

Sad, really

My only question: Will they be as patient with these men as they were with the leftist “Occupy” movement? Same thing, really, except the Militia folks are not yet shitting on cop cars and such….

y’know, I gotta say

That this whole Oregon thing has certainly shaken the tree and gotten the somewhat radical (for whatever level of radical works for you) folks to start shrieking and flinging poo…….at the government, the “Militia” and at each other.

I mean, I realize that I am far from mainstream, but these folks are WAAAAAY beyond that.

Kinda fun to watch, actually. I wonder if the Left has the same issues?

Not a bad idea:

Of course, the feminists and the liberals (two groups who, for the most part have venn diagrams that largely overlap) and the DNC (pretty much ditto) will be screaming about a “woman’s right to choose”, and “my body my choice” and “entitlements” and all their standard whooraw and such…

But really, He has a point:

Gary Johns’ suggestion that compulsory contraception ‘would help crack intergenerational reproduction of strife’ has been slammed by welfare groups

I think that (here in the US, at least), properly implemented, simple drug tests every month would do more, mind you….one fail and you are allowed rehab, two and you don’t get welfare for a year. That, I think, would work better.

But I am told that I am mean, and racist, and all that.

So, Isn’t this “Racist”?

I mean, forcing people to get ID’s and all……Especially ID’s that meet Federal Standards and such.

Didn’t we hear how an ID (of any kind) to vote was a terrible hardship to people, poor people, people of color and all that?

Yet I don’t hear the outcry from the DNC or any other liberal organization about this:

Illinois, Missouri and other states State Issued ID (and Drivers licensees) not valid ID for entry into Federal facilities…..Including Airports…. (link fixed)

Isn’t that racist? It was a hardship for people to prove their identity to vote….now you have to meet even more stringent Identification standards to fly, or enter a federal courthouse, or a federal prison….Isn’t that even more racist(er) or something?

Think about this, however:

Now, to fly DOMESTICALLY, you need either a Compliant State ID, or a US State Department issued PASSPORT….

 Haven’t we heard this somewhere before?

Ihre Papiere bitte Your Papers, Please……

Note that to the “average joe”

That those people in (or actually, near) Burns, Oregon are “Militia”….

They are gonna lump these fools in with people like us.

I’m not so sure that that is an accident, especially with the timing of Barry’s coming Anti-Gun push.

I’m fairly certain that this is a setup.

Think about it.

ETA: I just saw Ammon Bundy on CBS….I got the feeling that he isn’t sure, exactly, why he is there or what the end goal is….

So where

are the III patriots?

I mean, they have that short bus, and the mobile kitchen and all that that they solicited donations from a shitload of people to acquire…..Just for situations like THIS happening today in Oregon…yet I don’t see any of them driving there to feed the protesters.

(Just for the record, I don’t think that these folks are gonna make any difference, and really, even the Hammonds (who are going to jail) are not supportive of this protest……And committing a crime on Federal Property isn’t a good idea…it is, in fact, a really bad idea…I think about half of the leaders are agent provocateurs)

But this is exactly what those folks gave all their money for.

I mean, they posted that if you didn’t donate you weren’t a “True Patriot” and all that….(I didn’t give ’em a dime….I don’t need some keyboard Kommando to tell me whether I am a patriot or not)

for a decent overview of this incident (and lots of links) go HERE
(another, somewhat opposing view, HERE)

Footprints in the sand:

Your inspiration for the day:

And I awoke, and looked around…. 

I knew I wasn’t alone:

I looked back, and saw only one set of footprints…

Jesus looked at me and said quietly:

“The Sandpeople ride single file at night to hide their numbers”
