Bring it

Just to be clear: this concept is a last resort, but still a viable one. 
I’d hope that there are other solutions. 
I expect that someone will be along to shut this blog down soon. 
So be it. 
I’ll be in good company. 

Hiding from the past…..

So it would seem that the NAACP folks in South Carolina are easily offended….

In order to use the State Capitol steps, and not make anyone quake in their shoes Pee themselves in fear have the vapors seeing a president who owned slaves 200+ years ago, the Anti white rally Anti confederate flag protest organizers placed a box in front of a bronze statue of President Washington.

What, really, did they accomplish here? Insulting someone? Hiding from the history of this country? No one can change who our first (white) president was. Yes, he was a slave owner. Yes, he no doubt did many things that were, by todays standards, less than good.

Deal with the past. Hiding from it will not make it go away. The fact that many of the attendees freely travelled thousands of miles to be at the trally shows that things are NOT like they were 235 + years ago. Think of it. Hundreds of black people travelled thousands of miles, freely….Unmolested. Yet they feel they are still opppressed. They were able to travel to this rally, yet they are economically disadvantaged.

I am offended that they chose to hide the statue of our first president, as if by doing so they can erase history.

You can see the press picture of the box here. Others think it is because Washington was white, not that he was a slaveowner. Might be right

Bye Bye

Seems that the RNC has a new leader.

Mr.Steele: good riddance. Thank you for your service. We won’t be lamenting your departure.

Mr. Priebus: Remember how the RNC lost so many donors. We want conservatives, not Democrat Lite. Support conservative candidates who support conservative ideals. Remove support from RINOs. You’ll get more votes and a hell of a lot more money if you do so. RINOs will lead you to more people departing from the Republican Party. Conservative candidates will more than likely win. 

Remember: We didn’t vote Republicans in, we voted liberals and Democrats OUT. We want CONSERVATIVE candidates. Less government, less spending, more freedom. It isn’t that hard to understand. If you have questions, email me and I will explain further.

Seriously, this is your chance. Please, don’t blow it.


A question:

We have seen absolutely ZERO footage of the mobs looting in the flooded areas in Australia. No reports of gangs of people looting stores for  big screen TVs, DVD players, shoes etc.

It would seem that everyone is doing what they can to help each other out.

And this from folks whose ancestors were inmates in what was once a prison colony…..

Yet it happens here in the US all the time. Looting, theft. etc. Any time there is any disaster…even a major power outage. Looting happens at the slightest suggestion of civil unrest, or anytime the po-po might be occupied elsewhere.

It could be that there is simply no coverage of the looting, but I doubt that. I think that there is no (or very little) looting.

If so, then I have to ask, what is up with the folks in the US?

I really don’t want to go there, ….where the obvious answer is.

Or we could just beat the shit out of them when they do….

Seems that AZ has enacted emergency legislation to prevent anyone from protesting at a funeral.

I seriously am of two minds about this:

On the one hand, eventually someone is going to take offense enough of these asswipes and either beat them to death, or do a physics experiment on projectile deformation and deceleration using them as a subject. Eventually Darwin will find them and deal with them accordingly. They have no shame, no taste, and no class.

On the other hand, this is a serious affront to the First Amendment.

Slippery slope and all that. Me? I’d make sure that the police were occupied elsewhere. Who knows what might happen???  I do, however think that this is a bad idea.


Can you imagine

If the colors were reversed?

The outcry would be loud, shrill, and unceasing…..

and, no doubt, there would be calls for additional legislation to prevent this. And reparations….

Where is Jesse Jackson on this? I mean, race based hate crimes…..

I mean, white is a color too, right?