Who knew?

Captain Crunch cereal with crunchberries contains no fruit.

Crunchberries are not really berries….Whoda thunk that?

Only in Kalifornia…..But at least the judge dismissed the case.

I mean, after 4 (yep, four) years, she finally figured out that crunchberries aren’t fruit of any kind.

I am so crushed. I always thought crunchberries were part of my morning fruit ration.

Apparently the only fruit at her breakfast table was the one holding the spoon.

RIP Grasshopper……

David Carradine found dead in Bangkok.

Reports are that he was found in his motel room.

For many of us, he will always be Kwai Chang Caine in Kung Fu, the monk who toured the west, righting wrongs and taking the side of the oppressed, using his strength and his prowess for good, never showing anger, only patience, always trying diplomacy first, resorting to violence last, but with great vigor and focus. A bunch of short plays about morality and doing what is right. His influence on many youths was profound. I see few actors today that had his presence.

I will also remember him in “Death Race 2000”. A cheezy movie, but still….

Yeah, I know, he was just an actor and all that. But he was, for me, as iconic as John Wayne, and as influential.

His passing marks the passing of an era for many.

RIP, Grasshopper. May you snatch the pebble once more in the afterlife.

you gotta be fucking kidding me…

This story shows what asses the courts are.

Teachers have no need for dug tests? Come on. If anyone needs to be clean, it is those who are interacting with, and educating and influencing the thinking of children.

of course, it’s not like they are doing something important like driving a truck, or something.

They are government employees fer chrissake! They all should be subject to random testing.

Make no mistake, One of the most influential teachers that I had in high school was a borderline alcoholic. But he was ALWAYS sober when he was in school. ALWAYS.

ANd, for the record, I can pass a drug test anytime.

But when you take the state’s money, you should be subject to the laws of the state.

And moreso if you are a cop or a teacher.


Payback is a bitch, ain’t it?

Via FoundingBloggers.com comes this gem.

Neo-Nazi National Socialist Party group cleans up half mile of highway named for Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.

A nice bit of turnabout, if I may say so.

I hate hate groups. I believe in their right to exist, and would hate to see them banned (slippery slope and all that) but I like it when they are one-upped. This is a great job by the state and by the Jewish group that made it happen.

No word at this time as to how clean they are keeping the road.

Untitled Post

Atlanta – “The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny preclearance of Georgia’s already implemented citizenship verification process shows a shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections.”


“DOJ has thrown open the door for activist organizations such as ACORN to register non-citizens to vote in Georgia’s elections, and the state has no ability to verify an applicant’s citizenship status or whether the individual even exists.”

Article HERE

So the integrity of our electoral process is not sacred to Mr. Obama? (no surprise, he’s a democrat)

Forget the fact that by this, he effectively dilutes the value of your vote to something less than one vote per citizen….

He came to power via the Chicago Machine…why should he be any different?

“vote early, vote often”

That day of decision is getting closer and closer.