Hint to those email forwarders:

Chances are, if your email to me has FW:FW: FW…3 or more times,

Then I’ve likely already seen it on the internet..

I might even already be on the list of thousands of people whose addresses are there for the reading in all the previous forwards……and for harvesting by the spambots.

Please, at least have the courtesy, if you must forward me another email with an endless chain of FW in front of it, then hide my address from all the other people you are sending it to (BCC)…and all the people that they will send it to…and all those folks that they will send it to…and so on and so on…

I get enough spam already.


Yeah…like thats gonna happen

So back a few years a go, I TRIED to buy a laser from Wicked Lasers.


Waited for 5 months, promised delivery dates missed, then a new one then another.

Then, when I finally got them to cancel my order, it took another 90 days to get my credit card refunded.

And these assholes have the nerve to offer me their newest and best laser….In an email. And I understand that their media push is big. Don’t be fooled. They lie.

Fuck you, Wicked Lasers.

Your service is shit, your promises are not worth anything, and I will never do business with you again, no matter how neat/cool your product may appear to be.

I would strongly advise that if you receive and ad from them, like the one below….Just Say NO.


We need more like this.

Or, get rid of immunity for public officials/police officers altogether.

And then spread it to the feds.

Of course, the downside is we’d have thousands of state local and federal workers being sued into bankruptcy….

It’d make ’em behave better….

Takin’ out the trash

See ya, Dick.

Tam says it well

Don’t let your our  (thanks OG) office door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Shoulda happened years ago.

When wielding power becomes more important than actually doing your job for your constituents…then it is time to go.

RNC: Take note.


at 5:30 PM.

Turnout was very low for the primary.

circa 22%

No wonder we get the kind of politician we do.

I did my part to vote against the poor examples of humanity that wish to rule us.

Sadly, with one exception, I was unable to find anyone to vote FOR.

I didn’t vote for Romney, as his annointing is a foregone conclusion. 

Stupid should hurt

So Sunday night, we had a fair bit of rain.

Actually, a LOT of rain for our area.

So much rain that I had to look again at the rain gauge (after starting on my coffee) to be sure that my eyes had seen the correct amount displayed Monday morning.

I left early for work, and stopped by my local range to check that the pumps were working to keep the entrance from being under water (they weren’t). I reset the pumps and prepared to leave..

When I had driven down the road to the range (county road) a car had turned in behind me…

Now I had known that with the large amount of rain, and what I had seen on the way to the range that the county road to the range would be flooded. However, even I was surprised at the amount of flooding. The water ponded at the low point was nearly 4 feet deep. My truck is a 4wd Dodge diesel. But this water was close to the max that I can ford even with this truck. I idled across the low spot and proceeded to the range.There was a reason that I had taken the truck instead of the prius…..

Upon leaving the range after resetting the pumps , I had a choice: either go back the way I had come, or try the other way. As there is another low spot that might actually be worse, and as I knew the water level along the route I had come, I went back the way I had entered.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the same red monte carlo that had turned behind me….he had made it almost all the way across the 100′ pond across the road.


He was sitting in about 2 feet of muddy water. (in the center of the road).

I was able to get beside him, and I told him I would turn around and push him out of the water with the truck.

I did. I thought about leaving him there, but figured he might drown or something.

Got him to the higher point, and got out to make sure that he had a cell phone and could call a tow truck.

The first words out of his mouth were “life just keeps fucking me in the ass…I can’t get ahead….it’s always something like this which gets me….”

I replied that he might want to think about where the blame lied, as he had seen me drive into the water, and had known how deep the water was. much too deep for his car.

His reply? “I figured if you could do it, I could”

Truck…..7 foot tall, air intake at 51 inches 34 inch tall tires…car at what??? 20 inches? 25 inch tires… Diesel, with no coils to short versus gas with easily shorted spark system. I think he locked up a cylinder, ’cause the car wouldn’t even turn over, much less start or run. Water is, after all, non-compressible. If he’s lucky, it didn’t bend any engine parts.

