An excuse?

Seems the blogging host that was shut down was host to (alleged) Al Queda sites. I understand the (alleged) reasons for shutting the individual blogs down, but to take the whole server down for this? And confiscate the server with no recourse?

One wonders.

All those blogs, gone forever. For no real reason. It would (should) be technically feasible to dump all the data, or make a backup of the other blogs. Alternatively, to simply shut down access to the (alleged) blogs in question.

Methinks that there is something else involved in this.

And dollars to doughnuts the people using the (alleged) blogs for nefarious purposes will simply set up another account and be back in business in no time.

Is the DHS that technically inept? Or is there more to this? Or do they simply not care?

Also today

Was the culmination of the team effort, the national goal, that put 2 men on the moon.

and since then, the US hasn’t done much, really, in space.

But that day, millions upon millions of people watched as 2 men took the first steps ever on another world.

Then we began the slide into socialism. Spending our money on those who refuse to work, and less and less on the things which make this country greater than it was.

Armstrong and Aldrin got the credit, and they were indeed brave men. But many others who worked to put them there should share in their glory. NASA had many workers who did their jobs to place those men on the moon.

Sadly, NASA has declined ever since.

But today we should remember those who made history……the entire team who placed Mr Armstrong in a position to be the first on the moon.

I was 5 that day.


I saved or created 187.5 jobs.


Hey, If the big O can claim such stuff with absolutely zero proof, so can I…..

Health care mandate is now a tax….?

See HERE for their arguments as to why the mandate is legal…..It is now a tax, and comes under the commerce clause.  Interesting change of story in the part of the left to keep the mandate legal…..

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go practice my knot tying skills. I believe that they will be in demand in the not to distant future. I may buy futures in companies which make and distribute rope as well.

Don’t read this if you get angry easily…..

If you haven’t heard about  Donald Berwick, the newly appointed “Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)” then you need to read THIS article.

Scary, for many reasons. He was a recess appointment, and therefore not subject to legislative review. He admires the (oh so successful!) socialized medicine model of the once great nation of Great Britain (now not so great…) and applauds health care rationing in such a system….

Of course, he has exempted himself and his immediate family from the same system he promotes…..

Read the article….both pages Then, when the anger fades from your eyes, realize that this man’s boss is truly a socialist elitist.

But first, make sure that you cannot access any firearms for at least 15 minutes after reading. No ready access to axes, rope etc.

Seriously. This is the issue with Socialism. If you are not part of the ruling class, then you hope you can be a prostitute……At least they get paid when they get fucked.

Via Insty

People in glass houses…

Or “remove the mote from thine own eye…”

Let me see if I got this straight:

A racist organization (NAACP), which practices racism and excludes those not of the “right” race, and promotes and preaches (and condones) racism regularly at meetings and dinners has the audacity to condemn a movement which is inclusive (or actually just doesn’t care about race) like the Tea Party and thinks that everyone will just believe what they say? 


Can ya say it any plainer than this???

“cause I get the idea from the sign that someone is not too happy with Barry.

(actual sign seen alongside US 30….about 14 miles from “Where the big ones (used to) RUN!”

(sorry about the quality….taken with an old cell phone)