Someone important musta got taken…

‘Cause I can’t see Eric Holder caring about the little people enough to do this otherwise….

So it seems that the “Asset seizure program” that cost so many innocent people’s money and property when it was misapplied (unConstitutionally, I might add) to any random traffic stop where people had “large” sums of cash (if $1K or $2 K actually large?) is now a no-no….

At least there is some beginning of relief:

     Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Friday barred local and state police 
     from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without warrants
     or criminal charges.

This SHOULD make it harder for local constabulary to steal honest people’d money and property without proof of wrongdoing. 

Let us hope it sticks. 

DO you believe

So we are supposed to believe that some 13 year old kid wrote a letter  to Santa that somehow, magically, ended up in the White House, and (oddly enough) got put in front of Barry O.

And so, this letter, which is written out, (perhaps) by a barely literate black teenager who uses words like “Siblings”. Really? This marginally literate 13 year old boy supposedly wrote this letter….

I know that Liberals are big on symbolism, but really, even they cannot be so stupid as to really believe that this letter was composed by a 13 year old inner city boy, rather than just writing what was dictated to him….if he wrote it at all. It does seem to fit all the stereotypes that liberals believe about black people, doesn’t it? 

I mean, I am glad he gets to see the assembled members of our government, and I have no doubt that this a big trip for him. (Hell, I’d like to go too) but I don’t, for even a moment, believe that this story is true. I suppose if you can get enough people to say it often enough, some folks will believe it?

But, really, no one with more than 3 neurons should either, if they bother to look beyond the media’s story.

“Content of Character”

Sadly, when we DO judge people on the content of their character, then, generally, others, who seem to judge everybody by the color of their skin, complain.

Remember, Darrin Wilson wasn’t a cop, he was a “White” cop. As if it matters when a criminal is being apprehended.

Thing is, folks on BOTH sides judge according to color. Especially economically disadvantaged black people and those who purport to speak for them.

MLK would put his head in his arms and cry.

SO everyone seems to assume

That THIS rifle found in the outdoors has been propped against the tree for a hundred years or so…

And MAYBE it has, although I doubt it. I don’t care how dry the environment is there, I find it hard to believe that a rifle could be exposed to the elements and still be recognizable as a rifle after a hundred + years.

How do we know that it wasn’t left there 50, or 20 years ago? Just because the date of manufacture is 1882 doesn’t mean that it was left out for 132 years.  I mean, it wasn’t badly grown into the tree either, which makes me doubt that it has been there that long. I realize that Nevada isn’t like Indiana, but still…

Except, it isn’t

Or may only sorta is…..or isn’t.

Kinda squishy there. Might be that it could be that it sorta maybe is or isn’t.” Because science” Or something.

NASA isn’t sure that 2014 is the “Warmest on record”

Seems that they, unsurprisingly, “Massaged”, “Modified” and/or just plain made up data so that there could be talking points for the State of the Union….in other words, so Barry could lie about how to fix a lie.

In any other science discipline this sort of twisting of data would be laughed right out of the park. Only in Climate Science is this permissible.

As I write this

CBS is spouting unsubstantiated claims that “Glowball Warming” will make the seas rise by as much as 3 feet by 2050…As if it were established as fact or something…

Despite the fact that there has been no detectable warming in the past..what? 17 years or so? That Sea Ice area is growing by a significant amount year over year….Yet the fearfully (and breathlessly) trumpet the same old fears….

If there was a way to contact them without getting spammed, I’d complain, not that it would do any good.



No cover for the trigger? Nope, not gonna work for me. Especially appendix carry style. I like my testicles where they are.


When every citizen is a first responder:

Interpol: allowing citizens to carry guns in public is most effective way to prevent terror attacks

Keeps crime down too. 

y’see, oddly enough,at gunshows there is little crime…. at the NRA convention, where significantly more than half the attendees were packing, there were no terror attacks, and no muggings. Odd that, innit?

Won’t likely be no Mumbai style attacks in our shopping malls here in Indiana….at least no successful ones.