Papers, please

Shades of the state of Germany during WWII?

Papier, Bitte.   Read the article…If this does not disturb you, anger you,  then you are a fool. It frightens me as well as angers me. 

 Would you allow yourself to be stopped and to surrender your ID when ordered? I think I might just refuse and see if they would be willing to arrest me for refusing. As far as I know, Indiana law says you must identify yourself when asked, not produce ID on demand. Nor can you be patted down and searched (with the “Terry” exemption to that, I.E if the officer has reason to believe that he might be in danger) without probable cause.  What is the law when a police officer gives you an unlawful order?

Betcha I stay out of LaPorte Indiana… And avoid the county….and it is not outside of my normal AO. But now, as far as I am concerned, It is off limits.

The Mayor of LaPorte will get a letter soon as to why I will not shop in, or go to restaurants in, LaPorte. As will the Chamber of Commerce, and also one for the Mayor of Michigan City, where I do shop and eat often (also in the county). 

Yah, I know, If I have nothing to hide, then what am I worried about??? Think about what you are saying.

Soon, it will be more, for less reasons.Precedent setting and all that.

You know, doncha, that this is just an extension of the DUI checkpoints? Soon they will adapt things so that they can just enter your house on a pretext…..Hey, they already can stop you on public roads, and sidewalks….With no reason. Why not extend the line to its logical conclusion? Yeah, I am paranoid, and yeah, maybe I need a tinfoil hat.  But who would have thought this could happen in the USA?

To all of you who voted for “hope” and “change”…

How’s that working out for you???

You Hope you will still have a job tomorrow…

You Hope that the economy will pick up…

You Hope you can keep your house….or sell it for what you have let in financing..

You Hope you can find a job soon….

You Hope that Obamas plans will (somehow) magically restart the declining economy…

You Hope that somehow, someday soon, The One will start acting like a leader…

Now, all you can hope for is that “Change” will come in November of 2010 and 2012…..


Some folks are levelers….They would, rather than give those who are lower on the economic scale (usually due to choices they might make, but that is another discussion for another time….) an opportunity to raise themselves up, instead work to pull those who are more successful, (either directly, through hard work or through having selected their parents carefully) down to a lower level…..all in the name of “fairness”. Rather than fill in the low spots in the road, they would instead shave off the high points….

If this means that they disincentivise success, thrift, and productivity, and reward sloth, foolish economic decisions and waste, they seem to be OK with that……Reward “living in the moment” by taking from those who plan ahead…all in the name of “equality” and egalitarianism.

These folks are (either admitted or still closeted) socialists.

Winston Churchill may have made the best statement about socialism:

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance,
  and the gospel of envy,
  its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

See also: Obamacare.

MArooned has an interesing point about socialized medecine at the bottom of THIS post.

Another example of what government does well

If we have oversight like this…..Then what will they do with healthcare?

$1 BILLION in coins, that no one wants, and no one accepts….But the mint is still producing them! We already have a 10 year supply, and have spent nearly 100 million to convince people to use them…..and they have been rejected by those troublesome citizens who won’t do what we are told….

Wonder what it costs to store and inventory those coins?

The one advantage is that as long as they remain out of circulation, this offsets some of the money that Bush and Obama created out of thin air as part of the Tarp and Stimulus packages…so it does (in a small way) help with the inflation issue)

The sad part is that you didn’t see this on the US MSM, but it can be found at the BBC..

Why I hope Portland drops off the map

Because it’s citizens allow THIS to happen.

While I understand the reasoning, the inspectors need their asses kicked, and they should fear for their jobs.  And should fear the wrath of the citizens they (supposedly) serve.

Make no mistake, this can happen anywhere in this country…..Any larger town (most small town citizens would see to it that he/she got fired). Bureaucrats gone wild,  No supervisors reigning them in.

It is all because they do not fear (or respect) the citizens they are supposed to serve.


Today marks the day on which the United States killed many thousands of innocent Japanese…..

Or so you might hear from some folks who weren’t there, in that time, nor who fully understand the facts of war.

