and even curiouser yet….

So not only ONE officer was, apparently, a coward…..BUT 3 others just stood there while shots were being fired in a school? I could buy one cop being a coward, but I find it hard to believe that 4 could be. Hard to believe that 4 cops could be that inept that they would just hide behind their cars while kids were being murdered. (I know I come across sometimes as Anit-Cop, but few of them are cowards)

As I said in previous posts….Curiouser and curiouser.  Things just fail to add up. (Just keep reading down for more examples….)

And one wonders how the cops could figure out who the shooter was in 10 minutes when they had a 20 minute delay to watch the videos….

Damn, I thought I had stocked enough tinfoil for hats for all my household…Now I may not even have enough for myself.

Yep, piss off 5 million customers:

Enterprise, (and National and Alamo…all the same company) and First National Bank of Omaha, Symantec (lifelock and Norton anti virus) and others have decided to “Cut discounts to the gun lobby’s members”. 

Here’s a hint for you folks: We , as NRA members, aren’t the “gun lobby”…. we are individuals who joined to keep our rights and joined an advocacy group that will defend them. We aren’t the “Gun Lobby”…..I’m not the gun lobby. I’m just a guy who like the shooting sports, who hasn’t (and doesn’t want to) hurt anyone, and who just wants to protect my rights from the organized folks who want to take my rights and my firearms away…..I joined the NRA because that is what they do….protect my rights.

And we, as individuals, have a lot of disposable income. (for those that don’t know, guns aren’t cheap, and ammo is expensive….Check out how many folks go to the NRA conventions…and how much money they spend). Folks like me spend a lot more than 20-somethings that can’t pay their bills and live in their parent’s basement.

Next month, I will be travelling. I will rent a car for a week. It (now) won’t be Enterprise or any of their affiliated companies. (the discount isn’t really much, but in principle, I simply won’t do business with them because of this).
Poke a stick in my eye? Not an issue. I will simply do business elsewhere. I moved my entire retirement saving from Chase over their Virtue Signalling stupid donations to SPLC last year, (a Not Insignificant sum) because I would not let those fees charged nor the commissions gained in the handling of my money go to pay the salaries of the CEO who makes such foolish SJW moves.

Same with these companies. I have other places to spend my money.
They have, simply, chosen to reject my business and to alienate me….For good.

‘Cause I have a long memory.

The only way they fix this is to reverse the decision and FIRE those responsible….publicly and loudly….and apologize Until then, I spend my money elsewhere.

ETA: Hertz too. I just cancelled my reservation with them for the rental car next month. 

Remember, Donald:

T’was , in large part, the gun owners who put you into the office you hold right now.

And trying to appease the folks that want you to restrict our freedoms is foolish.
Firstly, they won’t ever be happy until there is a complete ban on private ownership of firearms. Secondly, do you really think that doing this will in any way help your position with those who opposed you? They didn’t vote for you, they will never vote for you, and, indeed, they despise you and all that you stand for. Pandering to these people will alienate the folks who DID support you, who DID vote for you, and, (if you don’t step on your wedding tackle too many times between now and the election) will likely vote for you again.

If you wish to fix things to prevent the sort of shooting that happened in Parkland, Fla, fix the mental health system, fix HIPPA so that mental health issues can be reported to the NICS database. Get people with mental health issues off the street and into places where they can get help and where they, and society, will be protected. Fix things so that cops can report, and get evaluated, those individuals who are disturbed, in order that they can be addressed and, if needed, taken out of society for safety, theirs and ours.

But don’t piss on those who are your supporters for short term political gain. Don’t bend to those who oppose you anyway….Stand there and be a leader.

But he went home safe at the end of his shift…..

Seems that there WAS armed security at Parkland Florida.

Deputy Scot Petersen was outside when the shooting started. and he, apparently, stayed outside.

Sheriff Scott Israel said Deputy Scot Peterson should have “went in. Addressed the killer. Killed the killer.”

If one is gonna take the role of protector, then one should, indeed, be a protector.

Now, instead, he’s branded as a coward. I find it hard to believe that any man could not try to intervene, but would instead cower outside. Admittedly, this happened very quickly, but he could have at least TRIED.

I find it odd, cops are usually better than this.  But if fits with the rest of THIS. Just one more of those odd coincidences that keep popping up. 

questions re: cooking

If you could have only one spice mix in your cabinet (Montreal Steak Seasoning, Mrs Dash, Lemon Pepper, Seasoned salt, etc.)

