There’s Big Money in Racism

Seems that Patrisse Khan-Cullors, BLM’s co-founder, has just spent another 1.4 Million dollars to purchase her FOURTH house.

One might ask, where did the money come from?

Further, on might ask why, if she believes what she preaches, did she not spend that money helping Black Lives in need?…..If they really mattered.

I would think that 1.4 Million dollars could help a lot of poor people. (and think about this: If the cash came from compensation from BLM, then the taxes mean that she got paid more than 2 million dollars for the 1.4 to have been left over after those taxes….lots of scratch, innit? ) How much is BLM paying her?

Realize also that this is her FOURTH house in non black neighborhoods.

Not to mention that she isn’t picking homes in a majority Black neighborhood…not poor ones….her new home is in a location where the population is less than 2% black and fairly affluent. One might have thought that she’d spend some of that money to purchase a home in a majority black neighborhood, hire a bunch of people, and do something to help the neighborhood improve…..

But, apparently, like most black leaders, she’s just fleecing her followers. I guess there is really good money to be made on racial unrest.

I guess she doesn’t want to live in a black neighborhood amongst the high crime and drugs and violence either….




Almost all of Bidens’s clamed reasons for his “Executive Orders” regarding firearms could be fixed if we, as a society, would deal with the underlying issues:

If he wants to stop black men from killing themselves with firearms (and a lot of other implements) then firstly admit that that segment of the society is a problem (young black males) and stop treating those criminals with kid gloves. Jail time. enforcement. No more low/no bail, etc. enforce drug laws and close down the sales on the streets. But admit that they are the problem. Admit that Black Males (or a subset of that demographic) are violent and kill each other often…..largely as a part of doing business in the drug trade. That they are a large percentage of the issue, not the white guy in the suburbs.

Stop “mainstreaming” mentally unhealthy people back onto the streets, stop depending on pharmecuticals to keep them them in a mental state where they will be able to somewhat function. Place them in homes where they can be sheltered and taken care of, and where they will not be a danger to others.

Enforce existing gun laws. No really, we have a lot, many of which were Knee-Jerk reactions to previous shooting, that are unenforced, ignored, or otherwise made useless.

Background checks only work when there is a database of good information to work with. So fix that database. Then use it. Enforce the rules.

And, most of all, if you want support to fix the “Gun Violence” problem: Stop lying.


Watching Joe

Present his new “Gun Control” plan is like watching a 6th grade child do a presentation on something he doesn’t understand, isn’t sure of, and hasn’t practiced enough to be comfortable with presenting.

Plus there is the failure to even be cognizant of his errors…”AFT” rather than “ATF”, , “Come to the Lord” rather than “Come to Jesus” etc. The more he speaks the more it is obvious that his cognitive abilites are at a really low level, and declining rapidly.

We won’t even bother to discuss the outright falsehhoods in his statements, nor the obvious Constitutional issues with his poposals.

Letting Joe continue to speak in public is sad….It come close ot the level of “Elder Abuse”.

While I am sure it was applauded by the liberals, this was a very sad performance.

IF I were gonna do a Nuclear missile attack…

So around here, the Cicil Defense sirens are tested monthly….on the first Tuesday of the month, at 11:00 AM.

Were I an evil genius bent on World Domination, or a foregn Superpower, I’d pick 11:00AM on the first Tuesday of the month as the time for an attack….no one would pay any attention.

But as my supply of Nuclear Tipped Missiles is low due to the current and ongoing ammo shortage, I’ll have to come up with another plan…..

Mask Mandate lifted…sort of

So the State of Indiana has lifted the “Emergency Mask Mandate”  and we are now free to wear a mask or not…

Except the counties and cities can put their own madates in place, so this is only sorta-kinda maybe freedom. We will see how it goes.

It’s a start.

just a tiny bit of sanity:

So a few days ago, Chicago cops shot and killed a 13 year old boy who was involved in a police chase….he pointed a gun shaped object at the cops (it was a pistol) and they shot him,

For once, the politicians are not blaming the gun. They are blaming the gang members who placed a gun in the hands of a child, (The mother, of course, claims that her child had never even SEEN a handgun, and could never have handled one).

News tells us that the COPA folks think that the shoot was a good shoot, so at least the cop has that. But a family still lost a child (for whatver value of “Child”) No one has asked what a 13 year old was doing running the streets that late though.

More “asisan hate”

And, once again, there is no mention of the race of the person who did the attack.

I wonder why not?

Could it be that the perpetrator (Xavier Rashee Woody-Silas)…and, apparently, many others in the community who dsilike the asian businessmen are….black?

Nah, that wouldn’t fit the meme, would it?


Hint: Nearly 85% of all “Asian Hate Crimes” are perpetrated by black people……Way out of proprtion to their pervcentage of population. You never hear about that, do you?