
Voted today at 8 AM. In the rural precinct that I vote at, there are 982 members eligible.

by 8 AM there had been 184 votes cast.

I took my Mom to her voting place, and they said turnout was the highest they had seen since 2008.

At least folks are choosing to exercise the privilege of voting.

The fun part about voting where I do, in Northern Indiana, is that they greet me by name at the door:

“Hi, B”
“hi, Anne”
“I need to see your ID. “

‘Cause that’s the law, you know.

No dead people voting in my Precinct.

If you voted, early or today,  for anyone, I thank you.

If you voted MORE than once, I hope you suffer a crotch fire.

Praise all the Gods

It is Election Day.

Which means that, finally, for a while  anyway, the damnable election ads will cease.
Have you noticed that few of the ads say “This is why you should vote for me”? Instead, they say “this is why my opponent is a rat bastard” …Even as they undermine their credibility and veracity because of the half truths and outright lies they say about said opponent.

But after today, for a while, they will cease.

In the meantime, if you haven’t voted early or by mail, PLEASE get out today and exercise the privilege.

Women never lie

Especially about Rape
At least that is what the folks with an agenda tell us.


She should face charges and a sentence that is at least as great as what the accused would have faced.And, in this case, it should be doubled since her lie  was used in an attempt to derail Kavanaugh’s  nomination to the Supreme Court.

Plus, Defamation of Character charges, with civil penalties.

This woman is a slimeball.

And if women really felt that rape was a terrible crime, and had any honor, they’d lead the charge to ostracize her for her false accusation. But they won’t.

I find it interesting

How the media, once the entire non left or right coast voter base (of both sides…blue AND red) yawned at the idea of Sayoc’s bombs being real, or that he was a terrible person and a Trump supporter (which no one with two synapses to rub together believes…except those that think whatever the DNC tells them to) or that the entire story was anything more than an attempt to garner a bit of a sympathy vote from fence sitters…

But innit amazing how, once it became evident that not only did no one believe, but NO ONE CARED….

How quickly the DNC lackys Big Media dropped the story. 

‘Tis interesting:

Somehow, “Defunding Planned Parenthood” becomes “Taking a way a woman’s Right to Choose”…

Interestin’, innit?

If it ain’t free, then  the right to do it is taken away…..??

At least according to Democratic political ads in Chicago, that is.

It is amazing, really…

Open heart surgery on Wednesday.

Walking the next day.

Walking a quarter mile on Friday.

Expected to leave in another 2-3 days.

Full recovery in 6-8 weeks.

Sadly, the state of innovation of the medical arts will stall once we get rid of the profit motive with Socialized medicine if the DNC types get their way. 

So far, so good

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Dad is doing ok. He’s wired like a Google internet server though, and is comfortable as can be expected.