
Vivos! Safety for you and yours Post-SHTF

Apparently ther IS a sucker born every minute.

How would you get there?

How do you know that the spot you paid for will be there when/if you need to use it? Or will you now be working for the guy who is already set up in the bunker….as his labor force.

Who you gonna call to get yer money back if your spot isn’t there when you get there? ?

At the end of 2012 there are gonna be some HUGE bargains when the shit doesn’t hit the fan.

Make no mistake, I believe in preparation for disaster, just not paying someone else for a spot in their bunker.

And Calderon shows that he is shilling for Obama

And that there are two standards….One for Mexico dealing with invaders, and one for the US. 
It’s like he feels that Mexican citizens have a right to invade our country, a right that other folks do not have in Mexico. And, of course, he gets things entirely wrong when it comes to the illegal guns in Mexico. But we have already seen that Calderon is a liar. (Just like Mr. Obama). It would seem to anyone with two working brain cells to rub together that he was well briefed before coming to the US, and likely by the Obama Administration. I wonder if the citizens of Mexico realize that he is a puppet of Barry?

The fact is that if Illegal Immigrants from Mexico were stopped, the country of Mexico would shortly thereafter go broke. Bankrupt. Tapped out.

And that would be the end of the government that they have now.

Can someone show me where that would be a bad thing?

ETA: even better post regarding MEXICAN laws on foreigners here. Seems that Mexico doesn’t want all those damned mexicans either….. Seems that their laws regarding immigration are much more strict than ours, yet they bitch about ours. Read the Whole Thing.

Dr. Frankenstein, I presume?

He would be proud of these men and women.

Artificial life. AND IT REPRODUCES!

Single cell only at this time. But it will lead to more.
Could be scary. True designer babies. Or a true cataclysmically dangerous disease.

Or then again, specifically engineered bacteria…. Stuff that would eat cellulose and excrete oils. Or eat one mineral and excrete another. (gold???) Bugs that eat our worst toxic chemicals and reduce them to benign feedstock for our manufactories.

It’s like something out of a 50’s science fiction novel.
Ether way, an interesting first step.

Contests and a good blog: BOBs

There will be an upcoming post about BOBs…..Bug Out Bags….. Do you have one? You should.

I do. I can bail out in less than 5 minutes….Plus time to corral the cats.

It takes very little time and effort (and just a few bucks) to put together a BOB. It need not be a backpack or bag. A Rubbermaid copy tote can be had for less than $5, and will contain everything you need in one place (in an easy to find location) should you have to leave in a hurry. 

Chemical spills, terrorist attack, industrial accidents, fires, flash floods, you name it. Can you gather 3 days worth of food, water, clothing, sanitary supplies, medicines, pet supplies, etc. in 5 minutes? I can, ’cause it’s already gathered and ready to go….

Look for a detailed post about BOB’s the weekend. 


M.D. Creekmore over at the The Survivalist Blog – a survival blog dedicated to helping others prepare for and survive disaster – with articles on bug out bag contents, survival knife choices and a wealth of other survival information is giving away a Go Berkey Water Filter System (a $139.00 value)! 

Visit The Survivalist Blog for the details.

Reward failure

and wonder why NOTHING EVER CHANGES.

Who is served by this action? The re-hired hacks teachers? Yep….At the taxpayers and the student’s expense.

But the students lose, “cause they get shit for teachers.
The taxpayers lose ’cause they get less for their money spent on salaries for these teachers.

Buy some Fritos

Seems that the pro-illegal immigrant assholes coalition wants everyone to boycott Frito-Lay “cause they still support a large sporting event in AZ….

Not gonna happen here in this house.

Instead, while I eat few chips, I think I’m gonna buy a bunch and donate them to the local food pantry.

Bet that this works as well as the Whole Foods protest.