Antifa “day of rage” fail

Seems to have been a “Fizzle“.

Rumor has it that it was because the new IPhone was released the day before, and the Antifa participants were too busy figuring out the new features on their new phones to participate in their special day.

Just FYI

I shop at both Home Depot and Menards. Often, Menards has an 11% rebate, which makes their pricing somewhat more competitive…However, also, often the quality of Menards products is….lacking compared to items sold at Home Depot.

Did you know that Home Depot will price match? And that Home Depot will give you an 11% rebate that matches the rebates offered by Menards?

Yep. It is true. If the Menards in your area is offering an 11% (or any) rebate, then the local Home Depot will do the same.

And, the best part? You can apply for it online.


No paper form and finding an envelope and a stamp.  The rebate come faster, and on a gift card rather than a paper form like Menards.

One wonders why the Home Depot folks don’t advertise this…they lose business to Menards every time there is that (well advertised) 11% rebate at their competitor. 

He fails to realize

That it ain’t the Amish…

It isn’t the Jews
It isn’t the Bhuddists

Not Koreans
Nor Thailanders
Nor Canadians (except recent immigrants)
It isn’t the South Africans
It isn’t the Australians (except recent immigrants)

‘Taint the Russians (except those from predominantly Muslim Countries)
It’s not the Hindus
Not the Chinese (except those from Muslim areas)

Not the Latinos
Not, mostly Christians (in all their various flavors)

Nor the Native peoples from North America, nor even the poor Mexicans who are invading the US….

It is one group that does this. Not all of them, but predominantly from one group. Islam. (I am just glad they all seem to be so terribly inept, so they aren’t able to kill more of my countrymen, of whatever culture/race/religion)

Yet the mayor of New York wants, somehow, to vet people so this sort of attack like the one perpetrated on 1/1/17 in his city doesn’t happen again……but he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling, either:
“There should be very, very careful vetting of anyone where there is an indication of concern, but not because of their religion or not because of their country of origin,” he said.

And he is hungry for an Omelette, but he doesn’t wanna break any eggs either.

NY is lucky

Terrorist Driver (Won’t name him again) could have used the materials available at the Home Depot where he rented the truck to ……Fortify, as it were, the front end of the truck,,,,which would have allowed him to do much more damage for a longer time.

It isn’t like he was gonna get his damage deposit back anyway.

A drill, a set of bits, some 4 x 4’s and some carriage bolts and an hour or so would have made the front of the truck much more substantial.

It’s a good thing he either couldn’t do it or didn’t think of this.

(I’m posting this only because I think the likelihood of a Jihadist/AlohaSnackbar type being a follower of my blog is very low, and if they are, then they are smart enough that they’ve already considered this)

I’d tell em to go somewhere else to worship.

So some folks feel unsafe because of a plaque.

Fuckin’ Snowflakes.

Fuck ’em.

It is history.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome,” leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

Christ, what has our society become? Is it all Goodspeak/Badspeak that runs our society anymore?
Y’know, George Orwell wasn’t supposed to be a prophet.