Yoots, updated

Seems the Aldermen of the city have made some comments…..Interesting reading. They pull no punches.

The sad part is that the media will barely cover it, and doesn’t want to give out the race of the attackers (unless they are white). Only by looking at the problem clearly can we solve it. Hiding from the facts will not fix the issue. .

and thus the slide into darkness

begins today….

soon we’ll have the credit rating of Rwanda….for the same reason.

Remember this day when you are spending $8.75 for a vending machine Coke and $9.50 for a bag of chips.

And gas costs $14.38 a gallon for the cheap stuff.

And you can’t afford a home ’cause your loan is 18% APR like it was 30 years ago.  

Remember this day, and consider which of today’s legislators lynchings you will participate in.


Watch your six. Be aware of what is happening in crowds…

It is happening everywhere….even in Milwaulkee

And it is getting worse. and more prevalent.

You expect this sort of thing to happen near the south side of Chicago and such…maybe Detroit or Philly…But Wisconsin?

And if it were white kids doing it to black people, the hue and cry from the MSM, Jesse Jackson and Mr Sharpton would be LOUD….But you don’t hear about this on CNN….

No matter who is doing it, it’s wrong. The fact that it is being covered up (or at least NOT reported) because of race is worse. 

Be careful in mixed crowds…

I’m just sayin’

P.S. If the above frightens you (and it should) then just wait until we run out of money and have to cut social programs……Better prepare and get yer mind wrapped around the thought early.

ETA: Linoge has some thoughts

Yep, that helped

We had to compromise on the budget battle in order to keep, among other things, the stock market from tanking…..

It closed down 500+points on Thursday. (down about 4%, which isn’t actually all that bad). Good thing we screwed the rest of the economy to save the Dow though….

With this rate of success (Stimulus bill, Tarp,  Q.E., etc) Obamacare is likely to give us all cancer in the first 3 months…..)

just a thought:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and passed on … or we will spend our sunset years telling our children’s children what it was like in the United States when men were free.”
– Ronald Reagan

We need more like this

Creating American jobs IN THE UNITED STATES

and, coincidentally, removing the stranglehold that the terrorists muslims have on our economy. And the source of funding for the religious extremists.

If I could, I’d buy stock in them.

I am disgusted

By the posturing and bullshit that is being reported on (and apparently encouraged by) the press. The new meme: all the people they choose to show (“regular citizens”, and “random samples” from the Midwest…the “heart of Amerika”) are “glad for the compromise” and “relieved” and “tired of the wrangling”. Most were from middle sized cities and most were, unsurprisingly, women….

And we are letting the press push the agenda.

I really don’t care for the political theater. I only want to see our country not be broke. (and by broke, I mean not having additional credit, but rather actually able to meet it’s bills).

This bill is none of those things. it’s like a CANCER. And, BTW, part of the money comes from the expected end of the”Bush Tax Cuts”….Yep, they expect higher taxes to bring part of the debt under control.

I’d have rather seen the country “shut down”. Make real decisions. Make real choices. There would have been no need for default, but they could have stopped spending so much..We would not have been forced to leave our Social Security recipients on an ice floe…..

Instead, we get political theater, and at best punt the issue into the future…..So that the WON and his ilk can continue to whine about “fair share” and “sharing the burden” and all that other folderol.

Again, I won’t suggest anything like violence, because I really don’t want to have the visit from the Gestapo Secret Service….So I won’t suggest that we get our pitchforks, and torches and rifles and such.

But I can think about it….You should, perhaps, as well.