BBBUT the DNC and Obama know better than us!

“I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform them.” — James Madison

If it was true then, it is even truer today.


REDSTATE has some interesting comments regarding Astroturf, and who is doing the astroturfing.

Like I said, the DNC/Liberals wing has never seen real grassroots, because they always create their own astroturf in a campaingn.

Nothing is real for them.

Even when real peasants have read the bills (more likely than the legislators) and have real, legitimate complaints. Since the DNC only has paid protestors, the rest of us who protest against then must have been paid as well.

Try Craigslist in your area. See what you find.

Pigs, flying, and other stuff

Today, My mother, who has always thought that I was a bit paranoid about my government, has become convinced that I am correct, at least where the Obama administration is concerned.

Now I gotta go buy a lottery ticket.

Sadly, it’s not just a story

and sadly, we are likely to find out too late that we are, indeed, a second rate, impotent nation, rather than the best country in the world, destination of many, even unto risking their lives to get here.

And sadly, we must accept that despite widespread voter fraud, no birth certificate, no real reason to vote for him, enough voted for the “one” to let him and his Ilk ravage our once strong country and begin the process of turning it into a socialists paradise.

We the people did it to ourselves, dammit. Not me, and not you, perhaps, but we, as a nation, allwed these socialist destroyers into power.

And my god have mercy on our country.

Read this.


THere’s probably gonna be more of this

Unless incidents like THIS are actually DNC creations….Since they seem to believe that headlines are reality, and legitimate protest MUST be astroturf….(no doubt because without their organizing the masses, there would never be a protest in favor of their actions).

Eventually, however, the constituents are just gonna show up with rope, and torches, and pitchforks and make their wishe4s even plainer than they have now.

And already the “town hall” meetings are policed heavily…

If only these non representing representatives and congressmen would get the message…..THe people , the true (not astroturfed by the DNC) grassroots, made up of conservatives, liberals, and in between folks DON”T WANT THE$ GOVERNMENT CONTROLLING HEALTHCARE. THere are enough of us that those who vote for it should fear, not only for their jobs, but fear for their very safety.

I’m not advocating violence here, but you can’t piss off this many people and not have a real crazy or two get really mad.

And the police won’t be able to stop it, should it ever becone a mob violence thing. And if they keep on this path, it will.

Good thing for these non-representing congressmen and members of the house that most of us are (fairly) peaceful, law abiding folks…

So far.