Who did he piss off?

While I don’t know Harvey Weinstein, and until a few days ago, had never heard of him, I gotta ask:

Who did he piss off?

Apparently his use of the “casting couch” was well known, and all those women who went to him for his access willingly chose to do so. As far as I can tell, he NEVER forced anyone to fall upon that couch. Apparently they chose to pay that price in an attempt to gain stardom.

Plus, he’d been using that tactic for more than 20 years….And, apparently everyone in the business knew it.

I find it hard to believe that he is the only man (or woman) to use their power like that.

Why, suddenly, is the fact that he did so, something of a terrible revelation? Apparently it was an “open secret” until a few days ago, then it became something else…..

It looks like he is being “Cosby’d” to me. Someone is mad at him and is going to take him down.

So why now? Why are they going after him NOW?

Why not earlier, or 5 years ago….or 3? Or even last year, before the election?

Why now? Who gains? 

The nose of the tent under the camel…..

So, here we have a VERY broadly (and poorly) written ban on “bump stocks or “any part or combination of parts that is designed and functions to increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle.”….

and it is, indeed, the opening for further Gun Control.

Make no mistake, I have no need for a bump stock. I’ve seen and used one. It is merely for the most part, a way to turn expensive ammunition into smoke and noise downrange. One cannot be accurate when using a bump stock (I can’t, anyway). nor do I think any of the other toys mentioned in this bill are useful for a marksman.

Having said that, this is the opening wedge. Especially since it is a “bipartisan” bill.

Let us not forget that the ATF(e) has stated that Bump Stocks are legal. No one can prevent someone else from choosing to use something legal in an illegal manner. Nor were Bump Stocks the only way that killing large numbers of people can be accomplished. 


Yesterday was better weather.

Flew to another small airport, about 20 miles away. Wind there was 170 at 8 so I landed on 20.

5 times. All decent landings. Lots of room for improvement, but good ones nonetheless.

Flew home, did one go around because we thought there was an animal on the runway, then a full stop landing.

I’m much happier with my progress than I was a week ago.

I do find the 172 to be much heavier in pitch than the 150.

No father

Or, at least, no father figure.

All those Moms didn’t need a man in their life (except to pay the bills and donate sperm).

Home improvement stores are running out of customers: Need classes and “clinics” to teach Millenials how to do things like pound nails and replace hinges.

I knew how to do most things like that, if not well, at least safely and by age 15. Most of my friends (those whose parents weren’t divorced, and even some of those whose parents were) could do so as well. I had a Dad. Mom chose well.

Lots of 30 somethings and 40 somethings are adequate at “man” tasks….they can build a wall, fix a door, weld, run pipe, wire and outlet, do drywall, etc. Hell, lots of women learned. Not so today….

20 somethings can’t do any of the above, cause no one taught ’em how. No dads to teach ’em. Some men can’t even change a tire. (or open a car with the keys locked inside)

Blame their moms.

(I should point out that Dad never taught me now to “pick a paint color” though. He (like me) saw the world in 8 bit color)

ETA: Apparently (according to comments) I am wrong, at least partially.

It may be that many millenials are simply unwilling to learn. But I do know that none of the ones that have learned to do things didn’t have fathers…they all learned from Dad how to do man things. I know of very few that can do man things who lived without a father.

Prolly no flying today, either

Didn’t yesterday, visibility was less than 3 miles and the ceilings were at about 600.

Pretty much the same today.

But, I am scheduled for 10 AM, and if the weather screws me, apparently there is a backup plan for filling in some holes in my knowledge.

Wow, a leftist reporter who can think clearly

Not many of those around:

I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.”

Of course, most of us who handle firearms on a regular basis already knew that, but to see it in print from a leftist rag is kinda shocking.

And I found it at the Freeholder, who is worth reading when he posts.

(this is how a responsible blogger gives credit when he steals another bloggers thunder, for those of you who fail to give credit four sources, BTW)

NFL folds

SO the NFL (Not the teams, nor the players, but the National Football League itself) has folded regarding the “protests” at the National Anthem at the start of the games.

Apparently, the loss of revenue did what good sense couldn’t.

Huffpo has the letter (with commentary).

‘Bout fuckin’ time.

Now contrast the above with this.

(terrible singing, mind you, but the heart is there)

Have you read this?

Woodpile Report.

Worth a read.

If I could find a way to stop supporting the NRA and to still be a member of my range (it is a requirement for membership) I would quit them…and never return as a member of the NRA….I would.

Ruck ’em. They betrayed every member.