I remember

Do you?

I won’t forget. Ever.

Will you?

Sadly though, you are no safer traveling today than you were 9/10/01. Lots of money has been spent, and lots of Security Theater, but no safer. The muslim Extremist are, in fact, greatly emboldened.

Be safe.


It’s worse than .22!

So for most of the summer, the mosquito population has been….quiescent. Pretty much not an issue. We had a normal amount of rainfall, but there weren’t many mosquitoes.

Not so this past week or so. Little buggers are vicious and hungry. And there are a LOT of them.

Because of this, the supply chain has been overwhelmed as per any mosquito repellent type stuff.

You can’t find Deepwoods Off or the like for love nor money.

Menards/Home Dept/Target/WalMart….all out.

I did see (online) where Home Depot Tractor Supply had some in the local store, and went to see if I could purchase some. I’m not out, but I was down to half a can as of yesterday. (I worked outside yesterday for 3 hours and had to reapply *liberally* every hour or so.)

I got to the store, and went to the department where they sell the insect repellent….this little old lady TRIPPED me to get the last can. (I got it anyway, and for a second or two, thought she was gonna hit me). She literally tried to take it out of my hand.

Now they are out too. And no, I didn’t give it to her. If she’d have been a lady about it, I might have, but she wasn’t, so I didn’t.

She stalked off.

As I was checking out, some guy offered me $20 for the can….I sold it to him so HE could buy it from the store. (Hey, I’m not out and there is always Amazon.. $20 is $20…).

Now, I am sure that the supply chain will catch up here shortly , but in the meantime, this stuff is worth more than .22LR. And even harder to get.

Might be something I will have to stock in my preps….

Brokeback mountain?

So one of the ladies who works for me is having “Man Trouble” .

She complained that she couldn’t find a decent man.

“Why can’t I find a decent guy who cleans up after himself, who can communicate with me, and share his feelings with me? THat’s all I am asking….”

“Sorry dear, those men already have boyfriends”

Been remiss

Thermonuclear. Isis, Hamas. Terrorism. Border cross. IED.

Intifada. Pressure cooker.

Dirty Bomb.

Gunpowder. Ammonium Nitrate. Bomb plans.





There, that oughta keep the NSA happy for a while…..Hi guys. Didja miss me?

Your government at work:

Keeping you safe from a terror that doesn’t exist…

FDA restrictions keeping some cheeses out of US stores. 

Seems that the Feds, in the form of faceless FDA Bureaucrats, decided to cut the allowable (harmless) bacteria counts by a factor of 10…from 100 to 10.

Now, despite the fact that the old level seemed fine, and that no one had died or even gotten sick at the old level that had been in place for many years, they decided to change it.

With no notice. SO thousands of pounds of cheese were unsalable at a moments notice.

So even if the cheesmakers could (and many can) change their methods of producing cheese to meet the new standards, they won’t even try to do so…in fact many european cheesmakers are choosing to not sell their products in the US because they are unhappy with the new standards.,….and the fact that these standards can be changed WITH NO NOTICE, making their current product unsalable and subject to destruction at the whim of a bureaucrat.

Understand: This new standard didn’t make you any safer, it didn’t save any lives, it didn’t keep people from being sickened. There was no reason for the change, the FDA just changed the spec.

And in doing so, deprived us from being able to buy and enjoy some really great cheeses.

ETA: From Og, in the comments we get this:


Y’know, we went out to dinner Sat night.

Ended up at an Olive Garden. Food was good, but that isn’t what I intend to discuss
I’m gonna talk about race relations:

See, Olive Garden doesn’t do reservations, so ya shows up and gives ’em yer name and waits yer turn.

20+ minute wait.

Now there were Black people and White people and Hispanics and Eastern Indians and some folks where the women were wearing Hijab-like headcoverings, so I am gonna assume Muslims. There were Eastern Asians and (likely) Pacific Islanders.

Everyone was polite, and decent to everyone else. Maybe not friendly, but at least polite and decent. Social, one might say. Well behaved.  Not loud. Doors were held for the old or ladies… No pushing or shoving, and people tried to make room for the next guy…The kids were (for kids), well behaved. Parents corrected them or disciplined when they got out of line.

There were several tables with a broad mix of skin tones and facial features. Whites blacks Hispanics, etc. not sure if work folks with families or what….It doesn’t matter. They seemed to get along.

Everyone spoke clear english. Accented, perhaps, but clear. No Ghetto accents. No one was loud or overbearing either. And no one was rude. While I doubt any of us were unaware of color or ethnicity, I also don’t think any of us cared that much about it. All we cared about was passing the time until we could be seated and then waiting for our food.

Now, these folks, none of them, were poor. Nor were they Ghetto, by
their actions…raised right. With manners. I doubt that any of us had
“Private Plane” money, but I also doubt any of the folks there were on welfare, either.

Thing is, I would  doubt that these people have issues with the police in their daily lives….,…I also doubt that they have racial tensions in their neighborhoods. In fact, I’d bet that their neighborhoods don’t look like Ferguson, either. 

Point is, no one was a lowlife…or at least no one acted, or dressed like one.

And no one got treated like one either….Were there racial tensions in the restaurant? Not that one could easily notice. No one blamed me for anything because I am white, and I didn’t expect to be mugged because there were Black and Hispanic people there. We were just people eating. As it should be.

Draw your own conclusion from this anecdote.

Bad planning

And what does this mean? Green power=grid failure.

Extraordinary steps are being taken to resurrect the power generation capacity of Great Britain.  And they are afraid that they will have to take other steps to ration power….

Restarting coal plants (if possible) (where are the operators gonna get the trained operators?) Power plants aren’t something you can train people to operate in a few days…..and letting that machinery cool off and stop turning has (sometimes) big consequences for operationality.

The British Government, especially Parliament, has failed their constituents. I hope the citizens realise this come winter when they are out of work and shivering because they don’t have enough electrical power.

(Personally, I think this was/is part of the Socialist’s plan to weaken the Brits even more. I am just amazed that the British people keep electing them.)