‘Tis a good thing

That the Right wasn’t inclined to be as poorly behaved 8 years ago as the Leftist protesters are today…

We have guns. Lots of ’em.

Good thing that we are (generally) law abiding.

I find the fact that these folks are doing what they are doing, and that it is accepted that they will do it to be a demonstration of how the Left has brought the level of our civilization down a notch or seven.

Were I in charge, you’d be told ONCE, to leave…then everyone would be arrested….and none to gently.

This is disgraceful, no matter who is president.

But we have seen that the Left is largely composed of childlike people, haven’t we?

ETA: It is always the Left that can’t protest peacefully, isn’t it? Riots and property destruction during a protest has been a Democratic tactic as long as I can remember. Of course, many of those folks were just recently repudiated and tossed out of Washington, weren’t they? 

Noticed something today:

The folks there for Trump did NOT “boo” Outgoing President Obama . There were no bad words, no disrespectful comments, nothing. They left him alone.

Unlike 8 years ago, when Barry took the reigns from George W.

One might think that there is a maturity difference there. Or just some class. 

Seriously, It’d make her head explode

If, once he is sworn in, he has his office find Hillary and connect her to him in the Oval Office just so he could gloat enquire about her health (since she hasn’t been seen for a week or so).

I’d pay good money to hear that conversation.



So about half of the folks in DC today will be protesters.

Most of whom cannot articulate the thing for which they are protesting…..
Mostly they appear to be protesting Donald Trump….Because: Reasons.

I’ve always believed that if you cannot articulate the reason for your protest in 2 sentences/10 words or less, then you lack focus for your protest. These folks can’t explain their reasons in 5 minutes.

Women are marching because…..vagina? (many say they are marching in solidarity…..Solidarity for WHAT?
 Gays are marching and protesting because…..????

Others are marching (seemingly) because Trump not Hillary.

Either way, they are really wasting their time.

If they weren’t such and irritant, they’d be a joke.

The end of an error:

One more day. come a little after 10:00 Central time.

One more day!

Then a new day dawns for America.

He’ll prolly fuck it up, along with Congress (who could screw up a 19 year old boy’s wet dream without trying).

But at least he won’t be trying to “Fundamentally Change” the country…..and Trump, at least, loves the USA and the citizens therin. And he has the country’s best interests at heart, not the welfare of the Saudis.


So while we are experiencing near record and unseasonable warmth in most of the country…..

Fairbanks Alaska is experiencing:


My understanding is that tires break at those temps.

Coldest I’ve ever experienced was -46. and that not for long….’Cause I said “Fuck NO” and went back inside.

CBS is SHO’NUFF doin’ they job…

They are making sure to report the news.

‘Specially that news about the report by the failed spy (“Christopher Steele”, Really? ) about Trumps actions in Russia. Of course, after they’ve repeated all the bad things they can about Mr. Trump (Over and OVER and OVER again….) they make sure and tell us that the report is, of course “Unsubstantiated” and “Unconfirmed”….then they repeat the allegations again to firmly cement the image in the audiences mind.

They are, in my opinion, libeling Mr. Trump. I’d feel the same way if they were using this tactic against Barry or Hillary. There is biased, and then there is over the top.

Really Sharp

The problem with carpet knife blades is that you don’t realize that you’ve cut yourself until you see the blood on your jeans.

And the new carpet.

NEVER try to catch a dropped knife.


Luckily, I clot fast.