Shit just got real:

Not here in the US (yet), But EBOLA IS AIRBORNE.

Now, this isn’t a big deal, as long as you have the appropriate precautions….have you a supply of facemasks and a supply of hand sanitzer and other methods of sterilizing your skin after you interact with other people? (I am prepped for this, you should be too, if not for ebola, then for influenza). I’d order a supply of facemasks before the rush.  Seriously. if there is an outbreak then these masks will very quickly become unavailable…. have some on hand.enough for 30 days worth.

Gloves aren’t a bad idea either.  (and if nothing else, you can play “Bad TSA Agent” with your significant other….)

If there is no outbreak this year, it isn’t like these spoil in storage.

They call it gouging…

I call it capitalism. Basic economics drive the price.

Some people in Toledo were prepared. Others had to pay a higher price for bottled water because demand went up and they couldn’t use the municipal water for drinking. The demand for bottled water went up…the supp;y stayed the same. ergo the price increased. This is a basic supply/demand/price equation I learned in Econ 101.

Some merchants drove many miles to find a supply of water….who pays for their time and fuel they invested to meet a need?

If they had paid for the water and couldn’t sell it, who would reimburse them for their investment (and loss?).

If these people had bothered to have a weeks worth of water on hand, they’d not have had to pay a higher price for their water.

Much like people bemoaning the increase in price for plywood before a hurricane (and the increase in price for gasoline after) demand increases the price….as it should.

As predicted

it is getting difficult for Obamacare patients to find doctors who will accept them as patients.

There will soon be two levels of care….(because there will not nay uninsured, otherwise there’d be three levels): One for those who have Obamacare, and one for those who have “normal” insurance.

Those who have Obamacare will not get as good treatment for things like cancer or other diseases, not for those who have chronic issues as those who have normal insurance. And how many people lost their insurance and were forced into Obamacare plans?

Thanks, Barry! You took a system that worked and broke it.

An interesting point

It’ll take more that just the Amish type skillset to survive in a grid-down situation:

The Amish likely won’t survive. Or at least their faith won’t.

Like the rest of us, they’ll have to make some hard choices.

I think many would remain true to their faith, Hopefully they could find some decent folks to defend them….If only so they could survive to feed others.

How to win the next presidential election:

Emulate Vladimir Putin:

“In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Shari’ya Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians.” — Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressing the Duma February 4th, 2013. The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a standing ovation for 5+ minutes!

If any politician had the balls to say something similar here in the US, they’d likely receive a standing ovation as well….and likely get elected.

Bet it’d get you elected here in the US as well. 

When you buy your copy

(and yes, it is a “when”, not an “if”‘….. you really need to suck it up and buy the book, as you will learn things and will enjoy it)

Anyway, when you buy Brigid’s book The Book of Barkley (Kindle) or (Paperback), please buy through the links on this page…the (very small) commissions that are earned help me reduce my crushing ammo debt.

In fact, please use the links on the left side to buy anything you might purchase via Amazon. I earn a commission at no cost to you.

Help feed starving rifles and pistols!