Couldn’t have said it better

Was researching the 29 19 23 Diktats“Executive Orders”. Had commentary, but actually, Uncle says it better.

We will have to continue to agitate to Congress. Barry left the fight to them.


You can find your legislators HERE.

If you feared what Barry might do, then take the time to oppose him. Make sure your Senators and Congressmen/women know your views.



Will this be the day?

According to some, this is the day that Mr. Obama will attempt to break the nation in two.

Have you decided your “line in the sand”? Better think long and hard if not.The time has come.

Mine is well decided and well prepared for.

All I am gonna say on an open forum.

Wonder what all those folks in New York think. In a year, they either give up most of their modern semi-auto handguns and mags greater than 10 7 rounds for their rifles and pistols or they are criminals. No grandfathering either, they took away that part.

Trust your government? Not if you have two neurons to rub together rattling around in your skull.

Gotta plan? Better have one.

What are you gonna do?

 Fight against enforcement? Do you have the legal right to resist?

Is there any reason to obey an unconstitutional law?

 Will you?

Remember: The founding fathers of this country fought the established government…. And won. Because then, like today, it was about freedom.

 And the alternative to fighting is worse than the fighting.

To all of you people

Who say that the Police and Federal Agents would never actually confiscate weapons because it would violate their oath and all that:


Ruby Ridge.

Jose Guerena.

Look up the details: Google or Yahoo can find them for you in less than a second. You can find many other similar incidents where the Police or Feds should have stopped, but they didn’t. And they won’t in the future either.

How much of those incidents were Constitutional? How much was right? How much was just thugs agents of the State following orders? Did they let right and wrong stop them? Did they let that pesky Constitution stand in their way? Did they refuse to act? Refuse those orders? Walk off their comfy Government jobs and away from their pensions over a principle? Nope, they followed orders.People DIED because agents of the state failed in their oath. And didn’t care. Just followed orders.

How many are rotting in prison for their actions? Name one policeman or one single federal agent who was punished for their actions in the above incidents.

None are. None, not even a token scapegoat. Not one.….20 children were killed by the FBI in Waco, The same number as in Sandy Hook….where was the outcry then? Their deaths were sanctioned by the State. Sanctioned Murder.

So if you think that taking your firearms or stepping on your Constitutional rights matters less than  being a “team player” or part of the gang, or just following orders, then you are fool. If it were, then none of the above incidents would have happened. But they did. Those men and women of the FBI/ATF/local Sheriff were following orders.

It CAN happen here, and if they are given the order, they will execute that order. Not all, but too many. Most, in fact. It is a part of their psychology and training.

Resist. You have nothing to lose. Once they trash the Second Amendment, they can more easily take away the rights enumerated by the rest of the Constitution.

And they will.
For your own good, of course.
If they have to kill you to do so.

Remember this part of another document:

 “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably
the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Does it apply now?

So I gotta kwestion

I, like the rest of you no doubt, have been seeing a LOT of articles on gun bans, new gun rules, etc.

and I have one question:

What the hell is “High Capacity Ammunition”?


Tired….and angry. Part 2

And you, you government people, Especially you Democrat/Liberals. (But this also applies to most establishment Republicans too)

I am tired. And Angry.

I am tired of you, who purport to be such high minded individuals. You have your agenda, and I understand that. But I am tired and angry at those who lie and cheat, who twist the laws to their own ends and agendas.

You who pay off your campaign donors with sweetheart deals, with Taxpayer money (actually Chinese loans that the taxpayers will someday have to repay).

You who fail to secure our borders, weakening our security and our economy, and allowing tons of drugs to flow into our country to damage our youth in communities which can afford it the least, yet who ever expands the TSA, spending BILLIONS of dollars on “Homeland Security” while trampling on our Constitutional rights.

You, whose “Justice” Department is blatantly racist, which fails to enforce the law evenhandedly, and who doesn’t even pretend to be interested in “Justice”.

All of you, you legislators, who turn a blind eye to, and actively opposes any laws which would reduce voter fraud, turning our elections into a joke, something which we would expect in a third world dictatorship, or be likely to find in a South American “Banana Republic”.  You fail to uphold current laws, and refuse to do anything to reduce fraud, all because it currently favors you, the Republic be damned. You, who subsidizes the very organizations which have been proven to be committing some of the voter fraud with taxpayers money. You who fight lawsuits or legislation which would stop or reduce this voter fraud, again using the taxpayer funds.

And you, the “Opposition” You Republicans, What are you doing to stop this? How are you preventing these crimes?  How is it that there has not been an impeachment? How is it that the charges have not been laid and trials convened? How is it that your fellows are not jailed? Are you as weak as it appears? Or are you complicit in these crimes?

You fail to follow the Constitution, fail to even pretend to honor your oaths. You have broken your oath of office so many times we expect it, we expect you to be liars, cheaters, and thieves. You have not disappointed us in that respect.

You swore an oath to the People of this country, to follow the Constitution. Yet you use it as a rag, waving it when you feel the need, holding it as a shield to further your goals, yet wiping the floor with it when it becomes an impediment to your aims.

You Sirs and Madams, should be tried for treason. All of you. For the violation of your oaths, and for your violation of our laws. For your failures to the American people and to the Constitution.

You disgust me. Much in the same way as I hold the “Press” in disgust. Yet you disgust me even more. They never swore an oath. You did. You too have become a cancer in the body of this country. You have become a disease. A tumor. A festering pustulence which leaches off the very body it claims to serve.

All of you deserve trials and no doubt imprisonment, if not worse. You should all be tried for treason. The evidence is clear.

Tired….and angry. Part 1

Ya know, I am tired and angry:

I am tired of the news media. Tired of their shilling for one liberal viewpoint or another under the pretense of “news”.

Tired of agenda driven “news”.

I am tired of the total lack of any pretense of impartiality, non-partisanship, or objectivity.

You fail to report on things like voter fraud,

Fast and Furious,

“Crony Capitalism”,

The injustices done at the “Justice” Department.

You attempt to influence public opinion, at the expense of the truth, all so you can push and enable your liberal agenda.

You make excuses for the “entitlement class” and scream loudly if they do not get all that they want, much more than they deserve. You decry racism, yet you practice it daily, denigrating a white victim (if you even bother to report their race) while shielding
the races of the criminals, unless they too happen to be white. You make
excuses for the other races, as if they were lesser, or as if their
poor behavior was to be expected, yet you  pretend to believe in equality, when it suits your needs.

You stand upon the Constitution, and cry for freedom of the press, yet you excuse the trampling of the Constitution when it suits you needs or fits your agenda.

You disgust me. You, the “Press”, once a respected institution of truth who brought to light excesses and overstepping of government and private business alike, who were once respected guardians of our nation, our Constitution and our way of life, have become something else. Something disgusting, and slimy, and cheap.

You have become a cancer, a pustule, a detriment to the Country and it’s citizens. You have become a Disease, a leech, a poison to this country and our way of life. You are a poison to that which made this country great.

Sorry, you anonymous commenter

But I have to close anonymous comments to try and stop the spam comments.

I deleted over 100 Saturday, and I don’t have the time to moderate.

The good news (I guess) is that I am read enough that the spammers have even noticed me.

They must be desperate.