isn’t it tinteresting….

Bob Dylan was temprarialy detained by the Long Branch N.J police (seems that not fitting the neighborhood is a crime in that area….But I digress) and was affable, decent, polite and civil to the 20 something officer who had no idea who he was…As he was unable to provide ID (my green card is in my other pants????) he was detained until they could identify him.

No screaming “do you know who I am?”or threats , and he left without any trouble.

If only Gates had acted this way.

One wonders.

(still, despite the politeness of Mr Dylan, one wonders why he was detained and asked for ID. Is it a crime in Long Branch to walk down a public street? I don’t know enough details anout this but I wonder why this incident started.

But at least Mr Dylan didn’t make it worse.

That’s because we practice more…..and we do it because we like to shoot.

“In actual shootings, citizens do far better than law enforcement on hit potential,” said White. “They hit their targets and they don’t hit other people. I wish I could say the same for cops. We train more, they do better.”

Via Instapundit, we get this.

Despite the fears generated by the Gun Fearing Weenies liberals police can’t be everywhere, and even when the are on scene, they generally aren’t as good at hitting their targets. They generally don’t just “spray and pray” unload their guns on target(s).

But the “civilian protector” doesn’t fit the orderly plans the desk jockys and their administrative bosses like to game out in their retreats. It disturbs them to not have everything under their control so they’d rather have everyone disarmed….even if it causes significant loss of life because a civilian can’t take care of things at the scene early on.

Most real cops admit that they are all for concealed carry. It’s the upper level “management” that prefers the power and control to be in the hands of the police.

Untitled Post

A crack….A small one, but a crack in the Obama Facade, nonetheless.

Seems the Obama Administration is willing to give up on the public health insurance option, replacing it with “cooperatives” (shades of Hillarycare….?) in order to get “Health Care Reform”, which is really just government control of health care,

Step one in the plan to socialize medicine, which is step 2 in the long range plan for the socialization of Amerikka.

Glenn Reynolds says it’s a “Parthian retreat”…I agree. Look it up.

They will never stop, only retreat and try again. Socialists are never going to give up and become good capitalists, and they won’t move to a socialist country. They will always try to change this one “for the better”, failing to realize that it is the wealth and power created by the capitalists that makes the world safer for socialists to do their slimy digging at the roots of that same foundation of capitalism.

Photo ID required….other roadblocks too

Rep Greene REQUIRES a photo id to be at one of his “town hall” meetings. (he’s a democrat, BTW)

“In Texas, Rep. Gene Green’s office is requiring town hall attendees to present a photo ID that proves they live in his district.

On his Web site, Green says “due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents … and verifying residency by requiring photo identification.””

Interesting….isn’t it the democrats who don’t want a requirement to show ID to vote????But it seems that it is ok to require ID to attend a town hall meeting.

He apparently can’t believe that his constituents could oppose the legislation.

Such hypocrisy.

astroturf again

only it is on Obama’s side, not the anti healtcare protesters.

via Michelle Malkin: THe little girl “randomly” selected: at NH was a plant.

Yet they have the temerity to accuse us of being shills.


Words from a wise man long dead

Ronald Regan (blessed be his name) speaks out against Socialized Medecine

“…One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It is very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it. “

Something to think about