Has anyone noticed

That the farther left a country is, the faster it’s economy is going into the crapper?

Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, etc in South America are prime examples.

Greece and other PIIGS countries in Europe.

Russia and the former Soviet Republics have already failed, and are on the road to somewhere else….

Banking crises, governmental debt woes, declining standard of living, less and less government services. More and more government interference in commerce.

Someone tell Barry and his pet NC cronies.

And tell me how to avoid getting splashed.

“May be the dumbest poll evar”

Seems some liberal journalist (but I repeat myself) was all up in arms about the news that Huntsville Alabama is going to gain (up to) 2000 jobs at the (soon to be) expense of Ilion, New York and ran a poll to see what the newspaper readership thought of the idea that icky guns would be made in a factory in the area.

The responses to the poll were overwhelmingly positive. People care little about the fact that gunz would be made in the new factory. All they see is jobs that produce wealth for the community.

The comments are overwhelmingly disparaging.

I mean…Alabama.

So I asked….

Seems that Chase Bank is open on President’s day (which, IMO, should still be Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthday, not a National Holiday that always falls on a Monday so that the Federal workers can get an extra long weekend)…

Now while I found this conveneient for by business banking, I asked the manager why they were open on President’s day, but not MLK day, as both were national holidays.

“we are closed on MLK day out of respect for Martil Luther King, and because it is important to our minority customers.”

Well, see, now we have an issue, dude. “cause I find it DIS-respectful that you are open today, as both Lincoln and Washington ARE PERSONAL HEROES OF MINE”

“yeah, we’ve heard it a lot lately. I’ll let you talk to my boss…..” and he proceeds to pull out his cell phone and call his boss…”yeah, another one”..and he hands he phone to me.

so I say my piece and he apologizes and I hang up.

Now here is the thing…

I really don’t care if the bank is open on either holiday. But if they are going to be closed for MLK day, then they really should be closed for President’s day….of open on both.

Why do they give more respect to a (admittedly brave) black preacher than to an abolitionist or to the founding father of our country?

I think it is for fear of being labeled racist….Else they wouldn’t bother to close at all.

“And yet it moves”

Today is the 450th birthday of Galileo Galilei. (Go ahead, use Google, you’ll find lots of links and might learn something)…..Who believed in Heliocentrism in support of Copernicus…..That the Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than the other way ’round….And who was imprisoned by the Church because his beliefs were opposed to Church doctrine.

How many other doctrines held true today will be seen as transparently wrong years in the future? 

ETA: Read this and weep

On judicial decisions and the rule of law.

So the Ninth Circuit Court chose to decide that Kalifonia’s restrictive handgun carry laws are illegal. Liberals everywhere are crying….and the rest of us are smiling.

But I have to ask:

Where has the rule of law been for the past 40 or 50 years? Why now are the decisions like this, and Heller and McDonald being adjudicated in the way that they are? Why were these laws allowed to stand in the past?

Where was the Judiciary in the years prior to this? No one chose to sue because the political climate of opinion wasn’t conducive to a favorable outcome for the pro-Second Amendment side….

So why have a judiciary at all if we can have courts who, with the changing of judges (who are, after all, human) who will rule one way on an opinion and the same (or similar) court choose to offer a different viewpoint at a later time?

Theoretically, our judges and court system should rule the same way each and every time….and once a ruling is made, that should be the law of the land…..But that isn’t so. Arguments change, but moreso the makeup of the judges and their opinions. Yet opinions and biases SHOULDN’T be a part of a judgeship. Nor should it (theoretically) have a bearing on the decisions made.

Yet it does.

And if judgements like McDonald and Heller and the most recent one can overturn previous and lower courts decisions, have we realistically got true Rule of Law? Or do we have Rule of Current Opinion? Rule of Current Political Climate?

Are our laws really that mutable that depending on the political climate they can change so radically? Is a decision made by a lower court 30 years ago so easily changed today? And if a lower court’s decision is overturned, should those judges be retained as Judges?

While i welcome these recent interpretations of our laws I fear that others of which I might not approve, can be overturned as well. We might not like those decision.

What I fear is instability in our way of life, caused by political opinion changes. Our laws should not be so mutable.

So it seems that Atlanta residents CAN learn

Most of them stayed home and let the storm happen …

But the rest of the denizens of the South can’t. 

Record delays in North Carolina, People stuck on the roads and unable to climb hills to go home.

Jesus Christ, I knew that it was going to be bad there..That there would be Ice and snow and other bad things……and I live a thousand miles or more away. WTF is wrong with these people?

And the media found a family (one would guess by ethnicity and demeanor that she was a welfare recipient) that had ALREADY run out of food…Of course.

It would seem that the southern people are living up to their reputation of stubbornness and stupidity.

I find that sad.