Today does indeed mark the day on which the United States dropped a first of it’s kind weapon on a Japanese city and began the end of a war. Today does mark the day in which many Japanese people in Hiroshima died. This was, indeed, a tragedy. Many more died in the (conventional) bombings in Tokyo, and Dresden, and Hamburg.  But this also was the culmination of a clash of cultures. The Japanese were, by our standards, barbarians, and by theirs, so were we. Historians argue that the Japanese were forced into war, and this may have some validity. But ultimately, the Japanese attacked the US, and ultimately, they were defeated. Their culture today bears little resemblance to that of pre-WWII. This is largely due to the changes the US (and it’s allies) forced upon the losers of the war. Total surrender was what made this happen. But Hiroshima was not a non-military city. It had many strategic targets, and it’s citizens were a significant part of the machine which made war materiel for the soldiers and sailors of the Japanese Amy and Navy.

Today marks the day when the weapon created by thousands of men and women, the most highly educated people in the world, ended a war. This weapon was created not only by the brains of those scientists, but also by the industrial might of a nation. Without that industrial might, “The Bomb” would not have been possible, and (estimates vary) up to a million US servicemen would likely have died invading the Japanese Home Islands.

Is this a day to rejoice? If you are the descendant of one of those men who would have been a part of the invasion force, then yes, I suppose it is. But for all of us, it should be a day of remembrance of the horrors of war, and a day of prayer for those who lost their lives, on that day and every other day of the war.

This day, 65 years ago, ushered in the “atomic age” with its attendant fears from that point forward of “The BOMB” for people around the world. People grew up learning to fear atomic annihilation,  learned “Duck and Cover” and expected to spend weeks or months surviving in fallout shelters. Children of today apparently have no idea what the fears of the day were.

But this day was the beginning of the end of a war, 65 years ago.

And the people of NY are letting this happen….

Sharia law soon in NY?

Seriously. Via Stormbinger, THIS .

Conquest, if we let them.

I am all for the expression of religious freedom, but there is a point at which it becomes something else. I believe that the point of no return is approaching…..The point at which something must be done to reign in and to stop appeasing.

If the push continues, the backlash (if the citizens of the US can muster the testicular fortitude to stand up) will become terrible for the moderates.

Mosque protest

While I am of two minds on the broughhaha over the siting of Mosque near the WTC site, I have a suggestion to make for those folks who are most affected.

If the people of New York really want to protest the building of a Mosque near the WTC site, they have to do something that will really really make an impact. Mass protests will not. Violence will not do enough of the job (and, to be honest, would be quite wrong).

A good idea for them is to have a list of those firms which bid on, and accept the various construction jobs in the building of the Mosque….Publish that list. Any carpentry firm which chooses to work on the Mosque should face penalties. They should be protested, and any other potential building project should exclude them from the list of potential bidders. Same goes for any ironwork, masonry work, electrical work, telephone/communication work, painters, drywallers, plumbers, etc. In fact, the trade unions should strongly suggest (with all that that implies in New York!) to their members that they should refuse to work in the place. Any firm which chooses to employ them after they begin work on the Mosque should be protested as well. Drive those who would aid and abet this insult out of business. If they cannot get, or find it difficult to find, anyone licensed to do the work, then this will make the project untenable. But this means that those who choose to do the work must fear the consequences of choosing to do so, and must fear the repercussions….

This too is constitutionally acceptable. And if the people of New York really care enough, they can make this happen. No violence, no mass protest, nothing but dissuading those who woukld do the work to renovate/construct the Mosque. Even if there were enough firms which would take the chance, if enough union members would refuse to work on it, it would keep the Mosque from being built. All it takes is the courage to take a stand.
There are those who have said that the will of the people should be followed. I disagree. Currently the Mosque is legal, and therefore it should be allowed to be built AS FAR AS ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY IS CONCERNED. The prevention of the mosque from being built by any government agency opens the path to a very slippery slope. We are, after all, a nation of laws….and those laws should be followed, even when such a project as this is unpopular. But this does not mean that a project in such bad taste, nor as insulting to those folks living in the area should not have it’s roadblocks.

If this solution were followed, no firm would DARE to bid on any part of the project, and no workers (union or not) would dare to work at the site……Therfore, no builing or renovation would take place