Watching the morning Propaganda

Or, as they claim, “News”.

’tis interesting how the media is against “reopening” the country, and is pulling all the stops to stir public opinion against it.

I think the best (if mostly misleading) argument:
“Cases are increasing”. Yes, TESTED cases are, indeed, increasing. A month ago we were testing nearly nobody. Now counties are testing thousands of people a day. Of course “Cases are increasing”. Hospitalizations are not, nor are deaths in most areas…. Inflate the Fear Balloon!

Plus there is this whole disease that is striking some children (they fail, mostly, to point out that  it is EXTREMELY rare) called “Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome“…. if one bothers to read the data on it, it may or may not (probably not) be related to Covid-19. But keep Ratcheting up the Fear!

And then the new fear-word:
“Superspreaders”…seems that some people, in some conditions, can spread the disease farther than normal…say if one sings in a choir or other activities where one comes in contact with a large number of people while breathing hard or otherwise having the opportunity to spread droplets of spit or mucous. Duh. This is not news. But it strikes Fear into the hearts of weenies and sheep-like people.

I cannot help but wonder every day, why the attempt to control and corral the United States Population in this manner. Not only does it appear to be unneeded (the expected rise in cases never happened and a vaccine is still months, if not years away and if you have not been exposed, you will be….simply by buying groceries or doing other “essential” activities over the next few months) when the evidence shows that the “experts” were very, very, wrong in their estimates and predictions about this disease,  (and, really, if it hiding from it even works) and why the attempts to keep the US population corralled and only let some businesses and activities happen and leave others wither. Why the attempt to keep people afraid and to continue to keep people at home and our economy throttled….

Why are the media and the “Authorities” in general trying to keep the country shut down? If one looks at the chart, you can see that things aren’t as bad in most parts of the country .

(Click to biggify)
Yeah, green is 1/3 of the deaths blamed on Covid-19, yellow is another third, red is the rest. Not quite what the media is telling you, izzit?

And I still cannot fully understand the attempted hero-ification of our Nurses and Doctors. Yes, it is a (somewhat) dangerous job, hut it always has been. It is a job that deserves respect. But actually, very few of our medical personnel are actually in contact with ANY Covid related people. Yet the media and some parts of our society seem to think they should be venerated as heroes.

(There are days when, after donning my aluminum fedora, that I wonder if this is not some further attempt to make people (or a segment of our population) more dependent on our government…round after round of “government assistance”. 
Plus there is the whole “Cloward-Piven” strategy that is rearing it’s ugly head in the near future if we still have 25% or more of our people out of work a month from now…….But that is a different discussion for another day).  

I find this part of the Coronavirus kinda scary

Not the disease, which is scary enough, but the fact that the New York Times is getting data on the movements of people via the apps they allowed on their cell phone. 

They not only know where you live, but when you leave and where you go,

Think about it,

A NEWSPAPER gets the data. Data on individuals. Data on their movements.

Where do they get this data?

HERE. Supposedly accurate to 30 FEET.

If a private company has this data, you can expect that the Federal Government has it as well.

3 hours at 160+


No, seriously.

Airspeed, and the groundspeed was pretty close to that, average.

See, I got 6 cylinders on my 182 redone. And the conventional wisdom is that they need to be run hard for “Break-In”…

For 10 hours. at 75% power.

75% at 5500 feet works out to be 142 knots. a knot is 1.15 statute miles per hour. You can do the math.

Now, I am not sure why the “Break-In” time is a magical 10 hours….It would seem to me that after an hour or so the rings and cylinders would be worn together…I mean, I have rebuilt hundreds of other types of air cooled engines and they are considered “Broken-In” after 30-45 minutes….the rings and the cylinders have worn together and at that point oil consumption goes to whatever is “normal”. I mean, I am talking from 5 hp mower engines to high compression multi cylinder air cooled diesels. All had the same break-in characteristics and roughly the same timing. the general wisdom was an hour under a half or better load to seat the rings and wear the cylinder finish to properly hold the oil for compression.

But I don’t get a warranty unless I do (and log) the break in time as per recommendations. So I am doing the break in per the specs.

Today, 3:19 ….450 miles more or less. One landing. About half flown by hand, the rest I let the autopilot (“George”) fly. Got the engine nice and warm burnt a lot of fuel.

I gotta say that central Indiana and Illinois are still having lots of traffic on the roads.  Aaron says that his area is way down in traffic, but I did not see that on the roads over which I flew. Larger state highways, Interstates, US highways…all fairly normal. Even Indianapolis roads were not terribly empty, at least not on the north side.

Gotta wonder:

It appears that the 2 idiots who shot Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick Georgia when they accused him of being a thief, despite their stupidity, may have had a reason to follow him.
Note: NOT detain him, nor to confront him, nor shoot him. Once they went beyond following him, they were in the wrong.

However, I cannot help but wonder. Much like the photos of Trayvon Martin depicted him as a cerub faced child, the current photos of Mr Arberry show him about 5  years younger than he was when he was shot, and this makes me wonder if we are again being subjected to a bit of race baiting, using Mr. Arbery as a pawn.

I have no knowledge of his innocence or guilt, and it does appear that the two idiots involved in his shooting were in the wrong. (and I would support them being charged, tried, and, if convicted, being put in prison for murder.

But it makes me wonder….if the press and the black community can’t show him as he was at the time of his death, but rather are attempting to depict him as a much younger, much more innocent man, a kid even….are they trying to hide something???, much as they attempted to hide the fact that Trayvon Martin was a serious thug. It would seem so. At least they are trying to depict him as something he is not….and I gotta ask why that is? Are they ashamed of what he was?

I’d really like to know.

Just in case you missed it:

‘Social Distancing’ is Snake Oil, Not Science

Yet every politician and nearly every “HealthCare” provider jumped on the bandwagon…with absolutely ZERO evidence that it did anything, or was effective.

(Health Care and other medical folks are very much trend followers, they do medicine like women do fashion, just blindly following with absolutely zero reasons to believe that which they repeat and preach……and the whole “social distancing” thing is just one example. 

This is …..interesting.

I had nuthin’

So helping an acquaintance find a leak on a porch roof this morning. We were done and cleaning up.

His wife says “maybe B can help you fix the dishwasher too”.

Friend looks at her and says “What, are you broke”?

Me: “damn, look at the time, I gotta go!”.