Whose fault?

I mean, I can understand the Flight Attendant needing to have the dog (and the carrier) in a place that was safe for the other occupants of the airplane.

But putting all the blame on the Flight Attendant is, in my opinion, just plain wrong.

The dog was with the owner, and the owner had a responsibility for the dogs safety.

Dog dies after being put in overhead bin for duration of flight.

If the Flight Attendant insisted, she (the owner) should have gotten off the flight. Simply refuse to put the dog there. Get off the plane and find other transportation.

What if the Attendant had insisted that her infant be placed in the overhead bin? Same-Same, as far as I am concerned.

Simply refuse to do so. Yes, it is inconvenient to take that path, but, at the end of it all, it is the pet owner who made the choice to continue the flight with the dog in the overhead. It was her responsibility to ensure the safety of the dog, and her responsibility for what happened. She failed in that responsibility. Yes, the airline shares some of that responsibility, but the owner allowed it to happen.

At some point, one has to simply say “NO”.

Remember who is behind

all of these “Student walkouts”?

The ones pushing for “sensible Gun Control”?

The “grassroots” protest that is happening simultaneously all across the country exactly one month after the Parkland shooting?

Yeah, one of the principle financiers is a billionaire you never heard of….

This guy….

Hillary Clinton supporter and impeachment obsessed billionaire Tom Steyer.

Shameful, using kids to push an agenda:

Oh, wait, the Democrats have done this for years….



Walls work, if the entity building them want the walls to work:

Funny, and all our politicians keep telling me that a “combination of drones, passive sensors and more Border Patrol agents” will work better. But we don’t have enough of those, and no funding for them either.  But somehow we still get MILLIONS of illegals across out southern border every year. 
Of course, I am a racist in that I don’t want brown people to come in illegally and take the prosperity we have, and don’t want the poverty that they bring from the shithole country they left. 

Our border security is in the best hands….

Scary, if true

“Fix NICS” to be combined with National Carry reciprocity?

Firstly, I think National Carry Reciprocity is a shell game. They’ll use it against us. I am a big believer in States Rights, and don’t buy the arguments for National Reciprocity. If the people of the state of Illinois want to elect folks that pass laws to prevent me from carrying with my Indiana CCL, then that is their right.

Second, one can expect politicians of ANY stripe to use the carrot to keep your attention to hide the stick…the work hides the hook, as it were. There aren’t many politicians who are true advocates for the Second Amendment, and they will do whatever they can to take your rights away….and they’ll sweeten the medicine with national CCL reciprocity. “Fixing” NICS will likely cause many of your fellow citizens to get their rights removed under the color of law. Simply getting proper reporting will solve most of the issues we have seen in our recent past.

I urge you contact your senators and congressmen to have them NOT combine these two bills, and have them voted on separately. One does NOT have to follow the other, and