Somehow, I lost half of my blogroll. It was there last might, now it be gone.

Will fix as I have time.

ETA: Huh…now it is back.
 I dunno.

Like Father, so are the Sons:

Rednecks in Vermont.

So, if I got this right the story goes like this:

Older brother, Joshua, crashes his car, drunk off his ass. Breathalizes at 3 (that’sTHREE) times the legal limit.

Younger brother (Nicholas) drives to the scene of the crash to check up on older brother and is observed exiting the drivers side of the vehicle. He walks up to the scene and is arrested because the cops have seen him exit the vehicle and he appears to be impaired, so they breathalize him too, finding him with a BAC three times the legal limit as well.

Dad slides over from the passenger’s seat of Nicholas’s car and drives closer to the scene of the accident to see what he can see, and is also arrested because he too appears to be impaired behind the wheel and blows a 3X legal BAC as well.

Not satisfied yet, Nicholas is observed as well drinking even MORE booze.

3 family members, all arrested for DUI in the same afternoon AT THE SAME WRECK.

One wonders….Genetics or just culture?

I wonder what their collective IQ is?

They say

That Barry is a Chicago politician. And he is.

But his projects (Obamacare website and program?) is more like a California State Highway project.

Failures, missed deadlines, poor quality control, etc.

I wonder who mentored him in that part of his education?

It occurs to me…..

That if half of the people who said nice things about Robin Williams after he was dead had bothered to say those same things before he killed himself, he might not have done so.

We don’t know

(moved back to the top)

exactly what happened in Ferguson…..

We do know that a (white) cop shot a black kid. Reportedly in the back.

And we know the community is incensed. Apparently, for once, this was a really good kid.

But when the community protested, did they do so in front the local cops? No.

Did they throw rocks and break windows at the local police station? No

Overturn and burn the police cars? Nope.

They burned and looted and destroyed local businesses….

Used this protest as an excuse to steal.

Nothing they have done will change the situation. Nothing. All they did was steal and destroy.

And therefore, while I had some sympathy, it is gone.


ETA: Wirecutter agrees and states it more plainly

ETA2: Even the Brothaz seem to think that the crowd had the wrong target…. Of course, those “white” neighborhoods might be better protected than they think….

True today:

“Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties:
1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers
from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify
themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and
consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise
depositary of the public interests. In every country these two parties
exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write,
they will declare themselves. Call them, therefore, Liberals and
Serviles, Jacobins and Ultras, Whigs and Tories, Republicans and
Federalists, Aristocrats and Democrats, or by whatever name you please,
they are the same parties still and pursue the same object. The last
one of Aristocrats and Democrats is the true one expressing the essence
of all.”
– Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Henry Lee, 1824)

So Dude says:

“Man, my trailer hitch is stuck in the receiver..”

Me: “Gotta take ’em out every few years and clean up the rust. Or use “Never Seize”..even so, take ’em out once a year.”.

He says: “I had it moving back and forth about a 1/4″ in June, but  I was afraid I’d break the chain and I didn’t have anything but a telephone pole to hook to, and it swayed too much”.

Me: “Bring it over, I got a chain your truck can’t break and a tree you can’t pull down….We’ll get it out”.

So he comes over on Sunday, and we proceed to hook the chain to the tree and the truck.

Bang!    Bang!    nope, not moving. Shook the tree a bit and pissed off the squirrels, but no joy.

Try a little heat and some Strike Hold….

Bang! Bang! Bang! Nope, still not moving. More heat…enough that I went and got a piece of aluminum sheet to act as a heat deflector so I didn’t melt the plastic on his bumper. Lots of Strike-Hold (from both ends) and some gentle love with the air hammer to crack the rust.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Nope. Nothing. Not any movement at all. It’s like the pin is still in (it isn’t).

Got out the bigger torch head. Still nothing. Am afraid I am gonna pull the hitch out from under his truck.   There is no more paint on the receiver or the hitch itself. The chrome is peeling off the ball from the heat.  The bottom of the receiver is orange. Much more and something is gonna catch fire…..The squirrels are pissed and have filed an OSHA complaint and are ready to go to the Housing Board. All told, I have been at it for over an hour…

Me: “Dude, how did you get it to move a few months ago? It is STUCK.”

Him: “I don’t rightly remember. It’s been over a year….”

Me: So when it moved, it wasn’t LAST June…….2 months ago??

Him: “Nope, a year ago this last June….I think. Maybe longer. ”

I unhooked the chain, dragged it to the barn (it is a 1″ chain) and put it away. And the torch and the rest. Spooled up the air hose, put the air hammer away.

Him: “You are just gonna give up? I though you said you could get it out.?

Me: “Nope. I’m done. Go find a dealer and buy another hitch…it’ll be easier, and likely cheaper. If I’da known it hadn’t moved since June a YEAR ago, I’d not have wasted my time. It has been rusted in place for over two years or more. Go home”

Ass. I wasted a fair amount of a Sunday trying to help an idiot. Coulda been splitting wood.