There will be an upcoming post about BOBs…..Bug Out Bags….. Do you have one? You should.
I do. I can bail out in less than 5 minutes….Plus time to corral the cats.
It takes very little time and effort (and just a few bucks) to put together a BOB. It need not be a backpack or bag. A Rubbermaid copy tote can be had for less than $5, and will contain everything you need in one place (in an easy to find location) should you have to leave in a hurry.
Chemical spills, terrorist attack, industrial accidents, fires, flash floods, you name it. Can you gather 3 days worth of food, water, clothing, sanitary supplies, medicines, pet supplies, etc. in 5 minutes? I can, ’cause it’s already gathered and ready to go….
Look for a detailed post about BOB’s the weekend.
M.D. Creekmore over at the The Survivalist Blog – a survival blog dedicated to helping others prepare for and survive disaster – with articles on bug out bag contents, survival knife choices and a wealth of other survival information is giving away a Go Berkey Water Filter System (a $139.00 value)!
Visit The Survivalist Blog for the details.