Can’t stand the little drama queen

Having said that, he (or she, depending on her (his) mood) has an excellent idea:

Help gay people find (and get) firearms training.

I will say this. I am in Northwest Indiana. If you are in need of training, or just want to explore firearms, I will teach you for free. Gay, straight, lesbian, bi, trans, (other) I really don’t care. I am a certified NRA instructor and will teach you for free. If you want to use the NRA materials and get a certificate I will only charge what they charge me.

Contact me at [email protected]

This might not go well, actually

In fact, it might well turn out very poorly.

I am an NRA member, because I have to be to be a member of my range and to gain my instructor credentials so I can teach people and get my liability insurance….

But I really don’t trust ’em.

Trump to meet with NRA about banning gun sales for terror watch list.

I’m afraid that the NRA will roll over on this. And I really don’t think that Donald is a friend of the Second Amendment except when it is convenient. I’d rather he asked the SAF…..

ETA: To clarify: I oppose this measure because the lists are secret, there is little investigation before a person is placed on the list, it takes little more than suspicion (although DHS wont tell us their criteria), and there is no right of, or procedure for, appeal. Until these are rectified, I cannot endorse, and do, in fact, oppose using these lists for any criteria in buying a gun. 

I don’t want terrorists to be able to purchase firearms. But if there is a reason to deny any of our freedoms, then you should either be jailed, or have your day in court. Mere suspicion is not a valid reason. 

‘Twas pointed out to me…

That Liberals will condemn you for having an opinion of Glowbal Warming Climate change when you aren’t a degreed Climate Scientist (who gets paid for research into….global warming) because they claim you know nothing about such things….

But they have no qualms making statements and having an opinion of “Assault rifles” and other guns even though they have never held one in their hands, much less shot one.

Double standards and all that….

Have you noticed

That the Gun Massacres were few and far between until the Gun Control folks began their push?

(Even CNN has noted this ) (via Tam)

And there are so many things that make the Conspiracy folks go crazy in every story. Sometimes I wonder if they are right.

Ferinstance, this guy’s story has a lot of holes in it (starting about 2:40) (“The bullet was as big as my finger and it was sticking out of his leg (shows 6 inches)”)…. Makes one wonder. (Plus admitting that you might have trapped others to die?)

It would seem that the incident of gun massacres are increasing. I am beginning to wonder if they are all real whackjobs (as opposed to staged things) especially when I see “witnesses” like the above…It is odd that we had so few until a few years ago….Almost as if the farther behind the gun grabbers get, the harder they try the murderous gun whackos grow bolder….

Odd that.

I figure that the Donald won

As of last night about 2 AM….

Once it came out that it was an Islamic Terrorist that did the killings, he is likely a winner.

Hillary is blaming the guns, and the lack of “common sense gun control”….But the killer was a licensed Security Guard (Background Check) had purchased a firearm in the week previous from an FFL (NICS Check) Concealed Carry holder (Background Check) and had been checked out by the FBI several times in the previous years.
All of which prove that these checks do nothing.

If Trump can find a way to articulate the issue….Islamic Radicals/Unhindered immigration….then he can win here, without dancing in the blood of the victims.

I was a bit dsgusted

At a High School graduation party. One person stated that it was only “faggots” who were shot.

I replied that they were my countrymen, whether I agreed with their lifestyle or not.

Turned my back and walked away before I said something I shouldn’t have and ruined a party.

Those Amish:

SO apparently an Amish youth shot a bunch of people in an Orlando gay club to mark the Start of Ramadan. (No names given, even though they have the shooter…or at least his remains, so I assume that true to form, when they don’t give a name at first, it must be an Amish guy…)

Police say it may be Terrorism. Nationality of the shooter(s) unknown. (Although if it had been a white guy, a black guy, an Hispanic guy, or a chinese guy we’d have been told immediately (especially had it been a white guy and a christian))…the fact that his ethnicity and such hasn’t been stated tells us what they are….)

20 dead, 40+ injured.

Prayers for all involved.

ETA: Definitely Amish. Named Omar Saddiqui Mateen, (surprisingly, they actually named the dude) A us Citizen of Afghani ancestry. “This is not about religion”.

May be more than 50 dead. State of emergency called.