SO exactly where

is Barry gonna come up with the (mythically low) cost of 60 billion dollars for the “free college” program?

Is he gonna cut something else? (Stop laughing).

Gonna raise taxes? (If so, then we know we voted the wrong people into office in Congress last election…)

Or is he just gonna print money again????(Thereby reducing the value of your retirement (again)).

Really, Really bad judgement

Watch the video below. LOOK AT HOW FAST the cars approach the pileup.

WAY too fast for conditions.  Like 40 MPH too fast.

Jesus, people, slow down according to conditions.

I deal with idiots like this several times every winter. And I have to help the others that are caught up in their stupidity.

11 collisions in under 2 minutes. All caused by people driving too fast for conditions.

So I am not the only one

Who noticed these oddities about the Paris shootings:

Not to mention the oddities about the Takedown in the Jewish supermarket…

You say I am paranoid…..And indeed, I am. That does not make me wrong, however.


HERE. I cannot agree more.

ONE person with a firearm could have prevented (or greatly reduced) the carnage that has happened TWICE in the past few days. One person being able to react with equivalent force. Just one.

But hard to do when the population (and most of the police) is disarmed, Innit?

“When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”


-13 F here.

I don’t mind winter as such, but I dislike subzero cold.

“It’s the humidity wind chill” and all that.

In support

Of the magazine and it’s employees (Charlie Hebdo) I give you this:


If this offends your religious sensitivities and you want to do something about it, email me. I’ll set up a meeting and we can discuss it.

Bring friends.
And a lunch.

Here are the true patriots:

All the others are tools of the RNC or DNC respectively:

Justin Amash (Mich.)
Rod Blum (Iowa)
Dave Brat (Va.)
Jim Bridenstine (Okla.)
Curt Clawson (Fla.)
Scott DesJarlais (Tenn.)
Jeff Duncan (S.C.)
Chris Gibson (N.Y.)
Louie Gohmert (Texas)
Paul Gosar (Ariz.)
Scott Garrett (N.J.)
Tim Huelskamp (Kan.)
Walter Jones (N.C.)
Steve King (Iowa)
Thomas Massie (Ky.)
Mark Meadows (N.C.)
Richard Nugent (Fla.)
Gary Palmer (Ala.)
Bill Posey (Fla.)
Scott Rigel (Va.)
Marlin Stutzman (Ind.)
Randy Weber (Texas)
Daniel Webster (Fla.)
Ted Yoho (Fla.)
Brian Babin (R-Texas) (voted present)

Something to remember next election….