“Drill, Baby, Drill!”

“Congress shall make no law”

This is, (if you’ll pardon the expression) a sticky one…..

What defines a “church”?

Be specific. On the one hand, “Freedom of Religion”. Who are you to tell me how and who with I can worship….or when?

On the other hand, “Zoning”…..and the outrage of a few citizens…….Who happen to live near the office park where this “Church” conducts it’s “services”. Who are they to say where such services can be held? These “church services” are behind closed doors, not in public.

I dunno. I doubt that the folks in the neighborhood will win this one.

It is “Slippery Slope”…..if you can decide that a community can define how or what a “church” is or how they “worship” then you have a mandated religion. If this were a Mosque of a Synagogue being opposed, the City would lose immediately. But instead, a bunch of bible thumping churchgoers believe they have the right to define other peoples behavior when it has no impact on their own lives……and that they can define what a “Church” and “worship” is.

I foresee this getting ugly. And I see a potential Supreme Court case here. Not my thing, but I really don’t want the State to get to decide how anyone’s church must conduct itself….

Of course, you can always call the BATF for a ruling….

Innit amazing?

What CAN happen when the city and State are motivated to make something happen rather than impede it?  When they help rather than impede? When inspectors show up on time and plans are approved in a timely fashion rather than languish on some bureaucrat’s desk for days or weeks….(and yes there were financial incentives to the construction company too). When there isn’t a call for a study for an endangered species or a survey required for drainage or for greenspace impacts or displacing homeless or any of the other bullshit that normally happens….

I-85 bridge reopens 42 days after fire destroys span. 

Here is how it happened:


The Media is getting irksome.

I tune in for news, not propaganda.

‘Tis interesting that every Democrat wanted Comey fired….until he got fired. I sincerely doubt Comey is the lead investigator in the investigation into the “Russians”, so how is this a big deal? It’s not like he was gonna excuse any behavior like he did Hillary’s “mishandling” of Top Secret memos.

Then it must be a coverup. Odd how the media conveniently forgets that, innit?

And no one said anything when Billy Clinton fired Willie Sessions the day before he had Vince Foster killed Vince foster committed “Suicide”…

Because “Democrat”, so “ignore improprieties”.

Comey should have been fired Day One. If Comey had had any honor, he would have resigned.

And it isn’t like there aren’t several other investigations concurrent with the FBI investigation.

Why do I have to hear a made up scandal biased story to the exclusion of Real news?

ETA: And now they can’t seem to stop using “Watergate” in the same sentence, as if to link the Break-In and subsequent debacle to Trump.

“Rules for Radicals” seems to be the rule of the Media today.

Enough, already!

Scott Pelley just can’t stop using the word “Russian” every time he refers to Trump.

At this point, his credibility is beyond repair.

He has noting to point at to LINK Trump to anything Russian, But he can’t (or won’t) stop using “Russian” in the same sentence. Perhaps this is an attempt to link Trump and “Russians”  in his viewers minds?

Look: I am all for finding out if, as is implied, Trump was under the pay of, or was somehow aided by, the “Russians”. Perhaps he really is Putin’s lapdog. But this continued innuendo, without accusation and without proof is becoming pedantic, and frankly, irritating….and childish.

For many years the MSM has had little credibility with me,  But they don’t have to renew my reasons for doubt daily…. I get the fact that they HATE Trump and they will do anything to delegitimize him as President. But at some point, they have to just stop.

The Left is going NUTS about this alleged Russian thing. The Left (and the Hillary campaign) made it up and the Loretta Lynch’s “Justice” department believed them and then the Press ran with it….

Can’t say I am sorry to see him go

He was, at the first a political animal.

Then an administrator (and not that good of one, apparently).

Then a leader of FBI agents.

Comey Fired

What with his mealy mouthed dealing with the Hillary Server and all, and then his half assed try to assuage his conscience just before the election, he isn’t suited to be the leader of an organization like the FBI. 

“What do you mean, you sold it???”

So I recently took delivery of the Dodge Ram 2500 that I had ordered.

Now, having a new truck, I had no need of my old truck, a 14 year old Dodge diesel 2500.

As the old truck had a bit of rust over the rear wheel wells, the dealer really wasn’t interested in it, and, rather than make a crap offer, suggested that I sell it myself. They even did a valuation on it to give me an idea of a fair selling price.

So, I put a sign on the truck and placed it at the end of the driveway. Had several folks stop and look at it in the first week, but no one came ad threw cash at me, so I put it on craigslist on Friday afternoon.

Now, Thursday, a guy had stopped by with his wife (who disapproved) and looked at it, had taken it for a drive, and had even talked a bit about price. Said he’d call me in the morning. Except that I never heard from him, which was why I placed the truck on Craiglist.

I got the usual lowball offers via email, at least 2 scammers, and one guy came and looked at it…all before noon. This guy appeared serious, looked closely at the truck, drove it, crawled underneath it, etc. Asked all the right questions. Told me he’d call me Sunday. Which he did. He then told me he’d take it, and we arranged a time for him to come and pick it up, which happened on Sunday afternoon. Cash on the barrelhead….

Monday, the guy who looked at it THURSDAY BEFORE called and said he had decided to buy my truck.

“Sorry, dude, I sold it on Sunday”


“Sold it on Sunday. Guy from Craigslist looked at it and bought it”.

“But I went to the Bank and got money and all”.

“You never called me”.

“I meant to, but I got busy”

“You never told me you wanted it….You were supposed to call on Friday morning. I told you I was gonna put it on Craigslist on Friday….Today is Monday. I sold it Sunday.”

“Yeah, but I got busy”….”and I had to go out of town on Saturday”.

“Dude, the Truck. Is. Sold.”


“You. Never .Called……I. Sold. The. Truck……If you wanted it, you should have called and made an arrangement…. not waited 4 days.

“But….I wanted it!”

“Sorry bro, you snooze, you lose. If you wanted it, you should have made it plain. Put down a deposit…..”


“Gotta go, bro, good luck next time”.

And I hung up, shaking my head.