The sad part

Is that she is allowed to vote.The fact than anyone would write such an article (and not as satire) should mean that she is automatically proscribed from voting.

Not saying that everything is wrong, but really, when your entire article can be boiled down to “men bad, Patriarchy, and women better”…. it is sad. Even sadder that this is published in the WSJ.

I’ll not get into the whole “women work from emotion rather than logic” argument, nor the fact that women’s motivations change as they grow older, from childbearing years to post menopause… the illogic they exhibit though their cycles, etc.

Instead I’ll just find it sad that a once prestigious publication like the Wall Street Journal would even publish such an article, for any reason.

Even “because Patriarchy”.

Watching the Pre-Race show

before the Las Vegas NACAR race, I gotta say that I am embarrassed for Michael Waltrip. Not only is he a failed has-been racer (but one still worthy of respect for his accomplishments) but he is now played as a complete fool by whoever is paying his salary. He is no longer respected by the racers and their support staff, but obviously no longer by NASCAR officials nor the producers. He voluntarily plays the Court Jester and the Fool.

Just a reminder:

About 10 days ago, the Obama administration GAVE AWAY 3+ BILLION DOLLARS of your money to private insurance firms. Gave.It.Away……Illegally.

And it was only because of the Internet that you even heard about it.

The Big Media didn’t tell you….Not a single TV news organization… NBC, not CBS, not ABC…not even FOX. …no major newspaper told you either…Not the Times, (NY nor LA) not the Tribune. Nor the Register, nor even the WSJ. Certainly not the Christian Science Monitor.

It was the interenet. That last open, unregulated means of communication. Invented by AlGore, it has brought freedom of communication to nearly everyone in the US and Canada.

Until, of course, the Feds start to change that.

But I digress. Back to my original topic.  I have to ask, where are our legislators? Why aren’t they stopping Barry from his illegal acts? He can’t isn’t supposed to give away billions of US government (which means ours, BTW) dollars to private firms without the advice and consent of Congress. IN fact, it takes and act of legislation that BEGINS in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES to spend money like that. And yet our Congress just looks the other way and lets him act….


Day 4986.5 of winter:

It appears that we will, for the first time this winter, be above freezing today.

Which is good, as we are nearly out of firewood….

And running low on C2H5OH..

Rumor has it

That later tonight, Brian Williams will be telling us about his experience with J Bowie at the Alamo.

Apparently it was harrowing.

Philm at 11. 

SO… Green Tip already decided: M855 not on new Regulation Guide

And, apparently the “comment period” is just for show?

And, again, it is not the Legislative branch that makes laws, but the Regulatory branch….

ATF has been working on a ban of AR-15 “green-tip” ammunition for quite some time and has already issued the ban in its new, 2014 Regulation Guide. For reference, ATF Regulation Guides come out approximately every ten years.

Now I haven’t seen the reg book, but if this is true, it would appear that the ban is already decided….and, as people have said, If Barry and the DNC can’t get rid of our firearms, they’ll get rid of our ammo.

The ATF doesn’t care about your input and comments, they KNOW what is good for us. And they will regulate until they get it right…

Again, BallotBox and SoapBox don’t appear top be working…..I hate the thought of the other option, but it seems closer and closer every day…


ETA: ATF: “OOPS! Our bad. Ignore this, not what it seems. Yeah, we got caught, but we will find a way to hide it fix this” Just go about your business and let us do what we will, Citzen.