Hey! Barry and his people like crack

Crack Cocaine, that is…

Seems that Crack, which has destroyed poorer neighborhoods ….a disproportionately higher number of black
neighborhoods…..and a higher number of black citizens are arrested for possession than any other race…..

So what is the solution? Reduce the penalty for possession of crack….

Yeah, that’ll help/ It’ll keep fewer black folks (and, lets face it, fewer of everyone) from being tossed in prison….But IT WON”T HELP THE DRUG PROBLEM.

Gotta keep the racial balance and all that….Fools.


Until, of course, after the elections.

Make no mistake, the left, and Holder are playing for keeps. The justice department (not capitalized for a reason) wants to keep this until things are settled after the election. Having the law held in abeyance will help them in the polls. And they know they need all the help they can get.

Dirty pool, but legal. And the court says that “the only effect of the district court’s injunction in this case is to preserve a status quo that has existed for a long period of time.”….IN other words…We like it they way it is, and we don’t see an immediate need to change things.

What happens to the governor, and her LEOs if she decides to tell the court to go piss up a rope and begins following the law as it is enacted? Would the feds really be willing to push the issue enough to arrest her? It would bring the issue to a boil even faster….Wonder if she has the guts?