I’ll be shopping at Cabelas

and taking the time to review which vendors, suppliers, and sponsors are dropping from the Eastern Sports and Outdoor show and other venues organized by Reed Exhibitions. Their decision will influence my purchases.

Both the NRA, and NSSF , of course, caved. Guess the feel that they need the money….Statements HERE and HERE.

Commercial interest will, for many, outweigh the support of the Second Amendment. But it is nice to see some vendors, like Cabelas and Trijicon stand up for what is right, and put their money behind what they believe in.

If I can find a list of those who stood against such bullshit, I’ll post it. If you have a list, please, send it to me.

Article two

Section one,
      Clause eight:

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the
following Oath or Affirmation:— “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States.

Will you, Barry? This time, will you? Not twist the words, not twist the meaning…. Just “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution as written.

‘Cause I think you violated your oath shortly after taking it the first time.

And I think you have plans to do so again.

Untitled Post

Sadly, the Federal Government chooses to lessen (and dilute) the honor they gave the Late Martin Luther King Jr. by moving the celebration of the date of his birth in order to make a three day weekend for Federal and State workers rather than honor him on his actual birthday. (his actual birthday was Jan 15, not the 20th) but that wouldn’t have facilitated a three day weekend….

But think about this: He felt that he needed firearms to protect himself, and he was surrounded much of the time by other people with guns, in order to protect him and his family. 

He may have embraced nonviolence, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t believe in protecting himself when attacked.

You’ll likely not hear that part of the story when everyone pontificates on Monday, the (non)birthday celebration.

There is nothing quite so rewarding

As that “New Shooter Smile”.

Actually there are many things that are so rewarding, but that smile is one of them.

Spent Saturday morning with a bunch of people helping teach an NRA First Steps pistol course put on by my local private shooting club.

Had 24 people show up, the Max our classroom can hold. If we could have held a class with 50 we’d have been able fill it. The demand for these classes has exploded.

18 of the 24 had never held a firearm in their life. Most planned to purchase one soon, or had just done so in response to the gun grab they all expect soon.  There were 2 families. Dad, Mom, and 3 daughters, and Dad, Mom and 2 sons.

After the classroom time, we went to the range and that, of course, is where I got to see the “New Shooter Smiles”.

Mom and Daughters were a bit afraid, but excellent students. Mom was
shaking the first time she pulled the trigger, but was hitting her
target regularly at the end She’ll be a gun owner soon. 

Everyone was able to get their shots on target at 7 yards before they left, and they all knew how to handle, clean, load, unload and store their firearms safely.

The smiles that I saw as they left made spending a Saturday worth it.

Guns Across America

For this day, instead of wasting my time at some rally, I am teaching another NRA First Steps pistol course.

It’ll make a bigger impact, I think

My bet

is that Obama punts on Gun Control until he has the opportunity to “refresh” the Supreme Court with the proper level of liberalism.

Then we will have to worry.

Until then, I figure he won’t try.

I find it interesting:

That the executive orders (toothless though they are) were the best that Obama could come up with. I am sure that he felt that he Had To Do Something.

 That something wasn’t much though.

One could surmise that all the phone calls and emails and faxes and such actually worked. That the Senators and Congressmen heard the voice of the people.The response must have been overwhelming for them to take notice.

The calls for “all the people to contact their legislators” by Mr. Obama show that the support for any gun control legislation is too low for him to push it any farther, so he can only call for Something to Be Done. No one would sponsor any legislation, or he would have announced it today. The fact that he didn’t means that no one felt anything would happen, so they chose not to even bring a bill up for consideration. One could even think that the Senators night have told him to shut up about this….

This does not mean, however, that we can relax. Don’t let up.

They won’t.

ETA: Peter has a different take.