Unclear on the concept:

Just saw a dude with full mask and gloves, after wandering around in a convenience store for 10 minutes (touching a bunch of stuff) then try to dial his smartphone…..and was unable to get the phone to recognize his finger touch….So he pulled up his mask and USED HIS TEETH to pull the glove off of his hand so he could dial his smartphone.

Methinks he is missing the idea of how the gloves are spozed to protect him.

Jesus Christ on rollerskates. 

Lockdown day 489

Parents all over the United States are realizing that the issues are NOT with the school and the Teachers:

Their child is difficult to teach and is, really, a poorly behaved little monster.

The longer this goes on….

The more I am beginning to feel as if myself and my countrymen are just the subjects of a giant Social Conditioning experiment.

Look: this is a deadly disease. I got that. Truly, it is.

But the “normal” flu kills 30-50 THOUSAND every year. Yet we don’t shut down our country for that.

Swine Flu (H1N1) killed over a quarter million (yes, 250,000) people in 2009. over a HUNDRED THOUSAND in the first 6 months. Yet we, as a country, essentially did nothing differently then. Nothing. If no one reminded you about that time, you would not even remember. 

The Media is hyping the deaths (Almost 14 THOUSAND!!!!) as of this evening….Yet it is reported that anyone who dies is coded as Corona, tested or not, whether that virus is the actual cause of death or not….

And while I DO think the “Social Distancing”  is a Good Thing, and having folks be more aware of handwashing and hygeine is a great idea, I also am beginning to wonder….

Why the hype this time, and not other times? Why, if we should distance ourselves, and if places like New York are supposedly in Dire straights, have we not cut off the mass transit system that is making it so easy for folks to press together in a small place? Or at least greatly reduced the number of people allowed to ride in one subway car at one time?

Why is the Media pushing so hard that this virus had to somehow spring to life in a “Wet Market” in Wuhan, when the nearest bat with similar virii is over 200 miles away from Wuhan?  Why do they discount so readily the very close proximity of laboratories to the outbreak source that were STUDYING and CULTURING similar virii…less than a mile away?

And why the hype over the death rate when, while it is greater than a “normal” flu, is not significantly greater than other outbreaks?

Don’t believe me, use Google or another search engine to check my statements….and then ask yourself…


Social Distancing

Went to the range today.

No one there.  I had all 8,2 acres to myself.  Was kinda glad that no one was there to see….

Spent two hundred .22 at the 50 yard range. Good, but not great. I need to shoot more. My holds weren’t as stable as before the winter, and …well, to be honest, I suck right now.

Ten shot, quarter-sized groups at 50 yards from a bench? Really? WTF? I can shoot WAY better that that! Not much better prone, nor sitting (and kneeling looked like I was patterning a .410 with buckshot). We won’t talk about offhand, ok?

This with a rifle/scope combination that I can normally cover 10 shots with a DIME at 100 yards.

The wind was calm, or nearly so, and the temp was low 60’s. So no excuse there.

I could hit with the 1911 at 50 feet, however. At least those groups were better. But I can practice my draw and firing inside all winter long. Not so with the range outdoors. It tends to get “squishy”…if you can get the gate open at all.

More practice.
I mean, I got time, right?

I guess he figured that people didn’t like their taste of “life under socialism”

What with the shortages at the Grocery stores, being stuck in their houses with nowhere to go (and nothing to do if they did go anywhere) and the total tanking of the Stock Market and all…

Bernie Sanders has quit the game. Urges voters to vote for Biden.

Pretty much a given that he was gonna lose anyway, what with the DNC shenanigans when it comes time to be chosen….

Double Standards:

So Donald Trump fucked up by the numbers in his response to the Coronavirus mess.
(perhaps, perhaps not)


The World Health Organization could “Only go with the information it had at the time to make decisions”.

Funny, innit?

CBS and their current expert Dr. Deborah Birx.


Now that masks started working for those of us not in health care (hint: they always did, if worn right) I am seeing lots more people wearing masks in public.

Sadly, while they are wearing masks, few of them are fitting those masks correctly. Some so incorrectly so as to provide pretty much ZERO protection.

I see folks with the masks gaping at the sides…which will help keep them from infecting ME with their coronavirus when they cough (somewhat, anyway) but not keep them from getting it when all that air leaks in unfiltered from the sides.

I also see folks wearing the mask over their mouths BUT NOT THE NOSE. Kinda foolish and meaningless there.

Also with only one of the straps.  Both the top and bottom straps are necessary.   Again, missing the point.

Not fitted at the bridge of the nose. Leaking all that air makes the mask effectively useless as a protection for the wearer.

Having a mask on but hanging over one ear doesn’t do much for protection either. Hint: It has to COVER your mouth and nose.

Handmade masks: While I am not too certain that a layer or two of cotton cloth is that great of protection for the wearer, it is much better than nothing…..and it likely protects the rest of us from them rather than the other way around.

But, hey, at least they are trying, if very imperfectly. Or it could be simply a case of “monkey see, monkey do” …or just plain fashion.

ETA: I am not a medical professional but was trained to fit particulate masks for dust and asbestos. So yeah, I can spot a bad fit pretty easily. 

Unable to correlate cause and effect

So it seems that in the greater Chicago metro area, the South Side…largely black (or African American, if you are being PC) has a large number of Coronavirus-19 cases.

The numbers keep changing, but something like 52 of the 98 cases in the greater Chicago Metro area are black, even though they are less than 30% of the population.

And, in typical fashion, it is somehow a conspiracy of White People against Black people (keepin’ the black man down) or some variation of that meme.

It couldn’t be because the Black community, or at least a large part of it, REFUSES to stop gathering in groups, refuses to follow the social distancing  guidelines, that police keep having to break up groups on streets, that women keep chatting in groups in the grocery stores. That men keep congregating in barbershops and in alleyways.

Nope, like all good liberals, it MUST be the fault of someone else. Gotta find someone to blame, but (again) it can’t be black people to blame for the ills of their community. Nossir.
