So the boys (and girls) in Burns

are NOT taking the reasonable way out.

Seems the Feds are trying to end this as peacefully as possible. But the folks at the Wildlife refuge don’t seem to be reasonable (or rational). 

These folks appear to be suicidal. They lost, no one rallied to them. Their leaders are arrested (except for Ryan Payne, who appears to be a government agent (I could be wrong))

This isn’t gonna end well…..and it isn’t gonna be the fault of the Feds, either.

Y’know, the Patriot Movement doesn’t need whackadoodles like this.

ETA: Update:: They finally surrendered.  Which was the smart thing….. Having said that, I thought they were “Not afraid to die” and had planned to “fight to the last” and all that.

I am glad that it is finally over.

Down 80%

Seems that since Maine told folks they have to do SOMETHING in order to receive food stamps (at least if  you are an adult with no dependents) that the number of people on the rolls has, oddly enough, dropped by 80%.

Now, if the rest of the country would follow that lead, we’d be able to stop wasting our money on people who have no ambition…

Personally, I think that we should drug test everyone who receives any handout from the government, state, local, or Federal. I’d be willing to be that there would be a similar drop in participation if folks had to make a choice….


“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”

~Albert Einstein

No shadow

So maybe the Groundhog will bring us an early spring.

Likely, since we haven’t really had a winter this year….

Because cops, that’s why…

If this had been you, or me, or any other “civilian” (aren’t cops civilians too?) then we’d be charged and doing time for firing blindly at these women. The “perceived threat” wasn’t a reasonable one. Wrong make, wrong color….. But it was a pickup….

THIS is an example of the different standards of judgement and behavior for Police officers and the rest of us citizens (aren’t cops citizens too?)

They are lucky they didn’t kill each other, really. If their judgement is that poor, they shouldn’t have badges and guns.

“Lock the doors”

Those was the words used by Flight Director Leroy Cain when it was determined that the Columbia was lost.

Ars Technica has an excellent article on the sequence of events.


It should also be noted that the foam composition had changed. The environmentalists (and the EPA) had caused NASA to change the foaming agent and the foam composition to one that was less toxic and more environmentally friendly….this made the foam much more brittle. So the foam strikes happened because the EPA and a few environmentalist were worried about a bit of Ozone Depleting Chemicals and a few pounds of not so terribly toxic material that might vaporize….a few POUNDS….

7 people died to save the ozone…