
Read THIS. All of it. Follow the links.

(I may not agree entirely with Og, but he is hard to argue with.)

Borepatch has it right. And, while I may not think that Obama is going to be the train wreck in his second term that most folks feel it will be, I also believe that Romney’s core values are not that different from Obama’s….and are indeed as far from many of us as Obama’s are.

Romney will be as bad a train wreck as Obama, just on a different set of tracks, going in a different direction. With a diesel locomotive rather than an electric one.

I fear for the future of this country….Obama’s vision of our future is frightening, and Romney’s may be worse. At best, Romney’s is no better, just a different path in the descent into hell.

Aratae’s suggestion may be the best one.

For the next four years, this country is screwed. What we have to do is to decide what happens after that.

And Borepatch may have the right of it.


I know some of the folks in this video…

So I thought I’d give them part of their “15 minutes of fame”

Y’all look good.

It’s better than

“Fuck You”


“Bend Over”


“It won’t hurt too much”


“We are gonna take this country down”


 “We are gonna get you, Whitey”


“Socialism for all!”

instead, we get:


This oughta suck worse than “Hope and Chains Change”

Not good…not good at all.

Seems Romney is cozying up to another east coast big government quasi-Republican guy….

One who can’t run for Mayor again.

Oh, and he is as Anti-Gun as Romney was when he was governor of Massachusetts

Wonder if  they talked about the Vice Presidency?


Link tip: trainwreck

Someone needs to think about taking the entire RNC leadership for a long walk on a short pier…holding lengths of chain.

Still think Romney is the guy?  He’s likely to be worse.

half done

Finished my class for the NRA pistol instructor certification.

Has taken a fair amount of my time.

The things I do for my gun club.