Now that is what a border wall should be.
Of course, then one needs a minefield to make things even less encouraging for those who would try to cross.

And the company the company that has proposed it is being threatened by the SJW’s….

I think they ought to let people sponsor a section.

(I especially l ike his offer to those who would oppose the wall….He will come and remove the fence around their house….for free….Since after all they oppose walls and all…

Lack of posting

Dental issues are taking up most of my meager intellect. Therefore the cogitation needed for blogging is lacking.

Sorry ’bout that.

One wonders how the police officers

Were able to leave the plane unharmed.

Officers beat man unconscious and drag him off plane in bloody mess. 

One would think, in a post 9-11 world, that the attacking officers would be beaten by passengers. One wonders why this did not occur.

I see several things:

1. The officer doing the beating should be sued…no “professional immunity”.

2. The officers that were with him, who stood by and did nothing, should be fired for failing to stop a crime in progress….specifically battery and/or assault.

3. Once I am issued a boarding pass and seated. That is my seat. You can deny me a boarding pass and therefore a seat, and rebook me on another flight…but once I am seated, the contract (ticket) is in force. (yeah I know, Obeying the “legal orders of a flight crew”…but that is valid only once the airplane has left the terminal, so not valid here) United owes this guy BIG compensation for their actions. If not forthcoming voluntarily, then through the court system.

But, again, why did the passengers allow some guy with a badge to beat a man unconscious for refusing to vacate a seat he had paid for and been assigned? Why was the man with a badge not stopped…with force, if necessary? There were plenty of passengers who could have, at least, blocked the aisles and called for State police or other law enforcement.

Allowing such behavior, cop or not, is wrong. 

Seems to me

That TheDonald would be better served if he found another person to replace Reince Priebus.

Dude is not giving Trump good advice and he is subtly twisting the Donald towards the (failed) GOP philosophy.

A nice warm evening last night

So 9 people were shot on the south and near west sides of Chicago.

Yes, there is an ethnic correlation here.

No one may want to admit it, but there is. Same same the “victims”.  ‘Twasn’t Amish folks that do this in the evening. Nor others that look like them. Nor were the victims Amish. Odd, that.
As the population increases in the West sides, so do the shootings.

Yeah, I’m a racist for noticing the correlation. 

Rumor has it

That Chuck Schumer was threatened with more “Workout bands” if he got in the way of the Gorsuch Confirmation.

Seems that there were several groups threatening to send him “Workout Bands” if he didn’t just shut up.

I hear a lot of rumors, so this may or may not be true. But I notice that his eyes aren’t blackened and he has no bruises, so….

For those interested:

The Never-Seize won.

I believe it can get under anything, and that you can spread 0.01 ounces over a square mile.

The Loctite tried valiantly, but lost.

I’m gonna have to use a couple of cans of BrakeClean to get all the mess off of my tools.