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Y’know, while I did not vote for Obama, I have advocated giving the man a chance, and warned all my (many) conservative friends from falling into “Obama Derangement Syndrome”. Much like the liberals fell into Bush Derangement Syndrome” after Bush was elected, and could not find anything he did to be correct, and failed to give Bush a chance to prove himself (he never really did, but that is besides the point).

But Obama is making it difficult for me to keep to my own preaching. The “stimulus package”, the whole lobbyist thing, not to mention his cabinet appointments (these folks are either arrogant enough to believe that they are above the law or poorly guided enough that they cannot vet people well enough to find those who do not pay taxes….), all are beginning to grate on me to the point where I find myself suffering from ODS.

While I realize that his holiness Obama the 1st has issues, and is a socialist, and has the senate And the house on his side, I am becoming surprised by the failures of the administration to LEAD rather than issue edicts. The America public, no matter how the media spins the actions of his administration, will not let too much of this happen before they scream STOP!.

I now understand how the far left liberal whackos must have felt with Bush.

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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

AKA The “stimulus bill.

If you care to try and read the bill:


It takes 4 .PDF’s !

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Some measure of justice

Somewhat relating to the post 2 down:

Border patrol agents released:

They should never have been tried or charged.

It’s no wonder that the Border Patrol is looking hard to find agents.

Prez. Bush finally grew enough balls to commute (not pardon!) their sentences on his way out.

He should have stepped up at the start. He should have taken a stand.

There has to be a point where the political pressure to let illegals break the law will become ineffective. If the people in this country who work so hard for illegals would work as hard, and spend as much money to improve Mexico then the “undocumented workers” most likely wouldn’t have to come here for work

This shit has to stop soon. People will get real tired of this real fast. And then something really bad is gonna happen.

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More than 40% of the time they can’t find it.

Produce the note:

It seems that more than 40% of the time, mortgage banks cannot produce the note that shows the loan. If no note, then is there a mortgage? I know that when I refinanced, I got the old originals from the old note. And I understand that in the “old days” it was a big deal to burn the mortgage once it was paid off.

Make no mistake here, I am not advocating skipping out on your agreement. If that is what you contracted to do, you should do what the contract agrees to. if you made a bad decision when you purchased your home (bad buy, poor choice of loans, etc) then it is on you. You made the deal, and that is that…. But still….

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So this rancher in Arizona detains a bunch of illegals crossing his land. He calls Border Patrol. He GETS SUED for this.
The lawsuit should never have gone to court. Further, whomever paid the bills of the plaintiffs should be run out of town on a rail. After a good beating.

Here is the result of the suit. $78K in damages. Just for detaining trespassers. Who knew that they were breaking laws.

Next time were I him, I’d employ a backhoe. I’m just sayin’. People get lost all the time out there. Shit happens.

WTF is with our court system?

The judge needs something to help his attitude.

Like a rope and a tree.

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Indoctrination in the schools
Public schools.

You kinda expect this in a religious school. The indoctrination of children, that is….and it has been happening in our colleges and universities for a LONG time, said institutions of higher learning being inhabited by a significant percentage of liberals. But college freshmen are, to a large extent, able to think for themselves. Grade school children, not so much.

But this should piss of each and every parent…..Even those who are “green”.

But hey, the AlGoreWhores will do whatever it takes.