What would it be?

Everyone has their “go to” seasoning.

Spread the word. Also, tell us where you grew up and learned about that spice, and/or where you are now if that spice is a regional thing.

I’ m curious, that’s why…Besides, I’m tired of commenting on the asshattery of the Liberals and their willing RINO victims. Change of pace. 

Strains the credulity

Watching the bits and pieces of the CNN “town hall” (and the rest of the MSM ) I am amazed that they that anyone would believe that the entire process with the “Students” and some politicians was anything but a scripted bit of theater. One where the questions that were asked, in the order that they were, was anything but a show designed to scare people…and to tug at their heartstrings and to make the politicians look bad.

One might think that in somewhat intelligent people (by that I mean more intelligent than a housecat….or a microwave oven) that it would be obvious enough that this was merely theater, and blatant theater at that…..

But then again, have you seen a commercial for Chevy cars lately? Apparently, theater works for a great number of our fellow citizens.

2020z ETA: Via Kenny we have this, to show how that “Town Hall” could have gone, if we had had someone who was a leader instead of a worm there. Sadly, all we had was Marco.

This should open up a # 10 can of annelids…A thought:

So after this latest school shooting, and despite the normal calls for “More Gun Control” from the Usual Suspects….

And now people are saying that we should “Strengthen the Background Check procedures”…..All of , by the way, were followed…..There was, simply, no reason to deny Mr. Cruze the purchase of a firearm because there was nothing on the record for which to deny him…..No “strengthening” would have fixed that.

And people are saying that “Law Enforcement should have done something”…(which, in the case of the FBI, may be true, but in the case of the locals….what should they have done?).

I have a thought:

We have over the course of my lifetime…which is more half half a century now…as a society, completely screwed up the mental health system in our society. People who are a danger to themselves OR OTHERS are routinely pushed back out onto the street. People who should be taken in for a mental health examination simply aren’t, as the police know that it is a waste of their time and their effort. At one time, these people WERE pulled away from the rest of us and held because they were a safety issue for society.

Now, having said that, at what point should someone be examined and/or held?  When should they be held? There used to be some sort of criteria, and there were places for those people that, once deemed to need it, to be held. We have destroyed the system that worked, and that kept people that were a danger, for the most part, away form the rest of the society at large.

Now, having said THAT, I need to point out that the fear that this would be abused is real, and that there are those, mostly on the Left, but also on the Right, that would abuse it, were they able. We saw that when Barry Obama tried to take freedoms and rights away from those veterans who needed help on their taxes and/or benefits, claiming that that was proof that they were incompetent….

And, really, none of us want to see another mass shooting by a disturbed teenager (as in the latest), or a young male who is drugged to his eyeballs in an attempt to keep him on the streets (Aurora, Colorado, Jared Loughner in Tucson (who should have been denied the firearm, but Momma worked for the Police Department and they never charged him when they should have) and Adam Lanza in Connecticut)

Yes, the Constitutional issues are present, and yes, this can be a very slippery slope. I understand that. No one said this would be easy. And no, I don’t think that the Constitutional issues are of little import.  But, ultimately, society has to police itself and keep it’s defective and dangerous members away from the rest of us much in the manner that we fence or leash a dangerous dog to protect the rest of society.

And one thing that I feel it is necessary to point out is that, logically,  if a person is deemed too much of a danger to society to be allowed the purchase or ownership of a firearm, then they are too much of a danger to society to be allowed to coexist with the rest of us….period.

Reread that sentence above: For those that would use the mental health claim to keep many of us from owning firearms: You’d have to incarcerate us. Because, again: If people are too dangerous to own a firearm, then they shouldn’t be allowed near other people in society. Not have the ability to own rocks, scissors, knives, automobiles, flammable liquids, etc.  Yes, it is a statement that many disagree with. I don’t care. If you are deemed unfit to own a weapon, then you shouldn’t be mixing with the rest of the “normal” members of society….for the safety of the others.


Who, exactly, is paying for all the “teenagers” and “high school students” to travel to the state capitals and Washington DC to “talks with legislators” (and pose for the Cameras)???

Who (or what organization) is organizing the transportation and paying for the busses, lodging, meals and setting up all these meetings? Who is tipping off the media so they can have camera crews ready (and talking heads ready to commentate and pontificate)??

I mean, we are talking MILLIONS of dollars here, when you add it up. Couple of hundred dollars per “student”.

Enquring minds really, really want to know.