SO, the feminists have won

When will we have the interview portion of the Olympics, instead of swimming and running and lifting weights? I mean, since physicality doesn’t matter……

So one thing the Feminists have always had as a trademark is that they are, generally, not in great physical shape, nor are they attractive. They wear clothing that is tentlike, and they attempt to hide the fact that they eat too much and work out not enough. They don’t care enough to clean up or do more than bundle their hair up so it doesn’t get in the way. Often, they look like fat slobs, because they are, mostly, essentially lazy fat slobs. (yes, I know I am generalizing and all, but in most cases it is true)

And they tend to dislike women who keep themselves physically fit, and who dress to show it, and who take the time to pay attention to their physical appearance…hair,makeup, etc.

And now they’ve gotten to the Miss America pageant…….. “No longer a pageant, but a competition“….

Instead of being, essentially, a pageant that judges women on their appearance AND their talents (and, at the end of it all, their apparent fertility) the “Competition” will be before a panel of judges that will judge based on some other kind of criteria.

I foresee the end of the pageant. Not because men won’t watch it, (mostly, we don’t) but because WOMEN will stop watching it. It isn’t MEN that fuel the FOUR HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR yearly market for cosmetics and other “beauty” products….And because everyone that watches, watches to see pretty women dressed well.

Miss America started as a swimsuit competition and no on ever forced any of the young women contestants to compete with her peers…..

I predict it will either change back within 3 years, or will go bankrupt.

The scary part is

That this guy getting onto the base is no, apparently, and aberration:

Other local delivery guys said the guards rarely check for any ID. “They don’t ask us for ID,” said Juan Salvador, 38, an immigrant from Guatemala who delivers for Fourth Avenue deli Goustaro. But his manager said she, too, is now afraid to send undocumented food couriers into the federal facility.

So lets see here:

Lots of businesses admit that they employ Illegal Aliens undocumented workers. (Where is ICE?? One would think that they would be raiding investigating these restaurants)

These people, both the businesses and the illegals, think that they have a right to work (and to employ) against current federal and state laws.

Apparently, being asked for ID at the gate to the base is not normal.

Non-US citizens have, apparently, had unsupervised access to a US military installation for a long time.

This is a bigger issue than just one man who has lived here illegally for YEARS while under a deportation order. 

ETA: Related

Week old coffee

and thoughts about it.

Coffee Politics

If he wasn’t at the other end of the country, we’d probably collaborate on something that would cause all the liberals to burst into flame or something.

Probably for the best, that distance. 

Like anyone could just walk in and take it…..

Seems that the main piece of evidence against Imran Awan…the darling of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was stolen….The Server containing all evidence of his activities was “removed before action was taken to secure it“.

This happened in early February, but why are we only hearing about it now?

And why was no action taken to secure said server? One would think the FBI would have taken possession of it as evidence ….Unless, of course, they had reasons not to.

One wonders what sort of blackmail material against the DNC folks Imran Awan has to hold such power that they will blatantly hide his wrongdoings…..

and, further why is DWS getting away with shielding him by supressing evidence. 

6 June.


Think of all those boys and men that, 74 years ago, were either waiting in a Higgins boat to be shot at on a beach, or were already being shot at, having glidered or parachuted in.

Think of their bravery, their fear (for one cannot have bravery without fear) and their resolve.

Europe, in general, will never be able to repay the US for the sacrifice of it’s young men that day, and in the days following.

While this could have hurt someone…

and I find such tactics childish and cowardly….

I also find it funny. I only wish the little fame seeking narcissist was home at the time…..

Seems that someone SWATTED DAVID HOGG.

One might have thought that the cops would have known his address.

But whoever did this should go to jail. And they are NOT on my team..

I Iz Back

New hard drive. Seems that the data was totally scrozzled. So, even though Geek Squad thought that it was the update (apprently , others have had this same issue) they chose tor start fresh with a new drive as well.

So, new Windows, New drive, same chassis.

And I am back.