Fool. I told him that stupid should hurt so that the lesson would be better learned, then left as he began to get steamed up.

Look: Stupid SHOULD hurt. At best, he ingested enough water to lock his engine…at worst, he damaged it badly. He’s looking at a hundred bucks at a minimum, plus the tow….Lots more if he bent a rod.

I bet it’ll cost him a pretty penny. And I bet that he is incapable of learning either.

But he did it to himself.  Bet he blames someone else though. I wonder if the stupid hurt enough. 

Chasing me away

Not that I intended to vote for Dick Lugar anyway, but the last few days.weeks have made me sure that I don’t want him as my representative to Congress.

A few weeks ago, I received a couple of calls from earnest folks supposedly wanting to solicit my opinion for a poll.

Supposedly…… 6 times they have called, each one a variation of the “poll” thing..

They used this lie to get the time to tell me how “conservative” Dick Lugar is….as if I could not see from his record that just the opposite is true.  The last 2 times, I simply asked….Is this a political call for Dick? And when they said yes, I hung up after requesting that they not call me again..

Apparently, they think all of his voters have the memory of a mouse as well as the intelligence of a gnat.

(that may well be true, as he has been elected 6 times…each time with no opposition to speak of).

 And I am not terribly enamored of his opponent, Mr Mourdock…..But his single winning point that He.  Isn’t.  Dick.  Lugar.

However, today (Sunday), I received a call from an earnest volunteer..(again)..at a time guaranteed to disturb what little serenity I enjoy.  Again, a call for me to vote for Dick…despite the fact that I have requested (via voice and email) that he and his volunteers stop calling me.. And he tried to keep my attention by deception (again)….I find this offensive..(I am on the Do Not Call list , but isn’t it interesting that the politicians who formed that wonderful, unenforced bit of legislation exempted themselves from it?) This harassment is enough to make me consider taking action that I cannot  describe here, for fear of a visit from the Secret Service or some other agency very angry…angry enough to decide to NEVER vote for him. I actually felt sorry afterwards for yelling into the phone….

All Dick’s campaign is doing is guaranteeing that, should Richard Mourdock drop dead of a heart attack or suffer some other debilitating malady, I will vote for whomever else opposes Dick. (but that was already a foregone conclusion anyway…)

What is interesting is the desperation from his campaign….

(desperation….. linking The Opponent with Obama…Surprised Hitler isn’t in there somewhere)

Perhaps had he ever bothered to find out what his constituents wanted/felt they needed/wished for in legislation, he’d not be in the pickle he is in now. But then again, he hasn’t lived here in like 20+ years.

What we are witnessing is the same sort of desperation we see each time an old-guard politician finds out that once someone can muster up the resources to run against him, the dinosaur loses. He can’t run on his past record, because it doesn’t look very good once it is examined in the light of day….All the power he/she brokers in the Legislative Body which he has been a member of cannot shield him from the wrath of his constituents…no matter what spin is put upon it by his political machine.

Nice try, Dick….But you’ll (hopefully) lose…

Because you are running against a terrible opponent….Yourself.

That new shooter smile….

I spent the bulk of yesterday helping teach an NRA First Steps shooting course.

The range I belong to charges only for course materials and ammunition, and we had a good turnout.

At the end of the class, after each shooter had used up 200 rounds of .22L.R., I brought out several firearms and 250 rounds or so of assorted .38, 9MM and .45ACP in order to let the class members shoot larger firearms, if they so desired.

They did.

Everyone enjoyed shooting the larger calibers.

At the end of the class, several of the students offered me money for the ammo they had expended.

I replied that the smiles on their faces more than made the cost of the ammo worthwhile.

And it did.
It was worth a Saturday, and a few hours at the reloading bench to see the smiles and the confidence in their faces.

Besides, I owe those folks who started me on that path, who did so for nothing, who donated THEIR time, and THEIR ammo and firearms. Now I know why they did it.

The smiles make it all worthwhile.